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Victor woke up dry of course. There wasn’t any need for him to pee in his diapers. At least that’s what he thought.

Francis had come in first thing in the morning and checked his diaper and, based on her actions, was extremely disappointed. “I’m not sure what the purpose of you wearing diapers is if you’re not going to use them,” she clucked annoyingly while squeezing the front of his padding.

Victor just responded simply, “I’m not a baby.”

That seemed to be the most common of refrains nowadays. But it was helpless while he was in the program. No one using the app at this point was convinced that he didn’t want to be in the situation he was in.

“But you are mommy’s little boy.” Francis left the room and told him to keep his dry diapers on for breakfast.

Victor, expecting the royal treatment, entered his living room to find that not only was there no food already made, but that Francis expected him to make breakfast. Victor scratched his head confused. Last night she’d made dinner. I guess this is the part where he was “still and adult” sometimes. Victor shook his head slightly at this whole situation. How the hell was supposed to survive this if he didn’t know the rules?

But he also didn’t want her to do everything for him either. Victor was fighting this complicated game, where he was trying to stay in control of the situation and at the same time, go with the flow. He had figured out during this process the more he fought it, the worst things still seemed to get. Victor was under the impression that if he could hold off his urge to fight, he could survive. But as he made the eggs, he realized he’d never been very good at not fighting. His will to be independent was always too strong.

After breakfast, Francis and Victor sat down to eat. Francis, holding her usual air of authority, started listing off what they were going to do that day. There would be grocery store time and time for meal prep. Not to mention the chores that needed to be done around the apartment.

Victor couldn’t help but feel like this had to have been what having a live-in girlfriend looked like. Planning your day together in the morning. Meal prepping together. It would have been great had he not felt like he had any say in wearing a diaper. The funny thing though, Victor had never considered what his lifestyle would look like had he integrated diapers into his relationship. Sure he liked to be forced into diapers from time to time, everyone liked a little humiliation, but it was usually on his terms, not some strange woman who wouldn’t mind walking into a crowded bar with a diaper in her hand demanding he submit.

Francis reminded him that he would have to make sure he wet his diaper every hour during the day and that she would be checking. After clearing the plates Victor peed a little and looked at the clock. It was going to be a long day of chores and boredom.

But as it turned out, the day moved pretty quickly. Victor discovered that while the diapers were incredibly absorbent, they forced him to waddle. Francis openly laughed at him when he was at the shops, pointing out loudly that her “little baby's diaper was bulging so big.”

Victor, to his credit, tried to ignore her.

But Francis was not to be ignored. She stopped what she was doing and asked, “Victor baby, are your diapers wet?”

Victor stopped. She was so fucking loud. Turning around, he noticed her hands on her hips and determined that she was not going to stop unless he played along.

Feeling small, he nodded.

“I can’t hear you baby.” Francis responded.

Victor sighed a little. “My diapers are wet.”

Francis clapped her hands. “Yes. They. Are.” She bopped him on the nose to emphasize each point. “And they’re bulging too aren’t they?”

Victor’s face was burning with embarrassment at this point. But he complied.

“Yes, my diapers are bulging Francis.”

“Oh no. it’s not Francis… it’s mommy.”

Victor felt tiny.

“Yes… mommy my diapers are bulging.”

Francis… well… mommy smiled and continued shopping.

But the more Victor waddled in the shops and the more he leaked into his diaper, the more he realized Francis had a point. There was no way his diaper was going to survive another wetting. He could tell at this point. The diaper was beyond saturated and he was feeling wetter and wetter every moment, he could tell the diaper had stopped absorbing any liquid. So he tapped Francis on the shoulder and asked quietly, “Mommy, may I please have a diaper change?”

It felt weird asking someone out loud for a diaper change, especially when doing an ultra adult task like grocery shopping.

Francis dismissed him however. Told him he could wait and encouraged him to keep drinking his water bottle like a good baby.Victor just groaned and took another sip of the giant bottle of water she handed him.

But it seemed like Francis wasn’t going to tortue him because about half an hour later she led him to the family bathroom and laid out a mat on the tile floor. In typical fashion, she had to drag out the moment.

“Looks like these extra thick diapers held up really well. You should thank Mommy Francis for putting you in them.”

Victor stayed quiet. That’s when she gave his balls a light slap causing Victor to let out a Yelp.

“Thanks Francis.” He mumbled.

Francis frowned. “You know I was going to let you wear big boy underwear tomorrow because you were being so good. But I don’t think you deserve it.”

Victor's ears perked up. This was a good opportunity for him. It would mean he wouldn’t have to waddle around all day, forced to drink a ton of water. “I’m sorry Francis, er… Mommy. Thank you for letting me wear my thick diapers.” Victor actually meant it this time especially if it meant he didn’t have to wear this hot diaper all day.

Embarrassingly enough, Victor instantly started peeing the moment the diaper was taped around him. Francis, took notice and simply smiled.

And that’s how the rest of the day went. Victor would drink his water and he’d stay diapered and keep getting checked throughout the day.  Because he had no interest in wearing diapers the next day on what was no doubt going to be another warm summer day, he was extra good and sappy. He thanked his “mommy” each time she changed him. Victor willingly submitted to diaper checks and got rid of his pants when he was in the house.

For all intents and purposes, Victor was an obedient boy.

That night as Victor climbed into bed, he asked Francis if he had earned his big boy pants back tomorrow. Francis looked at him with a weird look on her face.

“You really want those big boy pants don’t you?” She rustled his hair.

Victor nodded.

“Let’s see how I feel tomorrow morning.” Francis turned off the light and snuggled him behind him patting his diapered bottom as she fell asleep.

But the next morning Victor learned the hard way that big boy pants weren’t exactly what he wanted.

It started out simply enough.

Francis told him that because he had been so good yesterday, he could wear his big boy underwear. Elated, Victor rolled over and waddled to his dresser, only to find that in place of his normal boxers, were brightly colored training pants. The training pants looked childish. For starters, they were briefs, like a child would wear. On the outside were cartoon characters like dinosaurs, robots and in some cases, princesses. Victor picked up one of the offending garments and noticed that there seemed to be an extreme amount of padding in the seat and front of the training pants,no doubt intended to catch dribbles.

“I can’t wear these.” Victor said stubbornly.

“Then you’re never getting out of diapers.” Francis said leaving the room. “You wanted big boy underwear, this is simply the next step.”

Victor’s face burned. He knew this was too good to be true. To make matters worse, Francis was pretending not to know why this was a problem. He wasn’t going to be able to workout in these pants. The moment he did anything, the lining of the underwear would show.

But the more Victor thought about it, he remembered that when he was diapered 24/7, his waistband would sometimes show and no one said anything. At least now he’d be able to use the bathroom like a reasonable adult. That meant he’d also be able to do number two in the toilet for a change. This could be a good thing for him and not as all as bad as the last week he was in the program.

“Fine.” Victor growled. He grabbed the most masculine looking pair (briefs with toy trucks on them) and took his diaper off and hopped in the shower. After cleaning himself off, he had to admit, the training pants were comfortable. They were kinda like diapers, but not really. The way they fit was a bit odd, he wasn’t used to not having a crinkle when he walked. While the training pants didn’t crinkle, the slight rustling did remind him that he wasn’t wearing big boy underwear, but something infantile.

He hated to admit it, but these training pants were a step in the right direction. Victor thought hard, his goal was to make sure he’d be able to wear them all week.

Victor pulled his jeans up, grabbed a tee shirt and met Francis at the breakfast table where he sat down (legs dangling and all) and thanked her for making breakfast.

“No problem,” Francis said smiling warmly. “Here’s some orange juice.” She set a tall glass in front of him at the table, and a glass of water. “Don’t forget to stay hydrated.”

Victor nodded and took a sip of the juice, realizing that for the first time this week, he’d be using the toilet the next time he had to pee.

“Now before you go into the office today, there are a few rules you have to know about.” Francis steepled her fingers and looked in Victor’s direction. “And if you don’t follow them, you’re back in diapers for good this week.”

Victor groaned and looked at her.

You’ve got to be kidding me.



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