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The first thing he noticed was that he couldn’t move. 

And then he heard his girlfriend's voice. 

“Does this feel familiar?” she taunted. 

He tried to speak up, but all that escaped was drool and a garbled noise.

“Aww poor baby, you can’t speak can you?” His girlfriend’s voice was laced with sweetness. But he was feeling anything but sweet at this moment. 

He had made a critical error in his thinking. Just the other night his girlfriend had asked him if he had any kinks and he’d said no, deciding now was not the time to reveal his diaper fetish. He was scared that she’d recoil, move backwards or even break up with him. 

But it turns out she had asked him because she knew.  

She knew he wanted to be a helpless drooling baby. Wanted to become her plaything. Forced to sit in his bulging diaper until “mommy” came to change him.

“I guess you didn’t think I’d find out did you?” She sat on the bed next to him and patted the front of his bulging diaper. Strangely enough, he hadn’t remembered wetting it. But then she explained it to him.

“Last night I put a pill in your post workout shake. It reduces your body to that of an infant. No control over your legs, arms, anything really.” She continued to pat the front his his heavy diaper as he tried to sit up, get any motion in his arms and legs. “The pill lasts 24 hours. And then all function returns. Oh and you can forget about bowel and bladder control.” She giggled.

“When I found out you wanted to be mommy’s helpless drooling baby, I decided to help you along for a bit. Now you can know what it’s really like.”

He tried to speak. Tried to tell her that this isn’t what he wanted. That it was only a game, a fetish. Something to do for fun. But he couldn’t speak, only drool escaped his mouth.

“Because you wanted this so badly, I put three pills in your drink, so that should give you about three days of fun baby time. Don’t worry, I know this weekend you wanted to hang out with the guys, but I know you’d much rather be doing this instead. So just lie there, I’ll bring you a new bottle every hour. Who knows..” she said grinning before shutting the door. “There might be another pill in there at the end of the weekend. I might want you to be my baby forever…”

The door shut and he gurgled some more. He was trapped…


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