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Our gift to all of you: A MINI-3-EPISODE-HAIKYU-BINGE!!  🥰

We hope you enjoy your early access! If you have ever played a competitive sport, you can relate with Hinata's nervousness in this episode!

We appreciate every single one of you beautiful people for joining our Patreon and supporting us! 🙏🏽💜

NOTE: If you are looking for our BTS reactions, we have a separate Patreon exclusively for these, where we release 3 BTS reactions per week! Visit here: https://www.patreon.com/jaredandjordanBTS



Alva S



Happy Valentines day to us 😆 Thinking about how Tsukki and Hinata are 'foils' keep in mind that Hinata is the *try your hardest* type so maybe Tsukki is the *bare minimum* type, for now, right? Like he's too cool to try hard... Is the vibe he's given off so far.


Happy Valentines! 💝

Jake Thompson

Couple notes: It'll come up a few times, but prefectures can be considered states or districts in Japan. Usually when the characters are thinking or having an internal monologue, the subtitles are slightly italicized.



Janiya X2

Happy Valentine’s Day 💌


Valentine's Day with Haikyuu 💜 💜 Thank you so much! Also, don't sell yourselves short! You guys are intelligent as well 😊 I think because we have seen Haikyuu many times and had time to analyze, it might seem like we are smarter. Everyone is smart in their own way!!!


Anime marks the start and end of commercials with a little scene or shot. Haikyuu has them practicing aiming, Death Note has the rules, AoT gives world information like about the walls or their gear. Most of the time they're just for fun Thank you for reading my comment! I'll try to remember not to swear 😇 34.35 Those characters are other members of the Volleyball team. You will eventually learn about them A little trivia! Haikyuu is so well loved because the creator brought in, collaborated, video taped, ect, actual professional volleyball players. This makes the body movements and plays look and seem very realistic. Several Olympic players have reacted to this show and love it. Takeda is the school faculty member that is responsible for the club. He'll talk and arrange things with other schools, arrange travel and housing, figure out where money for the club comes from. Lots of stuff, but he's not a coach. Japan can be very hierarchical. Daichi, the captain, would be expected to pay for snacks, but it was kinda rude of Hinata to start eating before everyone else, especially the seniors.


is it true that the author of Haikyuu was a middle blocker? I know they were a volleyball player but I wasn't sure what position they played.

Ashley K

Thanks guys!! 💜💜 I wish it was Valentine’s Day every day for triple uploads of every show lol 😂 1-2 is not enough 😭😭


Happy Valentine’s Day! Prefectures are equivalent as “states” in the US. Takeda is not the coach as he had said so in the episode that he has no experience in volleyball. He’s a teacher from the school who is in charge of the volleyball club and would take responsibilities for the volleyball club if anything comes up.


For the future: you should also watch episodes 15 & 16 together as well.


Happy Valentine’s Day ! 🩵


I don't know! I haven't heard that, but would love to know. That would make even more sense


Your bickering is so funny. I'm really looking forward to your haiyku reactions but espescially to season 4 for some reason😆 You're right, the teams switch sides after every set, and if they play a third set they switch when the first team reaches 13 points. The two guys standing next to Suga on the sidelines and the one guy refereeing are second years. We haven't really been introduced to the three of them yet, but you see them often in the background. In Japan when you say someone's name most of the time you add a suffix at the end of it (like Suga-"san") to indicate how familiar you and the person are. Some are more polite and respectful, and some are more endearing. -"san" is used for someone you respect or you don't know that well, or friends or just to be polite (you pretty much can not go wrong with -san) -"kun" for young men or boys, usually someone you're familiar with. -"chan" for or among girls, for young children, grandmas and animals, and can be used as a term of endearment (Can sometimes be used in a condescending way, like in ep 7). -"senpai" for upperclassmen, someone who is older and in a higher position than you(work/school) -"sensei" teacher


They rotate after each set is won. The guys on the side are part of the team like 2nd string? 🤣


Oh my goddd I can’t believe people haven’t told you on your anime journey about honorifics in Japanese so far. Okay so basically they operate a bit differently from Korean but are still attached to end of names. So in the first episode hinata’s friends called him sho-chan. It’s his name shortened and the honorific chan is added. So brief usage of them each, typically anyone can add san to the end of most names, regardless of gender if your of similar status so that’s probably why you heard tsukki-san. Then you’ve got kun which is amongst men only so men would add kun to the end of eachothers name (they can also add san to the end of the name bc that’s for anyone) unlike korean you can’t just call people by the honorific like hyung or unnie, you have to say the name as well unless it’s sensei (teacher) or there’s probably more but I’m not remembering. Adding chan to the end of names is usually like an endearment thing usually for children or people your close to. Those are the ones you’ll hear the most in anime. I suggest looking some up just to get familiar with them. There’s not too many though.


Happy Valentine’s Day to you both, too. Thanks for spreading some Haikyuu!! love. Kageyama purchases a milk-like yogurt drink from the vending machine. Also notice his habit of punching two buttons on the vending machine each time he makes a purchase (what might this tell us about his character?). Kageyama is often described as a sullen, arrogant, short-tempered, perfectionist, yet he drinks something soft and sweet; a boyish drink rounding out his harsh edges. Regarding foils, notice how Tsuki (moon, tall, standoffish) antagonizes Hinita (sun, short, affectionate) and they each magnify and amplify each other’s differences for the viewer. Hinata is envious of Tsuki’s height and blocking ability, while Tsuki is envious of Hinata’s stamina and relentless desire to score/win. Hinata and Kageyama function as a unit, which isn’t a classic definition of foils. You will meet Kageyama’s foil soon! Excited for your first impression of that incoming character. Look for a character that knows Kageyama well, well enough to hit him where it hurts. They may share similarities but this character will have something Kageyama does not which will make him quite the credible threat. A little trivia fun: Many brand names are spoofed in anime. Notice the bare foot logo found on Tsuki’s sweatshirt and the club’s warm up jackets. Below the foot are the letters “ICS.” Foot in Japanese is “ashi.” Combine “ashi” + ICS = and you get a play on the sportswear brand ASCIS. Question: Have you ever tried pork buns (the snack Daichi buys the team)?


i'm warning you now that tsukki will leave you confused for a while. he's a pretty complex character and he doesn't really get any of it explained until the later seasons. I'll just say there's more to him than meets the eye.


bibi i believe he was a middle blocker in his school days.


here is the link https://haikyuu.fandom.com/wiki/Haruichi_Furudate


Happy Valentine’s Day guys! Thank you for the 3 episode binge 🥹🫰🏽


couldn't have said it any better there, @bibi.. :)

Lauren H.

1. Class 1/Class 3 -- they're in different homeroom classes 2. It's very common to use shorthands to refer to schools in this show. So Kitagawa Daichi, Kageyama's old school is called Kita-Ichi; Aoba Johsai's nickname is Seijoh (the switch to Sei as the first syllable has to do with the way the characters for the name can be read). There are also lots of characters whose names get shortened to nicknames in various ways. For example Sugawara to Suga, Tsukishima to Tsukki. Sometimes the nickname will be some combo of syllables from both the first and last name of the character as well. Sorry, there's no good way to explain how they come up with them! it's just based on vibes and what is easy to say in Japanese hahah 3. The guys who were on the sideline that you didn't recognize are basically background team members...the show almost never focuses on them; it's just to show that the team has more than like, six people loool 4. Most anime have short little comedic sketches or short bits of content that set up the next episode at the end of each episode after the closing song plays. They're not necessary to understand the plot, so I'm usually too lazy to watch them but it sounds like people want you to, so you could fast forward through the closing song and then just watch the ending scenes. This also might apply to AoT and Death Note (not sure since, like I said, I usually skip haha)


Happy Valentines Day twins! Appreciate the mini binge watch and I’m such a fan of your discussions. Haikyuu uses a lot of sarcasm so you’ll definitely see moments here and there. Tsukki is a very sarcastic character that will eventually grow on you. He’s very snarky with his remarks. Keep in mind, this is Takeda’s first year with the team so he’s not very knowledgeable about volleyball. Suga wasn’t the one who yelled at Kageyama. It was Kinoshita, one of the characters you haven’t really met.

Kaning Guliko

Note about the advisor: Most of every Japanese high school club is required to have at least one teacher per club. It’s can be any teacher in the school and they don’t necessarily have to know about sport in order to be advisor. Their job is to help students if they’re need anything. This is all I know. Right now they still don’t have a real coach


everyone has their own opinions but me personally I like starting with the english dub version first (if the show has one) just so I can understand the show... and if I liked it I would go back and rewatch in the english sub version. I did this with Fairytail... I started with the english dub episodes and went back to the english sub episodes.... and in some newer animes they may just have the english sub episodes released. I know in the last season of Fairytail the final few episodes were the english sub.


It is the end of May, I have just joint today, because I love Haikyuu so much (I don't know... watched this show - including reaction videos - about 40 times or so) and I am learning new things! I know a lot of things regarding this show, the characters, the meaning of some scenes and something about the voice actors/actress. BUT what I have learned until now from your patreons ... great! ... well ... no other channels has ever provided those infos!!! ... because ... Idk .... So... Chapeau! ... for all those patreons here!! Thanks!!!! And for you two... you both have such a pleasant deep voice, somehow claming.. . and your view of this show and everything is just perfect!