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The battle between Kira & L intensifies in today's episode...they're both getting more & more UNHINGED.

EPISODE #6️ ("Unraveling") reaction coming soon!

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Yay just in time I can watch this while I start my workday 😁


What a nice early start to the day! 🙌🏽 The mood of this episode matches today’s weather in SoCal 😂 (no sun just overcast with heavy rain and high winds). If Kira were to rain down his power on all of Japan (or the world)…I imagine the weather would be just like this but darker. As always, great reaction and great discussion to the questions too!


I see you guys could have been wondering about how Light actually killed all those FBI agents since all he knew were just their names. At 36:44 it's pretty much explained, that Raye Penber wrote down all those names on pages taken from Death Note and thus, while Raye was writing them down in the train, Light urged him to look closely at all the photos of the agents on his laptop. Meaning Light didn't even have to do anything besides writing additionally time and cause of death, Raye ''unwillingly killed all his colleagues'' by looking at the photos and writing their names in the pages of Death Note without even knowing.


Omg I was waiting for this!!! I’m so excited. It’s getting good now!!! Things are getting tense haha, I’m so ready to see y’all’s reactions. Thank yall again so much! Cant wait


To add onto this, the most important thing is to know how Raye got all the names in the first place. So what happened is the following: 1. Sometime before the train scene, Light writes something like this in his death note: “Dies after sending Raye Penber the files on all the FBI agents that have come to Japan”. Important to note is that he wrote this instruction without attaching any name to it. 2. He gives pages of the notebook to Raye in the train station, and tells Raye to fill in the name of his superior in charge of the agents coming to Japan, in the top spot. This is a brilliant move since it activates the instructions Light wrote in step 1. Light couldn’t do that since he doesn’t know who is in charge of the investigation. 3. Instructions in step 1 are activated, Raye receives the files on all agents that have come to Japan from his superior, and the superior dies. He can now see the faces and names of all his colleagues. 4. Raye writes the names of all his colleagues in the left over spots. They all die of a heart attack as a result of that.

Cheryl Lambert

Most importantly he shielded the Death Note in a file folder so that Raye can only see the empty space to write the names without seeing the details in the notes. Brilliant.


here’s some help: - Who writes on the Death Note pages kills people. the writer can be anyone. - Raye Penber wrote the people’s names and killed them. Light told Penber to look at the pictures of the agents faces on his pc before writing the names which is why Penber had in mind their faces while writing their names and could kill them - One thing Light mentioned this episode which is important to also mention is that the cause of death can be written before writing the names on the death note. Light gave pages with conditions written on them and Penber simply filled the pages with names while watching pictures of the agents faces. Someone can write “car accident” now and then “Mark Zuckerberg” later, instead of doing the opposite. Mark was the first person that came to mind but you get what i mean.

Dayana Santamaria

Yaaaaasss i love anime in the original audio


Cheryl!!! I wondered where you went 😭 do you have insta? I don't post often but I do use DMs on there, @fox134340


so…what’s the situation here? You and fox couldn’t talk anymore because of twitter issues like losing the account? Just asking, if you feel like it’s a private matter, feel free to ignore my comment.

Precious Wah


Precious Wah

All love, thank you guys.


she just got locked out of her account,I think, which is where we had added each other before! nothing crazy lol

Cheryl Lambert

I had nothing but trouble with the app so we lost contact. We found a work around 😁💜


when you guys finish the anime you have to watch the live-action movies from Japan, their are three from the late 2000's and they are so good. i don't know about the netflix one from 5-7 years ago, but the Japanese ones are really good.

misa misa

So happy I don't have to wait for these now, you two are the best!

Trinda 💜

I am so excited that you guys included my comment 😊 makes me feel special. A part of me feels like this anime is a little harder to understand with just subtitles vs hearing it in English. Light didn't kill the FBI agents, Raye did. Light gave him pages out of the Death Note in the file so that when he received that email with all the agents names and faces and he wrote their names on the pages they would die. Raye is actually the one who killed his colleagues. Light also tells Ryuk before they get on the train that he learned he could write down a cause of death for a person and add their name at a later time vs writing their name first then writing the cause of death. Ryuk himself says he didn't know that was possible. As much as I love and prefer subbed anime, I'll admit there are times when I appreciated the dubbed versions just to better understand what is happening. There are many anime I have watched both versions for this purpose. As always you guys are amazing and I'm anxious to continue this journey with you. 💜

Lynn #7

Hi J&J, the confusion, shock and frown on your faces 🤣 thank you for this as always! The intellectual battle between Light and L is just getting started 🔥 Up till now, we have seen how Light experimented, controlled victims to an extent before their deaths, and now killed FBI agents as well. What do you think will be “Unraveled” in the next episode? What is Raye’s fiancee going to do? With the five remaining officers working more closely with L in the hotel, will Light be able to get to them first or get caught before he does? Feel free to predict 👏🏻 looking forward to the next! 💜🙏🏻💜🙏🏻


konnichiwa~ another short contribution (。◕‿◕。) I cannot wait for you to know L! whatever you imagine, he is different. some help after watching your reaction: • this episode is the continuation of Light’s experiments. he asked Ryuk about that. if you don’t write the cause of the death, it’s a heart attack after 40 secs. if you write the cause, you have 6m40 to write de details. but then what if you write 'heart attack' as a cause? you will have 6m40 to write the details of what happens before the heart attack. and what if you write the details first, then the names? this is something even Ryuk had not thought about. • also, Light takes advantage in the fear the others are feeling, that’s why he lies a lot (I know your family, I can kill anyone here just like that, etc.) he did not investigate Raye Penber. he didn’t know he had a fiancée. he just talked about his 'loved ones' and Penber was so scared by what he had just witnessed that he automatically thought about his fiancée. that’s why Light smiled after. he got him. if I am not mistaken, Penber actually said 'oh no (or 'don’t tell me') my girlfriend—' but they translated as 'you know about her?' • this was not specified when Ryuk told Light that anyone who touches the death note can see him but yes, Penber became the 'owner' with the ability of killing. • the one who sent the file to Raye Penber was his superior. Kira first asked if Raye Penber knew ho the other agents were, because he needed him to kill them. since he didn’t know them, he made Penber write down the name of his superior in the first line. the details of the death for the first name was 'dies after sending the file to all the agents' so the superior was the first one to die, after sending the files. for the other agents, Penber killed them by writing their names (with their faces in mind) next to the causes Light had already written. • FYI, the opening and ending themes are another rabbit hole within the anime world. • Miss Fiancée’s intuition is on point not only because she once was a FBI agent, but also because she was not on the scene. so many things happened in that bus that you would only think it was a series of unfortunate coincidences if you were Penber, or anyone in that bus. but his fiancée only knows the useful/important informations: he was on a bus following someone > they were attacked by a wanted criminal > the criminal died after Penber interacted with someone in that bus > period. anyone with those informations would think it’s suspicious, so for an ex-FBI agent it is very~ suspicious.

Lauren H.

I looove the Japanese live actions...I actually think they have a better ending

Lauren H.

One thing to think about is that even though Raye had already cleared Light, by killing the FBI agents, Light was able to intimidate most of the police task force into quitting and vastly deplete the manpower L can put towards finding him. At the same time, L is using the shrinking number of agents to root out where the leak is coming from. If Kira still has access to police info, then the pool of people he can be getting info from is MUCH smaller. Every step one takes is a blessing and a curse for the other hehe. My question to you is: if L knew that there was a high chance the FBI would die looking for Kira and used them as a test to find Kira, is he morally the same as Kira?


This comment made us laugh Charaety 😂 we're starting to wonder if Kira is in town...it's been raining for 3 DAYS STRAIGHT in So Cal!


HOLY S***. Thank you all for providing additional insight! This show is the definition of a psychological thriller lol


Absolutely, Trinda! Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with amazing insight, and for supporting us!! Wow...Light teaching Ryuk things about the Death Note. Such an interesting twist haha THANK YOU FOR THE LUV 💜💜


Oh boy...we can only imagine where this intellectual battle between Light and L is going to end up. Thanks for your questions Lynn!!!


Wow, GREAT point Lauren. "Every step one takes is a blessing and a curse for the other"...this is deep. Thanks for your questions!!


Thank you for another great reaction! Very excited to see all of the upcoming twists and turns through your great perspectives 🙏🤌🤩


good, you've seen the explanation, now I don't have to type all of that xD I'm just gonna add that the identities of the FBI agents were unknown to the public and to the Japanese police, so naturally the same goes for a former FBI agent or the families of the agents. In his interaction with Raye, Light was bluffing a lot, since it was impossible for Raye to be sure how much Kira could know. Also, Raye himself didn't even know all of the other identities, he only knew his own superior and by writing that name in the specific space in the Death Note, he got his superior to send that file to all the agents (since it would be suspicious if only Raye received that file) and those agents all died after receiving the file (well, and after Raye wrote down their names obviously) Little addition that makes Light even more evil: any human that uses a Death Note can neither go to heaven or hell and by making Raye use the Death Note, he condemned him to the same fate Also, I just checked and the opening and ending don't really have any spoilers, they're more cinematic (if you don't even want to SEE a certain new character, wait until you watched episode 11 until you watch the opening)

Brqndvn Evcns

light had ray write the names in a page of the death note (we saw earlier how pages of the death note can be ripped out and still be usable)


Yes. Death Note had an unheard heard of budget for its time. Around 24.00 The conversation that Raye has with his fiancée can come off very sexist. However, this is culturally how the Japanese view starting a family and women in the work force at the time this show was written. Even if Raye is a bit traditional. I highly encourage everyone to try not to place Western standards on any Japanese show. I know you two didn't, I just wanted to point it out because it does get brought up sometimes. This is actually a very relevant issue today, because localizers for dubs are changing characters, words, sentences, ect, in anime to fit with Western standards and sensibilities. This is also why so many people are against dubs. Death Note is an excellent dub, but it is an exception. Newer animes being released can be rampant with these cultural changes, but not always of course. When in doubt: always sub 29.00 Light is absolutely bluffing to Raye about being able to kill anyone there. My question, even though I know this isn't the newest episode. The cost of using the Death Note means you can't go to heaven or hell. How do you feel about Light inflicting this punishment on Raye without him knowing?


Also important to note that the instructions for step 1 specified that the superior sends the file to ALL the agents, not JUST Raye Penbar. He needed to make Raye die in a way that was nearly identical to all the other agents so that the Task Force couldn't single out him and the people he was investigating.


Yes, when they use the term "FBI" they're literally talking about the FBI from the United States. L has some major pull and needed an organization unaffiliated with the Japanese Police to investigate the Japanese Police and their families so as not to arouse suspicion from what he believed to be a group of people that may contain Kira. You can infer that the agents were from outside of the country when Raye was talking to his fiance about "agreeing to come to Japan to meet her parents".


Yeah I don't know how they missed this when Light literally said "Raye Penber unwittingly killed his colleagues" and then showed the paper of the death note he got out of the envelopes.


TF? why are you this stupid? watching you watching this show gives me headache.


I'm pretty sure the 1 million per episode is wrong. It probably comes from the idea that people have that the show cost 40 million in total but that wasn't the show, that was the live action movie.


traditions and culture can explain sexism but doesn’t excuse it :) his fiancee clearly still wants to be an agent but can’t bc of societal expectations. calling it sexist isn’t applying western ideas, it’s just pointing out a legitimate example of inequality. people in asia criticize gender inequality as well, the west doesn’t have a monopoly on feminism or something. there’s no need to encourage people to not criticize it through their own lens since media is literally FOR critiquing. death note can still be an outstanding anime despite having room for criticism. uhhh but english dubs are pretty mid ig


Yes to Japanese live action. DO NOT watch the Netflix version. I think the people that "enjoyed" that version is because they didn't know the source material. If you have seen the anime, live action or read the manga first you won't like it.


It takes no effort to keep your comments to yourself and not look like an ass.


This happens with subs to, you're still relying on a translation. I don't know how often it happens in anime. But I bought a import of the Chinese movie Hero (the epic with Jet Li) and the subs are slightly different than the American release.


you guys definitely need to be watching this in dubbed lol the whole thing with raye writing the names flew completely over your heads

Jonathan V

Most people don't know this, but when Raye wrote in the death note, he now is not able to go to heaven or hell.

Jonathan V

Yes, watch in dubbed


But doesn't Ray have to actually have the intention to write in the death note for him to not go to heaven or hell? I don't know if what you're saying is actually confirmed by the author but maybe a person about to suffer this consequence after death has to be the one who willingly writes in the death note knowing what it is and its use