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Ya Boy

The bird which lands beside Armin at 56:45 is to symbolize freedom as usual and to fill the last words of Armin's sentence. "Yeah. It was different from the world we'd dreamed of. But... we gained freedom"


This is my observation about Eren throughout the entire series. First, I have to say I understand his pain. One event can change everything. Losing someone you love dear over something you can not control is life changing. What governs us is not something we can control and Eren being filled with regret, hatred, pain, hurt, and agony is relatable and understandable. I lost the little one weeks ago to the system over a false report and theres nothing I can do. It is out of my control. So I understand his biggest motivation in all of this and that is justice for his mother and his race (though being an Eldian, I think this ties more to the things he have learned and the way the race is treated). That is how the world is today. So many are hurt by the xenophobia, the discrimination and the racism (& much more) that many act out because of it. Even now, I experience racism at my job. This series have said more than once that the past should not be a author to the present yet can be at the same time. I feel like Isayama truly hit the nail on the dangers of what the past can do to the generations now and in the future. But also showing how the past should not dictate the present. The past errors should be a lesson for all so that we don't make the same errors. Yet again, because no one is perfect, people do. As Zeke and Eren are a perfect example of that. They were not suppose to be the product of the errors of the past. They both had a choice to make. Now, both of them did make a choice but to me, both of their decisions are the sins of the past. When I just thought about Eren today, I agree with a comment that stated that Eren didn't change. He actually did not change. Yes, he got more mature and calmer but his heart never changed. Eren was always about fighting. He wanted to fight. He wanted to fight for his mom, his friends, and his hometown. However, because Eren just wanted to fight, not once have I ever seen Eren seek for peace. He always felt that action should be done because no action, at least I think that what Eren views, is acceptance to wrongs in this world and that's not something Eren can get behind. With fighting comes freedom. As I heard him say the words freedom and fight multiple of times. However, I go back what Carla said to Shadis (?), that she thought of Eren being special because he was born into this world. And I truly believe his mother thinks that of everyone regardless of who they are. So what I can say is what Eren doing is wrong because at the end of the day, the world doesn't need to die just because it hates you. You conquer hate with love. Some people will just always be that way and other won't always be that way for long. The thing is that is not everyone and to truly fight this fight is with love. Thats how Gabi changed. Mr. Braus showed her love not hate. Eren also to me has no excuse (empathy yes but excuse no). Conny also lost his mother and she is forever a Titan. She is dear to Conny as Eren’s mom was dear to him. The difference is Conny realized that his mother would not want him to be selfish and only care for himself but love and help others no matter who they are. That is not something Eren understands. So I can't really qualify Eren as a hero or a villain (though technically he would be both things), rather just a broken boy, who finally reached his breaking point. I can only hope that we all learn to choose love over hate and realize that we are all just people holding on to the pain and joys of our past and present. Sorry that this is so long, lol. But I felt that for once, even in all this, I understood and pity Eren. 💜