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What a CHAOTIC end to this INCREDIBLE series!!!! It has been a helluva journey. "Death Note" will forever hold a special place in our hearts...it was the first anime series we've ever started, as well as the first one we've ever finished!!

Next week, we are hoping to have a final wrap-up discussion session, where we'll put a stamp on this series and also react to any ancillary content (Intros, Outros, OST, etc.) that y'all would like us to!


Here is our tentative Monday Slot Calendar moving forward (subject to change):
June 3 - DEATH NOTE FINALE (Episodes 36 & 37) ๐Ÿงจ๐Ÿคฏ
June 10 - DEATH NOTE WRAP-UP DISCUSSION SESSION! (+Reactions to ancillary content such as Intros, Outros, OST, etc.)

June 17 - Mental rest & regeneration of our brain cells ๐Ÿง  ๐Ÿ˜ด
June 24 - Next anime MOVIE reaction ("A Silent Voice") ๐Ÿฟ


We appreciate every single one of you beautiful people for joining our Patreon and supporting us! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’œ

NOTE: If you are looking for our BTS reactions, we have a separate Patreon exclusively for these, where we release 3 BTS reactions per week! Visit here: https://www.patreon.com/jaredandjordanBTS



silly goose

Light's confusion and shock at him being outsmarted by Near HURTS. it hurts because we hardly spent anytime with Near and yet he took down Kira. I don't just say this as a Light/Kira enthusiast, but I say this a genuine fan of L. While we didn't get to learn a whole lot about L while he was alive as he opposed Kira, we had time to believe in him and his skills as a detective. We spent time with him and got to know his quirks and habits and tendencies. It made him so likeable not just because he was such a unique character but we as the audience recognized he was Kira's one true foe. So to see Kira be taken down by a kid who only seemed to be L's mere replacement, it kinda sucked. I do feel the show did a disservice to Near and Mello as characters because given the proper development, they would have felt like true adversaries for Kira. Yes, I personally love villains, but I can also appreciate the heroes that take them down, and Near doesn't truly feel worthy of just stepping in and taking down such a huge adversary. Moving on, I do feel Light's story completed a full circle. He was a smart but bored boy who found a supernatural weapon and used it to please his whims, righteous or not. Though it was secondary to his plans of being a godly figure, he instilled his beliefs onto the world and even after he is gone, the world is ruled by the law of Kira. For better or worse, Light left a significant imprint on the world. He wanted to eradicate crime because in his eyes, as the son of a police officer, crime equals evil. Context is irrelevant. It's a result of him being the son of a cop. A black and white version of right and wrong was instilled into Light from the beginning. There was no room for gray area. Once he got a hold of the death note, he took that notion and ran with it to his very end. Not because it made the world a better place, mind you, but because behind it all, it served as a plausible excuse for Light to place himself on a pedestal and continue his evil deeds with no remorse. He was an evil force he claimed to rid the world from but his very existence and effort proved otherwise. To his very end, I don't believe Light regretted his choices. Yes, on the verge of death he called out for the likes of Misa and Takada but as we all know it wasn't out of genuine affection. Light was just grasping at straws. He didnt' want to die, but worst of all, he didn't want to LOSE. How fitting that the last thing he saw before dying, was a vision of L. Just like when L died, the last thing he saw was Light looking down on him. There is a theory a lot of us adopt that after death Light became a shinigami. Ryuk himself said early on that Light was more of a shinigami than literal shinigamis thelselves. The death note rules tell us that anyone that uses the death note can neither go to heaven, nor hell. Now, I have watched this show more times than I can count and somewhere I could had sworn I saw/read a rule that specifically says something about a human who has used the death note will sent to "nothingness" when they die. Now, when the show talks about the shinigami realm it is described by the gods of death who inhabit it as "barren". Could be coincidence, or could be that I am just wrong, but what if after death Light woke up in the shinigami realm as a shinigami himself? I have a personal theory that all shinigamis are humans who used the death note while on earth. I think this could be supported by Rem when she talks about how a shinigami's organs have "degraded" past the point of needing sustenance, implying shinigamis had living organs that at one point did need sustenance. And at the end of the second opening credits, we see Light in what looks like a wasteland, all alone. I believe Light did become a shinigami after death and continued the reign of Kira, now with more liberty and power than he had as a human. What a fun journey this has been. I have watched many DN reactions and I often drop them because I am disappointed in the lack of comprehension from the viewer but you guys never let this silly goose down. I am excited to see where your anime journey takes you to next and until then, much love! xoxo


Iโ€™m glad Iโ€™ve been here since day 1! This was also my first anime, so it holds a dear place in my heart. Great reaction! About to go watch the penultimate AOT reaction with yโ€™all ๐Ÿ˜ itโ€™s gonna be a blast


Love this! I agree that L was such an amazing character that him catching Light would be much better than Near and Mello.