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"Brave Volunteers" indeed! We finally get some much needed answers in this episode, and also get a peak into Eren's current state of mind...🫤



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How do we watch the video?


The link usually get posted 5-10 mins after




Oooh thanks everyone, I usually watch the day after. I've never been this early lol


This is the first time I showed up before the link haha.


Did they forget to post the link and the password?


It is taking a bit long for the link and password to show up ...


Here's something interesting about Sasha: her last word was "Niku" (Meat) but that's also how japanese people pronounce the name "Nick", abbrevation of Nicolo, the Blonde Cook from Marley (even though i think she didn't abbreviate the name on purpose, she was saying "Nicolo" but lost her breath and died before finishing his name). She was thinking about food (her line before saying "Niku" was about food too) but her last word was probably the name of the cook. I wonder if she was having hallucinations about him cooking for her and the others, which from the sound of it wasn't rare.


cried sm when connie said he just lost half of himself 😭


I never considered this possibility 🥺😭💔 that's so sad

Gatha Naranath

The fact that some people call Sasha a racist character for asking Onyankopon about his skin is wild. Like i thought it was a cute interaction, question and answer. AND GIRLY HAS NEVER SEEN A COLORED PERSON EVER CALM DOWN. Saying this as someone with brown skin myself, it ain't a big deal guys.

Gatha Naranath

We never know the answer for sure but i've seen this theory elsewhere and i hope it's true...breaks my heart tho


we will never know but tbh is more likely than her last word being meat, would be too sad for her to die and her last word being so meaningless.


The shot of Eren saying they need to buy time and then shooting the gun, transitioning directly into the shot of the bullet passing through Sasha has to be one of my favorite of the show. Even the show writers are like, look who caused this mess.

Gatha Naranath

Man i wen't from seeing Eren as a annoying little brother that's always yelling to being absoluetly shit scared of him


It's a beautiful moment, to me. The question and the answer.


The possibility of this always breaks me. It's perfectly plausible.


All the little transitions like that throughout the show are spectacular. That's definitely one of the best examples.


Wow this was a really good reaction guys! I mean, they always are but I'm glad y'all enjoyed it and got a lot of needed info this episode! Onyankapon is a G! And if anyone was gonna ask him that question, of course it'd be Sasha lmao she's so innocent and you gotta remember, this is the 1st black person our team has ever seen so the question was an honest one. But like y'all said, Onyankapon gave the best possible answer 🔥


Great reaction as always, brothers! I loved your discussions during this one :) These kinds of episodes are some of my favourites, and are slightly underrated in my opinion. I love the action and suspense in this show, do not get my wrong. However, the character and theme building in this show is why I truly LOVE it. I knew you were gonna get hyped about that Onyankopon scene and especially quote haha. The 'our creator thought it would be more interesting with a mix of people' is such a brilliant line! Firstly, it's Fourth Wall-breaking. To me, it's literally Isayama saying to us that he wanted to write a story with a variety of characters based on real life cultures, ethnicities and experiences. Secondly, doesn't it just encapsulate one of the driving themes of AoT so well? I personally love diversity in fiction, but you can tell when it's empty...when it's diversity for diversities sake. Here it serves the greatest purpose of all - HUMANITY. As you both picked up on, it's expressed to us how they're all unique, but they are all needed. They are all wanted. P.S. Just a fun point for you :) Onyankopon is actually Twi (Ghanaian language). I'm half Nigerian, but a Ghanaian friend of mine pointed out when he was first introduced in the Manga that his name is Twi for 'God'. I believe that it's the largest variety of the original Akan languages of that region. I heard that in another variation it could be interpreted as 'Sky God', which is kinda fun, considering he is a pilot :) I loved the inclusion of a West African style character in an anime. It made me smile when I read it :D * The scene with Nicolo and Sasha's father always gets me too. All the interactions in that bit, actually. Conny's loss of his twin soul, too. The deep character moments are always what get me the most in a story of any type. To have much of it being told by Armin to Annie's encased body is just *chef's kiss*


Is it just me or did Armin seem to T-pose as the colossal titan?

Emi N

I dunno if anyone mentioned this, but "Onyankopon" is a term from the Akan language, spoken by the Akan people of Ghana and the Ivory Coast. It is a name for God, translating to "Almighty God" or "Supreme Being." The word reflects the Akan people's beliefs in a single, omnipotent deity who created and oversees the universe.


I love this episode so much, there was so many heartfelt moments and heartbreaking moments, i loved how the marleyans and the scouts, how they all bonded and set aside their differences even though they are the same, its sad seeing how they changed from trusting Eren to losing that trust and them not knowing who he is anymore and i love Armin narrating this and pointing out how it could have went differently but in the end it is Eren who has the last say and RIP to Sasha, i loved how she just indulged in the seafood and how Niccolo was so happy to have someone love his food so much. One last thing love the quote from Onyankopon about how our creator thought it would be more interesting with a mix of people, i'm half Norwegian/Somalian myself so i love the diversity.

Mareeca Dolbey

Idk why people give you a hard time about the faces! Armin and Historia in particular look like twins lmao. And yes, Yelena looks like Armin a bit too. Y’all are doing great!


Thanks, Anna, for your thoughts and sharing your ethnicity. I love your perspective regarding Onyankapon’s character and dialogue. Niccolo and Sasha’s connection is a beautiful story, I agree! I would disagree with “all” setting aside their differences and bonding. AOT stresses, rather than resolves, the horrors and complexities of war. The Marleyans are POWs and many are “cooperating” under duress. Those who do not cooperate, we are told, are in prison cells. Niccolo was beaten at Sasha’s grave. Yelena was held at gunpoint by Pyxis. Zeke is held captive in the forest. Gabi and Falco are in a prison cell. Armin dreams of more time to convince Marleyans that Eldians are good people. A ton of conflict remains. While we saw one scene of cooperation and celebration, it does not indicate peace and goodwill between Marley and Eldia (at large, across the sea, or on the island). During island scenes, Hange’s humor, quirkiness, and curiosity, in viewers’ eyes, may soften the Scouts’ actions. However, the Scouts are willing wartime participants. They kill people in the port using Eren and Armin’s titans. They coerce cooperation at gunpoint. They put people in prison. Island Eldians continue to exploit the spoils of war.


Thanks, J&J, as always, for your genuine reactions.💜 Regarding your initial characterization of Yelena as brave: -What event was life-changing for Elena? -How did Pieck describe Yelena? -What specific word did Yelena use to describe Zeke? -After answering those three questions, would you still use bravery to describe Yelena’s primary driving force?

silly goose

i always liked eren, but this eren, the eren that fights to win not to just to survive, this eren i love. he's such a wild card right now.


Eren’s character analysis is one of my favorite things! Can’t wait to hear J&J’s thoughts (and Patrons’ too) once they complete the anime.

hiro ame

Hi thank you for wonderful reactions always! I loved it when you saw Historia and gave a big smile on your face! Don't worry, you're catching way more things then others do, no problem been slow on the faces. :) Have fun with your paces! I love the scene where Sasha and Onyankopon talks, I'm always exited to see peoples reactions to that. How sweet guy Onyankopon is. Oh I'm not sure if it's translated right, but in Japanese, Sasha is calling Onyankopon "Onyanpokon" instead. She couldn't even say his name right, but no problems to him. That's a kind of guy he is, so heartwarming. :) The scene where Mikasa is at Sasha's grave in the end, Eren always said, "Win and live. To win, you must fight. If you don't fight, you'll never live." when he was younger. So Mikasa was thinking back to that, but... Now she has a doubt to that, because Sasha fought and Paradie won, but Sasha couldn't live. Mikasa and Sasha was close friends(they were sharing the same room for a long time), so this made her losing confidence for so much ways I think. That's all from me! Have fun and take care! :)


They've finally started singing the LALALALALAAAA


Eren became so much more interesting to me after this episode


If you remember Eren asked to Armin HAd you seen Bertholds memory, and Armin said that it was nothing special, but as you know Berthold loved Annie, and here is the reason why Armin is talking to Annie

Lynn #7

*first time watcher* Impeccable timing of this ep.. How it started few years ago, and then bringing us back to the aftermath. That practice shot Eren made, led us right to that moment Sasha got shot. A shot through time..wow. So Yelena and Onyankopon (even Nicolo) are not Eldians, are they? Im not sure, even though Onyankopon said “You Subjects of Ymir..” and not “We”. Poor Nicolo, it was painfully beautiful what he said. I hope we get to see Nicolo cook for Sasha’s family some day. Zeke is low-key terrified of Levi lol. I mean I would be too, if I were him. I cant help it, kept giggling seeing his face and also whenever Levi spoke. How does he say stuff like that with a straight face lol. Im glad Pixis still showed their gratitude to Yelena and team. I could see why they were cautious. Maybe they could have been less obvious? Just my thoughts. But what is the intention of having this titan serum.. 👀 Annie..its been a while. Still in the egg. Did she age while in that state? I think she can ‘melt’ or crack her way out anytime, if she wants to. Maybe.. Eren. Oh man. What can I say.. at this point, I can only assume that his goal seems to be moving towards the rumbling. All this mention of ‘not much time’, ‘few years left’, ‘need time’, ‘buy us that time’ just gives me the impression he probably thinks that Eldians may never be safe or free from all of this misconception no matter how much time passes, unless he activates the rumbling. “The only way to win is to fight.” Until the wall titans or the power of the titans cease to exist, or if Eldians can no longer transform into monsters and pose a threat to anyone, there may always be people who see them as devils. Its really sad and how real this is, to reality as well. Ironically, a hundred years had passed. Until a few pursued the ‘truth’. Like we were told as well, dinosaurs existed millions of years ago, and then got wiped out. Extinct. Are we sure we didnt live in a world once dominated by Titans instead lol.. Awesome and beautiful ep. Im not sure how many eps are there in this final season, but Im starting to feel we are moving towards the crux of the matter. Till next time 💜🙏🏻


Correct, the volunteers are not eldians, they are from other nations captured by Marley and forced to be soldiers.

Thomas Lanéry

Thoughts about your aot journey : Hi from France, guys I watched AOT 3 times in 2 years , the last time ends about 2 months ago with YouTube/ patreon reaction guy « JD goes to the movies » I loved his thoughts about AOT, that he considers has « the best show ever created », period. YouTube suggestions let me discover you 2 weeks ago.. you’re awesome, and I decided to subscribe your patreon, and watch AOT a 4th time with you. It’s not a shame to say that I just understood some things in this 4th time with you, you’re so accurate in your analysis ! I’ve just reach your journey « live »,today, by watching every single of your past videos of AOT In less than 2 weeks ! (About 5 of your videos per day !!!) I enjoy every of your reactions, thoughts, questions about the show. Sometimes I hope you ´ ll pause less, because some scenes , some episodes, have to be experienced straight, and debated after : Certainly part 2 of season 4 and the last long episodes for sure,… I will advise you of it later :-) but that’s ok : it’s your style and we love it.. All I all can say is that you’re are not at the end of surprises , and part 2 of season 4 will dive you in some high philosophical concepts you are not prepared for, that I would love to talk about , with you , and every patreons members. That’s the magic of AOT Love you guys


I agree to what you say, and i think the show does a good job at showing what war does to people and the choices they make.

Lukas Moser

There's 30 episodes in this final season, but episodes 29 and 30 are both more than an hour long and are a part 1 and 2. So 29 and 30 together are more like a movie.

silly goose

@antionette7 yessssss this is the only comment section im active in bc ppl are super perceptive and it blows me mind


Thanks for sharing, Lynn! I love reading the first-time watchers' comments too :D

Viral MajicJ

Fun fact onyankopon in my language means God