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BOKUTO!!! Also, loved the "umbrella" analogy in this episode ☂️

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Happy Haikyuu Thursday everyone! 💜💜


Y'all don't understand how much I need this today 😭


I love how kuroo constantly advices tsukki and hinata, he's such a great captain!!

Sean Harding

All right 👍🏾 Okay ✊🏾 Just wanted to say I can definitely relate to how tsukki's brother might have felt. I myself joined the military to be apart of the Air Force Honor Guard. I had did drill in JROTC for years and had been to regionals with my school. I was more passionate about the drill and ceremony aspect of the military than I was about going to war. So when I was trying to get into the team there where so many walls that where put in front of me to try and stop me. But I always thought that as long as I work hard I can get there. Turns out that there is a height requirement of a Min of 5'11 ( I'm 5"8 with a good night's sleep😅) so there was no way for me to ever perform as an official Honor Guardsman. But I could perform on my Base team and that's the highest I would ever go. It shattered me mentally and emotionally to know that everything I had been working for since I was 14 years old I would never be able to accomplish. I had to reset and reevaluate what I wanted. I had worked so hard to where I was. So I decided that if base was the highest I could go then I'd be the best on Base. Luckily someone saw how hard I was working and after a year on the team I was selected to become a Training instructor for the Air Force Honor Guard. So I guess those that really can't, DO teach😅😅 But I said all that to say all the whole I had kids from my old highschool who where still looking up to me at the time. Being denied performing at the top level, but still be associated with it, having to lie and say I was on field but was actually just prepping for the funeral, really hurts. But you do it to keep their flame lit even if yours is just an ember. Just my take on it. As always love the work you fellas do, stay up🫶🏾


Just dropping a comment to say Bokuto is my favorite character after Hinata!😁 So happy to be rewatching this anime with you guys 🤩 Also, last time I said I am your nice neighbour and you were wondering if I meant Canada or close to your hometown in NY but I meant Canada. People call us the nice or sorry people because we say sorry all the time 😂😂

MaryRose Olson

Hi guys great reaction as usual! In response to your comments of having regrets about not pursuing something, I have some thoughts. My knowledge of volleyball was practically zero when I first started and I had never even watched any professional games live or on television during my entire time as a player. I personally, played volleyball only in grade school and middle school and I really loved it. It was the first and only sport I could play on an even playing field with others at the time due to my height. I've always been very short even now in my adulthood I stand tall at 5'2. Also, looking back my knowledge of the game was extremely undeveloped since my school was small. I had no knowledge besides what I had learned in practice from my coaches. I only knew of the positions spiker (didn't even know about the official titles of wing spiker and ace), setter, and libero without fully understanding their purposes. I was my team's setter like Kageyama, but I didn't fully understand the potential this role had. All my coaches told me when I asked why I was the setter was this, "You're small and fast so you're practically guaranteed to be able to move quickly and get the second hit." At the level my team was playing, receives almost always went haywire and didn't reach the setter position perfectly so I was constantly running around. When I started high school I didn't even try to play anymore because I thought I was too short and unskilled to continue, especially since my high school was known to have an extremely skillful volleyball team (going on 10 years for the state championship winners now). So picture me a 14-year-old child who was still well under 5 foot trying to enter high school and play on that team. Now in my adult years, I inconsistently play recreationally, but I do regret not even attempting to join my high school team and seeing how I could have developed as a player. Those regrets returned to me full force when I watched Haikyuu for the first time (and rewatched many times after) and saw the inner workings and interesting intricacies of the game that I had never witnessed or thought of before. I enjoyed other activities in high school and I'm glad I still get to play volleyball for fun, but sometimes you can't help but wish that you could turn back time and do things differently. Sorry for the long rant! Have fun continuing to watch and borahae!