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Kira's reign of terror is rapidly expanding 🙈

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Sufiyaki Teriyaki

Misa, under the influence of wine, tells Takada that she used to support Kira and believes Light will eventually catch Kira. (Misa has forgotten everything about the Death Note, so after hearing this Takada thinks Misa doesn't know that Light is Kira despite living together for so long.) This shocks Takada so much that she knocks over her glass and pretends to cough behind a napkin, but she's actually snickering. Takeda believes that she won, that Light chose her over Misa. Lol

Ericken Ellerbee

"Not speaking from personal experience" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Ericken Ellerbee

I believe Death Note is the perfect anime to have as your 1st to react to. My 1st was Kenshin. Maybe, you should ask everyone to tell you, in comment section, what was their 1st Anime. I believe the 1st anime tells a lot about person, so Question. What made you guys react to anime? (Which I'm glad you did) And, why have you chosen DN to be your 1st to react to?

Ericken Ellerbee

To add, I think you guys should do a 15, to 30 minute video explaining why you wanted to react to anime, why you never watched it before?, who got you into anime, or told you that you should react to it? And for spicy debate, tell us who you think will win in a battle to the death? DeathNote characters like L, Milo, Kira, Misa and Near vs AOT characters and Haiyku lol Who would win? I think it be cool to have a video that allow us to get to know you guys better and your thoughts before going into the next anime

silly goose

I feel like this second part of the show was kind of rushed. There's so many new characters and feels like not enough screen time for them all. I'm still working my way through the manga but I've been enjoying the thorough pace established there a little more. It could also just be because I love this show too much and want to stretch it out as much as possible lol.


I mentioned in the previous reaction episode that the title names could indicate certain plot elements, and I believe it’s particularly relevant in this episode title as well. Scorn has different definitions, but in the case of Takada and Misa, I believe - although on the surface it may look like the women are combating one another for Light’s affection - they’re actually having a battle over who HE leans toward. Takada asks Light about Misa, he confirms that Takada is a better fit, and then Takada pursues Misa to confirm what Light is saying is true, and Misa UNKNOWINGLY proves Light right in his claims and promises to Takada that he wants her and her only when Misa UNKNOWINGLY shares that she believes Light will catch Kira; thus confirming to Takada that Misa is out of the loop and has no knowledge that Light is Kira. I believe Takada laughs as the realization kicks in and then heads out so rapidly; she got her confirmation - Takada is Kira’s no. 1 girl. It’s somewhat ironic as well, as Misa drunkenly says she’s won (the battle against Takada for Light’s affection) to Mochi without realizing that Light is disrespecting her. Misa is annoying (and a killer) sure… but she’s at least a girl’s girl - Takada could never! Also, those toys Near was playing with I believe are legos. Gosh that was long winded, my apologies. Thanks for creating and sharing this episode, and thank you for existing!


The anime doesn't do as well of a job explaining how Near found Mikami among an entire world of suspects, but the manga goes into much more detail regarding the logic that Near used. After Mikami killed Demegawa, he wondered whether he even had the right to choose the next spokesperson for Kira. Mikami knew that somewhere out there, Kira knew his name and face and could kill him at any time if he overstepped his authority. During this week when Kira did not have a spokesperson, Mikami once again appeared on the Sakura TV program "Kira's Kingdom" and was able to become one of the audience members who was handed a microphone. After it was his turn to speak he said the words at 11:33 in episode 33. "I'd like to hear Kira's voice. I'd like to hear his thoughts once again. We should follow his teachings, exactly as Kira ordered. To me, it's obviously the quickest path to lasting world peace. If there are no words or orders from Kira, then we have only one choice. We need to think for ourselves." This was Mikami's way of telling Kira he planned to choose the next spokesperson if he didn't recieve instructions from Kira soon and was his way of showing he did not intend to overstep his authority. To anyone else watching, Mikami seemed like a typical devout follower, but to Kira who knew Mikami had the death note, the coded message was clear. "Either tell me who to choose soon or I will do it myself". Before Takeda was chosen as the new spokesperson for Kira, she was a rookie announcer with little relevant experience. Near theorized that the reason Takeda was chosen over other candidates was because X-Kira knew she was a Kira admirer prior to choosing her. This meant that that Takeda was in some sort of contact with X-Kira prior to being chosen and if he analyzed all of Takeda's previous media appearances, he might find some figure that may have stood out. This is when Near stumbled across multiple debates she hosted with Mikami as a participant. Near recognized Mikami from the cryptic appearance he had on Sakura TV just days earlier during the week between Demegawa and Takeda. Listening to his message with that context made him realize the probability that Mikami was X-Kira was insanely high.

Dude Myname

Would love to see you guys watch steins gate


Please please please PLEASE. After death note, react to jujutsu kaisen. It's really good. it makes you laugh, smile, cry (if you are sensitive like me. 😭) and the characters are really fascinating. One of my fav manga/anime. Ps : Thank you for your hard work, your videos, thank you for taking your time to understand everything when you don't understand when others give up and don't even try to understand, I love your videos especially for that. And above all also because you are incredible. Have a good day/night !


Let’s gooo!!! Final stretch almost to the end, your gonna feel really bitter sweet after finishing this series, finally getting that closure but the feeling of wanting more is one of the reasons I can’t stop watching anime


I would love to watch jjk w jared and Jordan too! But surprisingly many disagree w jjk because they think it's very complicated, while I do agree that it's complex, you cannot disagree the fact that the show is very fun and refreshing! The fight choreography is really great, the plot is good and the characters are cool too! It's an overall good anime although overhyped but anyone that says jjk is bad as a fact is wrong!


Everyone who says that jjk is a remake of Naruto is dumb. Yes, it's the same principle in that there are three students and a professor, but it's not at all the same relationships, the same story, the same characters. The evolution of people in jjk is so much better than Naruto. And maybe for you the story is cliché but even if it is that doesn't mean it's bad. And no, gojo doesn't get the most screen time, you're just a hater. In season 1 we barely see him.


Even if the story is not complex, it's the same for a lot of anime.


Thank you i'm so glad that I finally found a person who like jjk, I have the impression that no one likes it (that's their right of course) in all the comments even though it's one of the best (my opinion of course.)