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Wow, what a "reveal" that was! 😳

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I love how Bokuto and Kuroo have taken Tsukki under their wing 🦉 and paw 🐈 even if Tsukki was unwilling at first lol Cross & Straight Shots are basically the direction of where you hit. Notice the way the arrows go ↙️⬇️during Bokuto’s explanation between 26:04 - 26:08. •Cross Shot - Spiking the ball at an angle so it goes diagonally across the court. Jordan was correct, Bokuto’s hit at 28:58 is considered a cross shot. •Straight or Line Shot - Spiking the ball straight aiming down the sideline. Bokuto’s straight is shown at 26:20. It’s pretty difficult to execute with how narrow of a space you have to work with. You risk hitting the antenna, hitting out or hitting into the block. •Soft block - We’ve seen how fast a spike goes especially when it’s hit hard. So a soft block is intended to slow it down, making it easier for your teammates behind you to receive it and put it back in play. •Kill block - When your spike gets blocked and your team is not able to recover it. Date Tech is a great example of what kill blocks look like. The difference is the placement of your hands when you go up for the block. Your hands in a kill block would lean more forward and look like they’re towering over ready to “kill the spike” as Yaachi puts it. Check out Daichi’s form during Kiyoko’s explanation from 29:24-29:32. Hope this helps a bit! 🙂


There is huge pressure in Japan (and Asia) to be a top performer, wheter it's sports, school or business. And a lot of shame for not delivering. For example a worker getting fired but still getting up every morning and leave the house, pretending to go to work, hiding their jobless status. No doubt something like Tsuki brother's deception has played out in real life, of hiding your failure from your closest family.