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This series has officially shattered us to pieces ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿคฎ




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Ericken Ellerbee

Whaaaat? They killed Armin!! I said this anime was boring. I was wrong about that.

Ericken Ellerbee

Oh. It's nothing wrong with being emotional. It's only wrong if we allow our emotions to paralyze our decision. I am very emotional. I cry many times. I lived in a house of 3 brothers and one sister. If I cry and a person sees that as weak, they be rudely mistaken. Some says I'm kinda an empath. Being emotional allows us to act with kindness and not force or cold approach. The problem with some leaders are that they aren't emotional enough. World thinks that emotions are weak but emotions aren't weak. It is true strength. Emotions are energy. You have to channel it into something. Or release and cry or hold it in causing future problems

Jonah Bertorelli

Thank you for mentioning your appreciation for the dub. Many weebs and haters will say it's trash, but just because you prefer the Sub means nothing but your finger up your own ass and doesn't mean the other one isn't good. if you think the dub is trash your just a hater lmao It gives me chills as much or more than the sub. the voice actors did a great job, the translation isn't complete garbage at most points, and you can appreciate the art not having to read. haters are lame and give little weenie vibes, both can be dope and good in their own right, and have their own place in cinema!

Jonah Bertorelli

you can dislike it, and you can prefer the sub, but to say it's garbage is copium for your own malding. Hate and love are the opposite sides of the same coin. often said to be the same emotion, just directed differently lolol

Reggie Azem

I really don't think anyone can watch the entire series up until this point and Not break down. I know I did, hard. Hard hard hard..