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And we thought the last episode was the craziest...

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Jp Sismar

Omggggg we are already on THIS episode???


That’s it guys. L has died. Light’s ideal world has become much closer. The end is Near. 😪😪

shuichi !

As sad as it is, I really like the scene of Light smiling while looking straight into the eyes of dying L, because, in a way, it’s a small victory for both of them. Light obviously did it to gloat to L, to show that he won. But for L, it might have brought him some peace; in this moment L knows that he was right. Without solid proof, there was still a chance L was wrong. But still, L continued to suspect Light. Even when everyone was telling him it couldn’t be Light and that he was wrong, he still trusted his instincts. And in this moment, he finally knows the truth, L isn’t just being obsessive or odd, he was actually right about this. Then he dies.


the witcher is such a fantastic game, the netflix adaptation is also mostly wonderful, up to a certain point lol


I do wonder if a part of L actually cared about Light and saw him as somewhat of a companion. Obviously they were rivals, they wanted to stop each other for the sake of their goals, but it feels to me like the only one who could intellectually rival L was Light/Kira and vice versa. We know Light enjoys the mind games too, so I wonder if some part of him will miss it. What do you guys think? Was it all an act in the end, or was there some genuineness? In another circumstance, could they have been friends?

Cheryl Lambert

“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee” from For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway When raindrops fall on Lights feet as L wipes them away with the towel, it felt as when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples which is a symbol of forgiveness of our sins. L speaking of hearing the bells tolling all day and then symbolically washing Lights feet gave me chills as it was foreshadowing L’s death, that he knew his life was always at risk and his forgiveness of Lights actions as he stared into his eyes. The writing in this series is superb but I refuse to believe that L is really dead!

Sufiyaki Teriyaki

Hearing the church bell on the rooftop, L feels his time is running out, sensing death approaching. When L asks Light if he has ever told the truth, he already anticipates how Light, as "Kira," will answer, indicating that "Innocent" Light is gone. L has always relied on his intelligence and detective skills, but they're not enough against Light's advantages. There were many unknowns, like the details of the Death Note rules and Rem's feelings for Misa. L was close to solving the case when he was about to test the 13-day fake rule. Rem's death when he kill L suggests that Misa will likely be captured and face execution within her remaining lifespan. Now Misa lifespan has been extended again due to Rem. Im just sad and frustrated.


omg this episode 🥲🥲 can’t wait to get home to watch it !! can’t believe we’re already here


I believe that the staircase scene is a metaphor for how in the the Bible, Jesus cleaned Judas's feet right before Judas betrayed Jesus.

Ericken Ellerbee

You stated that you don't want money and power, but how can you know who you truly are without it? You can't be kind if your only default is weak. If you are weak you have no choice but to be kind. If you're strong and powerful, only then, you have that choice. Can we call ourselves kind if we have not attain power or strength? Is kindness the only option for the weak to survive? True power is like holding a cockroach in the palm of your hands. You have the power to smash it or let it live. There's an old proverb that says that power and "money doesn't change people, it just makes them more of who they are. Power doesn't corrupt, it reveals.” Power and money doesn't corrupt a person, it reveals them. If you are kind and giving, money will emplify that. If you are selfish and greedy, money will emplify that. People says "Money change you?" No. They just failed to see who they were before money emplify them. Oh. Love you're reactions. I want to add. I noticed that there's a lot of cut screens. My guess. Probably because there were emotional parts that you didn't want your audience to see? 😂 Maybe I'm just projecting because I went through the 7 stages of grief on that episode. I literally cried like a baby. We won't judge you if you do. If you do end up getting emotional I hope you guys don't cut it. We want to see everything. I love you guys, you crack me up. By the way. I also noticed that one of you has arch eyebrows while the other has sad eyebrows. From my experience, I notice that people with sad eyebrows usually are emotional and doesn't mind expressing it while the arch eyebrows tends to hold and bottle them up. Does that holds true with you 2?

Ya Boy

I believe that the scene where Ryuzaki literally bends the knee in order to give Light a massage is symbolism for L bending the knee to Kira. I also believe that L is sure that Light is Kira however wishes Light wasn't so they could be friends which explains a lot of L's mannerism in this episode and previous ones.


In fact, many people interpret the scene where L wipes Light's feet as a reference to Jesus washing the feet of Judas, suggesting subtle religious undertones in the Death Note series. As for L's real name (no spoilers), it's mentioned in the live-action film "L: Change The World." This film serves as a continuation of "Death Note" and "Death Note: The Last Name," with some slight alterations to the original plot. If you're interested, you can watch it after completing the entire anime series.


FINALLYY lets goo


L is never shown to blink or close his eyes the entire series. The very first time we see L’s eyes close is at his death. I take it as pretty straightforward symbolism that up until this point, there’s always been an equally intelligent person watching Light’s every move, limiting his actual power. Now with L dead and his eyes closed, Light is truly free to shape the world as he sees fit.


Funny you mention death note the musical because there actually is one lol. Honestly I remember liking it a lot, but it might contain some spoilers, I haven’t heard it in a while. Haven’t left a comment in a while but I’m still here loving all the videos!


One last comment in memory of L. Throughout this whole show and the media surrounding it, the battle between L and Light is described as a chess match between geniuses, so I’d like to make one last chess reference. From what I know of chess, when a match is almost over, and it becomes obvious to both sides that one person has won, they both just shake hands and call it, rather than playing out the ending moves. I see L washing Light’s feet as his last handshake before he dies and the match is over. To the audience, we think there must still be a move he can play to come back. But to the two geniuses, they both know the match is already over. I believe that L, now that he fully understands the situation, is able to deduce that Light is capable enough to manipulate a shinigami to kill him, and even L knows there’s no moves left to play against such a supernatural power. And thus, the handshake, and the end of one of the greatest detectives ever portrayed in media.


I couldn't agree with you more, I feel exactly how you feel. Imagine you're talking to a person who you know damn well is about to kill you real soon. I love that scene where they're talking on top of the roof because of how sad it is. The fact that L knows Light is Kira again and the fact that Kira knows that L knows. Especially the way Kira was gaslighting L in their talk, I just felt really bad for L it's like his hands are tied. Working against something you have no knowledge of and still managing to keep up, L is our detective 🫡


There is a ton of religious symbolism that most will not catch. The main symbolism being L representing Jesus himself or the righteous side. Jesus washed and wiped Judas' feet when he knew he was going to die to him, just like what L did to light. This also all happened on a staircase, which represents the Holy Stairs in Rome that Jesus climbed multiple times on the day of his death. During that scene, the camera pans to the ceiling which is structured like a cross. Jesus also has 12 disciples, just like how L was in command of 12 FBI agents. There are probably so much more that I missed too!

silly goose

"It will be lonely, won't it? ... You and I will be parting ways soon." I love this quote from L a lot because to me it highlights the loneliness of a genius like him, of a genius like Light. It doesn't seem to me that it particularly bothers either one, but they definitely feel it. We heard from L himself that Light was his first friend and though I believe that was a double-edged statement where in L was mostly using it to manipulate Light, it was still genuine on some level. No one had ever challenged L like Light/Kira did. Light also acknowledged that L was someone he could actually have an "intelligent" conversation with earlier in the show. He wanted to rid himself of L but enjoyed the challenge as well. They were both deadset on beating the other, but there was a mutual respect there that they didn't feel for anyone else. Light himself said that both he and L were leagues ahead of the police, which is why the investigation above all, was a 1v1 between him and L. Basically, L i was telling Light: I was lonely before you came around, you will be lonely when I am gone. Phew. What an episode. It's my favorite of the entire series.

Drunk Panda

Joined patreon just for death note, to think we have actually come to this point. What a Heartbreaking moment...one of the best moments in anime to this day and this came out in 2006! AOT is also amazing, but can we appreciate how death note has still been a top of the line anime after nearly 2 decades. Rest in peace L <33


(L, talking about hearing a bell) : "I wonder if it's a church... Maybe wedding or perhaps a..." Or perhaps a funeral. L's visions show a graveyard, and then Watari holding his hand in front of an orphanage. It's pretty probable that L has visited his parent's graves/attended their funeral before being brought into The Wammy's House by Watari. The location show in the flashback is Winchester, somewhere one could hear the Big Ben.

Frei Kjær

first episode (that i remember) that actually left them speechless lol