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And just like that, things have come FULLLLLLLLLL CIRCLE 😵‍💫 ...This was THE craziest episode that we have watched thus far. Bravo, Tsugumi Ohba, BRAVO 👏🏽

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Damn I needed the 25th episode today!

Sufiyaki Teriyaki

I may be wrong. In addition to their memories returning touching their old respective notebook. Basically, the Death Note shuffle aims for Ryuk to be attached to Misa's notebook vice versa. Light expects that Misa if she fails to kill L, to make the eye deal again once she regains her memories to kill L, but with Rem attached, he wont shorten Misa's lifespan again, so with Ryuk attached, he doesn't really mind. So, at the end, when Light acted "concerned" for Misa making the eye deal, Ryuk said, "So it's all going according to plan." I think this plan was only discussed beforehand between Light and Ryuk, not Rem, which is why Rem was shocked. "Kira" Light will manipulate anyone, even us and even a Shinigami, if we're useful to him, and we might not even realize it. "Kira" Light's a genius for making the fake rules. They have no choice but to believe in the supernatural now.

Jackson Seales

The scream at 21:34 killed me 😭 Haven't laughed harder than that in weeks


As the person before me pointed out, it does seem like Light foresaw that Misa might forget L’s name, and thus her taking the eyes was part of his plan. One part I find interesting is when Misa asks for the eyes, Ryuk asks, “Are you sure? It’ll half your life again”. He ends up giving her the eyes right after she says she’s sure, but still, this is one of the rare times we’ve ever seen Ryuk care at least a little for a human. He could have just immediately done the deal if he wanted to. Gelus, Rem, and now just the slightest amount of caring from Ryuk. Misa is a Shinigami magnet!

Jackson Seales

This episode at several instances makes me think about a quote from one of the best games of all time, The Witcher 3 and the novels that served as source material. "Evil is evil, lesser, greater, middling... makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary, the definition is blurred. If I am to choose between one evil and another, I would rather not choose at all." - Geralt This quote is ironic to me, because not making a decision is a choice in itself, something we are taught from dillemas like the trolley problem. However the discussion over lesser and greater evil is very common in this show. I feel this quote most pertains to L's actions. He rests in the middle of favoring lesser evil and not choosing at all. He chooses to let Higuchi leave the building after getting Matsudas "real name" because he wanted to see how he kills instead of immediately apprehending him. He is certain Light and Misa were Kira one and two, and even was wary that Light would have planned to get Kiras power again. Yet now he lets Light and Misa free again with the knowledge that there is probably another Death Note out there. L does not want to kill, but if he had killed Light and Misa before or while they were detained, the show would probably have ended there. Light will make the hard choices, because his evil is different than L's evil. Truly two sides of the same coin.


Light's greatest strength lies not only in his intelligence but also in his perfect insight into human nature, including even that of the shinigami.


The plan had a lot of moving parts that I will try and break down. Sorry for the long post. After Misa forfeited ownership of her death note, Light was the owner of two death notes, which means touching either of those can restore his memories. Notebook-A (the one Ryuk originally dropped in the human world), and Notebook-B (the one Misa was given by Rem that originally came from Gelus). After Light had Ryuk write a couple of fake rules in Notebook-A, he had Rem and Ryuk do that ownership switcharoo so that Rem would be attached to Notebook-A and Ryuk would be attached to Notebook-B. This is a move that will make more sense later. Light's plan for Notebook-A was to give it to a patsy that would be easy for L and Light to locate so that the task force would eventually find it with his help. This would give Light the opportunity to touch Notebook-A and regain ownership of it by killing Higuchi while Light was in possession of the notebook. By regaining ownership of Notebook-A, Light would succeed in regaining his memories permanently. In addition, the fake rules attached to this notebook would not only ensure that the task force wouldn't suspect him, but it would prevent Higuchi from ruining his plans as well. Light's plan for Notebook-B was to bury it and maintain ownership of it until he'd been in custody for a number of days. Even though he'd relinquished ownership of Notebook-A prior to going into custody, he kept his memories of shinigami and death notes as long as he was the owner of at least one death note. When Light lost his memories by forfeiting ownership of the notebook, Notebook-B was the one he was referring to. With this move, the hunt for Notebook-A began and the rest is history.


Although light is meticulous he’s also really bold (he has shown this side of him multiple times before). The guy didn’t even consider the fact that he might not have been able to get back the death note, meaning he was sure that he would be able to catch kira

Julia Renk

Yes!!! This definitly is my favorite episode! I still remember how I felt when I first learned about Lights plan... it was mindblowing! And honestly it still is, even though I've been rewatching the series a few times by now and know what is about to happen... But nothing can ever beat the first time experiencing it


you guys both mentioned in the after discussion that y'all were wondering if there was a possibility that L might die in the next few episodes. Considering that there are 13 more episodes, where do you think the plot would go from there? Especially considering how the show has been very centered around the L vs. Kira psychological battle? Furthermore, do y'all think, that out of the 3 (L, Light, Misa) there's a possibility or probability for any of them to come out unscathed at the end of this battle? Will there be a clear winner/loser, will it end in mutual destruction/corruption, or some other outcome? Interested in your thoughts, and thanks for the reaction as usual!


u guys shouldve made this a triple drop from ep 23-25

Ericken Ellerbee

The 25th episode is actually one of my favorite episode.


You also need to keep in mind that when Gelus stopped Misa from dying, he not only saved her life but he also extended it "well beyond" that of a normal person. Which is why the first time she took the shinigami eyes, it wasn't that much of a big deal compared to 2nd time she took the eyes, cuz the time first she did half her lifespan, yes, but at that point her life was probabily way beyond average than a normal human being

Zaak Dann

Why was extended beyond than normal? How does that make sense?


it's one of the rules, if a shinigami uses the death note to save a human (because they fell in love with them) from their assassin, the shinigami will die, while the human they saved (in this case Misa) will get what was supposed to be the shinigami's (Gelus) remaining lifespan. This means that the human's (Misa) life span will increase (way beyond what was supposed to be their original) Now, we don't know how many years of life Gelus was still left with. But bear in mind that shinigamis have a looong lifespan because of the death notes (which they all own). The death note allows them to end the lives of humans before their times, adding the human's remaining lifespans to their own. Therefore, shinigamis can extend their lives indefinitely.

Nicholas Amos

I really enjoy these reactions. I'm having a rough time at the moment and yous always manage to get a laugh out of me. So thank you for that. This was a crazy episode. But my favourite episode is also my least favourite. It's hard to say much without ruining anything, but it's the one where Misa sings. I hope yous continue to enjoy the series, and when the time comes that yous need more suggestions for shows do let us know. I could give you my top 10. They're all either mystery/detective stuff like this, or historical fiction. I also look forward to more movie reactions. I can't remember if I responded to your comments about getting more comfortable seating for longer viewings, but if that's what is required then please do. I could happily watch a movie reaction once a week.

Nicholas Amos

When a shinigami dies in this way, their remaining lifespan is transferred to the person they saved. Although Ryuk does say that the shinigami only kill when necessary to prevent their own deaths, otherwise they'll be accused of working too hard from the other shinigami instead of playing cards or whatever, we can still probably assume that Gelus was transferring more than a typical human lifespan to Misa.


Really enjoyed the post conversation! The transfer of death notes are simpler than you think. Memories are restored when touching the notebook after losing ownership. Ownership is restored/gained when the previous owner is killed and the next person who touches it is the new owner. Light was able to do both of those at the same time. Sorry if this was already answered, but are there any plans to switch to the subbed version? There are some iconic scenes ahead that are beautifully portrayed in the original version. I would still understand if you guys didn't because at this point you may be too used to the dub and may take away from the experience at the same time.


Goated analogy by Jordan 33:52

Lynn #7

Oh love your reactions J&J! 💜 thank you that made my day today! Completely understandable how you felt about the previous episodes. I can see that the light came back and got you excited 😂 If you noticed L was silently observing Rem and Misa (with Ryuk) who came back to see Light, through the camera at the end, Im interested to know if you have any thoughts as to what L might be thinking at that point. Looking forward to next week! 🙏💜

Keisha Long

To me, especially in this episode, Light is the perfect example of "absolute power corrupts absolutely". As a "normal" working-class college student, he is simply intelligent, a little annoying, and has a strong sense of morality and righteousness. But as soon as you introduce power into the equation, Light's morality becomes a weapon that he wields against the world. His actions seem so extreme, but really are the natural progression of someone with such a strong sense of justice (impacted by his early desire to become a police officer) being given power over death.

silly goose

i feel like when Light responded with shock and the way he did towards Misa telling him she halved her life again for the eyes was part of his act with Misa. he does not genuinely care about Misa and often times sees her as a nuisance. Light uses her as part of his cover because he's stuck with her due to Rem's threats.

benjamin mc coggleworth jr the lll

so happy you guys are watching this show in dub, as it should be. and for your question the whole show is fantastic but none of it can compare with the final episode. the finale is 100% my favorite ep out of the entire show

Sufiyaki Teriyaki

To answer the question if Higuchi is the owner, how did Light got his memories back? Its in one of the many rules of the deathnote. You will lose memory of the Death Note when losing its ownership. But you can regain this memory by either obtaining the ownership once again or by touching the Death Note. This can be done up to 6 times per Death Note. Its "Kira" Light, dont worry. He already thought of this all. If there were a quiz to list down all the rules, Im sure "Kira" Light will get a perfect score.