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Something to note about episode 17 is that when Jean went to attack the female titan and thought he was going to die, Armin said to “avenge the suicidal bastard” in which he was referring to Eren, making the female titan believe that Eren had already been killed which made it hesitate for a moment and saving Jean. Armin knew that it was the female titans goal to find Eren when it wouldent kill people who had their hoods up so if he tricked her into believing he was already dead it could benefit them.

Eduardo D'Andrea

I love ur reaction but u 2 overthinks toooo much ahahaha. U ruined one of my favorite scene in all anime, where i cry every time.

noakey harding

i know it's been month but why did you said it when it's all explain in later episode, it's just a direct spoil... almost no one have ever catch the implication of the "suicidal bastard" sentence before it's all explain EP 23.... its ok if they dont get it instantly they will understanding it at ep 23 when it all come together like thet should, this kind of backtracking and foreshadowing is what make the show greath, if people always explain them foreshadowing before they foreshadow thing, the show just become average, also part of the reason we all enjoy rewatch AOT because we dont had the key to understand or even notice some of the thing on our first watch, and it's how he should be...