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Man so many scenes in this episode gave me chills. Especially the scene when they chose where they’re enlisting and those who were left saluted. Or when they got their uniforms. And that last scene with the kids was amazing. Remember when they were those kids and the survey corps were heroes to them now they are the heroes. Also yes, I’m so scared of any of them dying. I can’t imagine.


Mikasa would heal if she was a Titan…her scar on her face would be gone if she was like eren

noakey harding

second time i see someone comment that, what is done is done and it's too late to doing something about it but i feel the need to tell you it's kinda spoilerish to telling them that, while it is true and people can catch it by themself it is also not clearly said or imply, by telling them that you narrow down the number of possibility (combine with many other thing viewer tell them you can narrow the posibility down to very few thing) wich make everything way more predictable, it's one of the many thing people say not thinking it's a spoiler, but fail to realise one "not spoiler" + an other and an other, end up as the same result than a spoiler, when you take out every "bad" answer the only thing left is the "good" answer, at this rate we can tell them every one who IS a titan, it will be faster than telling them every one who isnt a titan and have the same result :) PS: i hope you dont take it too personaly my goal wasnt to blame you or else, just making you realise thing can give away more info than you think, hoping you didnt make the same "misstake" in the future, i'm not good enough in english to be tactfull though :x sorry about that and have a nice day :)