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— Lucifer —

“HAHAHA!” Lucifer laughed endlessly. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop laughing!

Admittedly… he wasn’t trying very hard.

“Oh glorious lord above, what the fuck are you so happy about?!” Lilith screamed in anger, rubbing her tired eyes.

“Azazel! She has fallen!” Lucifer shouted with joy. “That fucking bitch deserves it after how many fucking times she beat me in UNO!”

“... That was like a thousand years ago, though.” Lilith narrowed her eyes at her husband, who was currently in his female form, wearing nothing but the skin he was given at birth.

“Yet the pain and anger resonate deeply here!” Lucifer pointed at his heart. He looked down to see it looked a lot more like he was just pointing at his massive breasts and coughed into his delicate hand. “Shut up.”

Lilith, who had been on the verge of breaking out into laughs at the expense of her husband, stifled them and got out of bed. Lucifer’s eyes clung to her naked body closely as she moved through the room, swaying her hips all the while.

“Well, are you going to kidnap her and enact your hate boner for the entire Underworld to see?”

Lucifer pondered on that before shaking his head. “We both know… He wouldn’t let me.”

“Oh, Heavens, no.” Lilith laughed. “He’d smite you a thousand times over before you even stepped an inch toward her.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” Lucifer snorted. More than anything, he wanted a match with his father. A contest for supremacy!

And once he won… he could see it now. God would be forced to love him forever!

“You’re making that face again.” Lilith turned around and smirked maliciously. “I suppose your mind is gone from Azazel?”

Lucifer turned his head away, not wanting to admit his wife was correct, but as Lilith mounted the bed and tilted his head up, he could see that she already had him right where she wanted him.

“You’re evil, you know that?”

“I’m the Queen of Hell; I’d be quite upset if you considered me anything but.” Lilith leaned forward and pressed Lucifer on the bed. She reached out and grabbed a handful of the Devil King’s breast, giving it a firm squeeze, which elicited a moan. “Now then, why don’t we have some fun hm?”

— Azazel (Timeskip) —

Centuries passed since she had left Heaven on her own terms, and all the while, everything had been bittersweet.

Her siblings, who had fallen before her, had remained steadfast in their loyalty to her and their shared beliefs. From there, some of her siblings who had resided in Heaven had also fallen. Some of them had a deep despair with being separated from their favorite siblings, while others had made the mistake of sinning and falling through such sin.

It was because of this the Fallen Angels now numbered around 250, with a great deal of half-breed children with the humans.

Now, nearly 600 years later, Azazel rolled off the bed and walked over to the balcony, wearing nothing but the skin she was given, and looked upon all she had built in the underworld where they resided, and she couldn’t help but smile—an overjoyed yet reminiscent smile.

She missed the days she could knock on God’s door and enter without him permitting her. She missed how he’d hold her when she was confused or guide her when she was lost.

More than that, she missed how close they had been, closer than any of her siblings.

She loved God, and God loved her, but now, they weren’t together-

And that was her choice.

Warm arms wrapped around Azazel’s nude waist.

“What has you upset, my lady?”

“Same old, same old, Penemue.” Azazel breathed out, placing her hand on her lover’s. “Did I wake you?”

“Lord knows I don’t get much sleep with you around anyway.” Penemue giggled and pressed her breasts into Azazel’s back. “Now tell me.”

Azazel let out another relaxed breath as she leaned back into Penemue’s embrace. She felt the hardened nipples of the purple-haired fallen press against her back. A sensation she had felt many times over the centuries.

“The Beast,” Azazel whispered.

Penemue’s expression immediately grew grave. She had never seen the beast, but Azazel had explained its existence to her, and only she and Penemue knew how dangerous and terrifying it was.

“Has something changed?” Penemue asked in a consoling tone.

“Yes…” Azazel admitted. “I wanted to make a change, and I did… for the worse. Even after we took away all we had given mankind, all we did was show them what they could achieve, and such goals have only driven them further away from God. Instead of turning to him and asking for guidance, they are taking things into their own hands.”

“Which breeds suffering amongst man and thus strengthens The Beast?” Penemue asked, earning a shallow nod from Azazel. The former human woman ran her hand through her master’s hair in an effort to calm her. “Worrying will not change anything, my dear.”

“I know…” Azazel groaned. “It’s up to God now, but I can’t help the pit forming in my stomach.”

“Then perhaps I can help you relax~” Penemue whispered seductively, kissing Azazel’s ear, which caused her whole body to shiver.

“I’d like that,” Azazel whispered back and locked lips with her purple-haired subordinate. As Penemue led Azazel back to their bed, the leader of the Fallen Angels couldn’t help but think of her Father.

Having Penemue was amazing, but not being able to feel God’s touch in centuries… it had left her feeling numb.

Azazel let out a sigh as Penemue spread her legs gently and smiled at her before dropping her head and licking at Azazel’s clit. A soft moan escaped the black-haired fallen’s lips as she pushed Penemue’s head down harder, hoping for her tongue to increase the pace.

She loved Penemue, and she loved God. More than most things in the world, she’d love to share a bed with both of her favorite people, but she knew it would be centuries, if not millennia, before such a thing was possible.

As Azazel pictured God lining himself up against Penemue’s rear and fucking His grace into her, Azazel realized she had to make her fantasy a reality, no matter how much time it would take.

She just hoped that the day would come sooner rather than later.

— God —

“Father, is something wrong?” Michael asked as he entered my office and made his way to the seat. My hands were firmly pressed against my forehead.

Day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, second after second, the Trihexa consumed my mind and attention, and I was getting fucking tired of it!

“Please, leave me be, my dear boy,” I said, catching Michael off guard as he gave me a saddened look before getting up from the seat and leaving the room.

I stood up and placed my hands on my desk. To say these last few centuries had been stressful would be a massive understatement!

The Trihexa was getting stronger and stronger, and the devils were not helping. Practically, no humans were turning to me and thus were succumbing to more suffering and, by extension, making the Beast stronger, which is making my life much harder.

And I thought dealing with jackasses in COD was horrible; this fucking animalistic incarnation of suffering won’t leave me the fuck alone! More than once, I considered just wiping Humanity from existence completely and taking another route; this shit just wasn’t fucking worth it!

But that’s not an option; it’s time to choose from the more realistic options.

I paced back and forth around the room, making sure to think this out; after all, such a decision couldn’t be made lightly. I slowed time within the room so that 1 second in Heaven would be an hour within my room, so I could take as much time as I needed.

I needed to do a hard reset of Humanity, much like the Great Flood, but such a way of mass killing Humans was… a bit gruesome.

I could just… spirit them up to Heaven, but to be honest, most of them don’t deserve to stay in Heaven for all of eternity, which makes me wonder what the best course of action would be.

So, killing them is wrong, and bringing them up to Heaven is wrong, so what do I do?

A light bulb went off in my brain, and I snapped my fingers before removing the time dilation on the room.

I had it!

It wasn’t perfect, not by any means, but if I could make this work, then Humanity would not only prosper, but it could be the set-up for the world I plan on creating!

Now, all I needed to do was put it into action!

— Chapter End —

Author’s Note: Writing all of this ain’t even fun; I just hope I can get past all of it sooner rather than later so I can start to enjoy writing this again.



Thanks for the chapter keep up the great work.


Shouldn’t the Tower of Babel, the Birth of False Gods, and then the Flood show up in that Order in the timeline since a lot of ancient myths show off and know about the Great Flood. But the Tower of Babel should be the reason for the Scattering and Disunity of Humanity as well as why they turn to False Gods. Then, since Humanity has turned to False Gods and fallen deeper into Sin God Unleashes the Great Flood which every religion at the very least has a reference for such a thing if they’re old enough.

Kakukami | The King of Cooking

I pretty much just speedran it because I'll be going backward later on in the fic to recover the Tower of Babel. I recall someone telling me not to mention something like that more than once, so I'll just tell it from the POV of someone else in a quick flashback which will likely be tens of chapters away from now