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I sat at my desk, a small, proud smile on my face at what Azazel was doing. In all honestly, she was doing what most humans wished God would do. Curing those who were sick and actively helping humanity.

It made me proud because Azazel had chosen something to strive for, and branching off that, her siblings had decided to help her. Such camaraderie and loving familial ties told me just how good I was at creating this family of angels.

They worked together to help man ascend from their lowly place on Earth to one of an ascended society, as she seemed to deem it.

However, that wasn’t the purpose of life.

The world is but a temporary thing. In thousands of years, once the Trihexa is defeated and the world is cleansed, it will become a kingdom like Heaven. Getting attached to the world when it’s not destined to last forever-

It isn’t smart.

Yet Azazel is doing that for the humans. When everything is going well for humanity, they tend to turn away from any higher power. Why would you call upon a greater being when you’re doing fine as is?

It is what it is.

I let out a deep sigh, leaning back into my seat. Even with my incredibly nigh-omniscient knowledge, I was starting to wonder what the right call was. For the sake of existence’s future, calling an end to what Azazel was doing would be the right call, but it just felt so… wrong. She was helping people, even if it would doom the future; she was aiding the sick and educating the uneducated.

A blessing in the present, a failure in the future.

Yet, enforcing what would protect the future from the Trihexa would be a curse in the present but salvation in the future.

Either way, we would both be the bad guys at different times.

“You seem troubled, Father.” Gabriel frowned cutely beside me. Her mere presence was enough to lift my spirit. Such innocence is put into the form of one extremely beautiful woman.

I would sooner be struck down than burden her with my internal conflicts.

“I need a vacation, Gabriel,” I admitted, giving her a big smile. She tilted her head at my answer and crossed her arms under her massive bust.

“You need a vacation?”

“More than anything.”

— Micheal —

Michael looked down at the actions of his siblings, and he had to admit, he was impressed. Michael would have likely praised his dear siblings if it hadn’t been against God’s command.

However, Michael could see what it was doing to the humans.

The advancement of technology and the coming together of people birthed the acknowledgment of the camaraderie of man. This would be considered a good thing, but with man seeing such advancements, more and more humans were turning away from God. The angels, Michael’s dear siblings, gave humanity such gifts, but the humans quickly forget such an important fact.

They are succeeding in life and thus believe they are Gods themselves.

As Michael looked down, he could see Azazel and the others were blind to this fact. And it didn’t make things better that more and more humans were being led astray by the devils who weren’t making deals with man but instead encouraging them to live by sin.

After all, who would punish them on Earth?

Michael shook his head. They were supposed to be God’s sheep, but instead, they were turning away from God and trying to be Lions on their own.

But what is a lion to God?


An insignificant yet beautiful creation, but a completely irrelevant and infinitely inferior being in the grand scheme of things.

Michael knew this way of acting was bothering God, and if it persisted, then the oldest of God’s angels would have to step out of Heaven and correct his younger siblings and the rest of Humanity.

“That isn’t the way, Michael.”

Michael’s head snapped toward the voice, and he saw his father standing beside Gabriel.

“F-Father, you’re here!” Although Michael was momentarily surprised, his father’s presence could never be anything but good! “Please, Father, we must do something about Azazel’s insistence regarding Humanity!”

“I agree, Michael,” God said in a low, almost tired voice. It didn’t feel good at all to hear the Almighty sounding so beat up as if he had spent his days dealing with something tiring.

“Then, what shall we do, Father?”

“I will send someone to end this; should that fail, I will deal with it myself.”

“Send someone?” Michael tilted his head before a human name popped into his mind. “You mean your chosen human, Enoch?”

“Yes, Michael.” The white-haired almighty being looked at Michael with an extremely proud smile on his lips. “I am impressed you recalled his name.”

“A man chosen by God can never be forgotten by his angels.” Michael puffed his chest a bit as God walked over and placed his strong hand on the top of Michael’s golden-blonde hair.

“Your wise words please me, Michael.” With those words, God walked away and left the room, leaving Gabriel behind.

“Would you like a game of checkers, dear brother?” Gabriel questioned, tilting her head cutely with an excited smile.

“Always, Gabriel.”

— Enoch (Several Days Later) —

Enoch treaded through the foreign, almost unrecognizable lands he had once called home. He had no idea Heaven was capable of such blessings, but he should have been aware in hindsight. God’s grace knows no bounds.

A couple hundred years ago, God had told Enoch to live his life in the name of God and Heaven, and Enoch had accepted, never turning back for a second. So when God called his name again around a week ago, Enoch knew it was time to uphold God’s will on Earth.

God called Enoch to preach against the Angels who hath brought forth… blessings from Heaven. Apparently, some angels took some of God’s light and brought it down to share with Humanity. While it sounds nice in theory, God is the creator and decider, and Enoch knew that. To go against God, even if you believe to be in the right, is a foolish endeavor.

Enoch didn’t understand how any angels could have gone against God’s word, but he didn’t need to know. He had orders from God, and he’d carry them out. He had faith in God and that he was doing the right thing; after all, God knows best.

Enoch walked through the advanced settlement and looked around at the various people around. There were much more than when he had left, almost ten times the amount. Enoch ignored the number and took a deep breath. If there were more people, then more people should hear his words, and more should go against it- but also, more should side with him!

“Hear me, my fellow man!” Enoch shouted at the top of his lungs, earning the attention of the people who were going about their day. “I am Enoch, son of Jared, and I ask you all to hear me out in the name of God!”

That sentence alone hooked their attention. Enoch’s name was powerful, and his father’s name was much more powerful. However, both of them paled in comparison to God’s name. To call upon God’s name foolishly was a crime, a taboo, and everyone, even the sinners, knew not to play with fire.

“I come to bear the news of the Almighty’s wishes!” Enoch spread out his arms. “The One Above has asked of thee to speak on His behalf! Bring an end to thy usage of Heaven’s Blessings, for He did not allow such a thing!”

“Son of Jared, what thou says cannot be true! If The Almighty had not wished for us to possess His blessings, then why, pray tell, did he send his beloved angels to gift them to us?!” A man in the crowd shouted back. Many of the people heard his argument and joined in with their own shouts, rejecting Enoch’s words.

“Let us be calm before the Almighty, for he watches us always!” Enoch shouted, which quieted the protests a bit. “The words I spoke were not mine, but God’s. I say this as His loyal servant!”

The people were very obviously conflicted, not knowing which side to take. There was no such thing as bad angels, excluding the devil, Lucifer, who fell from Heaven, so how could any of these angels of God with pure white wings be in the wrong?

Even Enoch didn’t know the answer, but he knew who to trust and who was always right. Call him a sheep; he’d take it as a compliment, for the Lord is his shepherd.

Clearly, there were people still against God’s will, so he continued to speak in God’s defense. Enoch didn’t care if it took minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years; he’d prove God’s will correct, at the cost of his life, if need be!

— Azazel (Several Days Later) —

Azazel sat in a fancy white chair. She was on Earth right now, and things had not gone how she expected.

Humanity was doing good; she had not failed there, but her siblings… they weren’t doing too great.

Humanity wasn’t like the angels. Humanity was filled with many bad apples. People who were naturally bad people, which had led to Humanity tricking her siblings against God’s light, and because of this-

Several of her siblings fell.

Shemzahai and Baraqiel had both fallen to the lust of beautiful temptresses.

Azza and Uzza had fallen to gluttony, and to be honest, Azazel couldn’t blame them at all. The humans knew how to cook, and there were spices that Azazel had never eaten here on Earth that had gotten her more or less addicted.

Finally, Azrael had fallen to Sloth/Laziness. After spending so much time collecting the souls of humans on God’s behalf, this vacation has given Azrael some much-needed time to rest and relax, and the thought of ever going back wasn’t on Azrael’s mind, and thus he fell.

In the span of around a week, all of her siblings, excluding her, had fallen, and she didn’t know how to feel about it. They had all been bummed out when it happened, barring Azrael, it seemed like he couldn’t care less, but now Azazel realized that in the process of helping humanity, she had doomed her siblings-

And she couldn’t live with that.

With a heavy heart, she opened a portal and ascended back up to Heaven, but not before she turned around to look at her wings. What had once been pure white shimmering wings were now stained with black spots all over. She was falling; she had failed, and now it was time to beg for forgiveness from her Father.

— Chapter End —

Author’s Note: I try to write, but I won’t lie; this part is getting harder and harder to write. I deadass want just to skip over it and get right to Jesus so we can get to DxD faster, and I might end it all within the next chapter and make the chapter after that a summary chapter.



Ouch… only a week was what it took for these angels to Fall. Humans Fall to Sin because of Devils, yet it appears Angels Fall to Sin because of Humans. What strange relationship Gods creations fall into. A Horrid Cycle that feeds into itself. Enoch is Based tho. “Stand up for what is Right, even if it means Standing Alone!”