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Azazel patted her knees nervously as I looked at her from across my desk. We are in my office in Seventh Heaven, and I wanted to talk to her about what was currently on her mind.

Specifically, she wants to help humanity with the advancements of Heaven.

From a normal human’s perspective, there is nothing wrong with what she is trying to do; it’s exactly what Humanity needs.

However, the giant black gorilla beast demon in my basement would say otherwise. Her plan would boost its strength tenfold from how strong it should be and inevitably cause us to lose against it.

And I really didn’t want to be consumed/absorbed by suffering incarnate to bolster its strength even more.

“Speak, Azazel. Tell me what is on your mind.” I smiled invitingly. I didn’t want her to think she was in trouble or anything.

“I-I… Father, I wish to know why Heaven must avoid humans.” Azazel requested quietly.

“Well, my child, there are several reasons why I’ve declared such.” I paused, humming in thought. I didn’t want to tell any of the angels about the Trihexa. Knowing some of my more… extreme children would see it as a burden to me- which it is, but they would try and take matters into their own hands.

This would result in their demise and absorption by the Trihexa and, by extension, the suffering of their siblings, which would lead to more strength in our greatest enemy.

“Humanity is a race I have deemed beautiful based on their flaws. Because of these flaws, they make mistakes and learn from them to make advancements. These advancements are what I consider to be the human race's potential.”

“Potential?” Azazel asked although it was more so to herself. She quickly looked up at me, desperation in her eyes. “My Lord, their potential will not help the humans of today! What they need is advancements now!”

A frown worked its way onto my face. “Azazel, what you say goes against the words I have spoken. What is the point of ‘potential’ if they are raised to the top from the beginning?”

Azazel paused at that and clenched her fists in her lap. She was obviously being pushed by her emotions from dealing with Methuselah and Penelope. However, I needed her to see my reasoning. What she decided to do after that was her prerogative.

“Humanity must see their potential for themselves.” My smile returned to my face as I stood up and walked around the desk. I placed a hand on her shoulder and used the other to tilt her chin so she looked at me. “How soon they realize that potential is up to them. Faith in me will speed up the process. I ask that you stay away from man, Azazel. Trust in me.”

Azazel’s frown deepened as she couldn’t meet my eyes, but she did give a shallow nod. “Yes, My Lord.”

With those words, she got up and left my office.

I walked back to my seat and plopped down, letting out a deep exhale.

Her mind had already been made up before I even said a word to her. She wanted to help man; she wanted to end disease and make it so Humanity never saw such horrid struggles and suffering.

Yet her attempt to prevent such suffering would lead to more suffering. If humans had a will, they would find a way, no matter how much she or I, gatekeep them, they’ll find their answer-

And that answer will be devastating.

“Do you wish for me to stop her, Father?” Michael asked, appearing in a flash of light. I knew he had been eavesdropping the entire time, but as my second-in-command, I saw it fit he listened in.

I let out a dry chuckle at his question and leaned back in my seat. Resignation is clear in my features.

“Free will is perhaps my greatest gift to all of my creations...”

Michael sat in Azazel's seat and clung to all of my words like he always tended to.

“Of all the angels in Heaven, the humans on Earth, and the devils in Hell, no being embodies free will more than Azazel. Even Lucifer fails to Azazel. Such a curious soul I’ve created...”

“Such a thing is dangerous.” Michael grimaced. “Perhaps we should stop her-”

“No.” I cut Michael off, giving him a deep frown. His eyes shone in fear that he may have disappointed me, but I waved that concern off him by washing his being in a bit of my aura, which calmed him down. “Do not stop her from doing what she wishes. I will clean up the mess she makes. No matter how big it is. Let it be a learning experience for all the Humans on Earth, the Angels in Heaven- and for her.”

Michael bowed his head slightly and placed his hand over his heart. “As you wish, Lord Almighty.”

— Azazel —

“Just come, let me show you!” Azazel insisted, grabbing her brother’s hand and pulling him along.

“I already said I’m coming, but don’t you believe this is a bad idea?” Baraqiel questioned, following Azazel through the forest.

There were six of God’s angels on Earth at the moment. Azazel, Shemzahai, Baraqiel, Uzza, Azza, and Azrael. Of the six angels, Azazel, Shemzahai, Azrael, and Baraqiel possessed twelve wings from their various good deeds throughout the centuries, gaining more power from God. In contrast, the other two, Azza and Uzza, possessed ten wings.

Currently, Azazel is taking these five over to Penelope’s house, where Methuselah was staying. Azazel had contacted Penelope to help her convince her siblings of what needed to be done for the sake of Earth and Humanity, but she needed her brothers to see it so they could convince God alongside her.

She thought she alone could convince God, but ultimately, he couldn’t see things her way. But what had motivated her more was how close he was to seeing it.

Of all the angels in Heaven, no one knew God quite like her. Remiel was a close second and perhaps Michael with how much he stood by God’s side, but she alone had been studying God each time they would talk, each time he would satiate her endless lust.

She knew him, and she knew she could change his mind.

All he needed was a little push.

“Lady Azazel!” Penelope greeted beside her son, both immediately dropping down to a knee, but Azazel quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up gently.

“Penelope, it is good to see you.” Azazel smiled, almost a motherly smile. She turned to Methuselah, who was still on his knee, and gave him the same smile. “Methuselah.”

“You as well, Lady Azazel,” Methuselah said, his head facing toward the ground as if he didn’t see himself worthy enough to gaze upon her form or the forms of her siblings.

Penelope gazed past Azazel, and her breath hitched momentarily as she looked at the flock of men who were Azazel’s brothers.

“To think we would not only get to see one of God’s glorious Angels, but five others as well, truly, this is a blessing, no, a miracle!”

“The pleasure is ours.” Baraqiel rubbed the back of his head. Azazel could hear how gruff he was. He was willing to follow her down here, but he clearly didn’t like it. He was a stickler for the rules, but above all else, he was a family man.

It’s why she trusted him and Shemzahai the most with this task.

“Let us see what you have spoken about, Azazel,” Azrael spoke. The long-black-haired angel looked incredibly impatient, likely wanting to return to Heaven. To Azazel’s knowledge, this had to be one of the first times Azrael had personally come down to Earth. Typically, he would send some of his aura down to scoop up souls worthy of Heaven and lead them into the Golden Gates.

“Be patient, Azrael.” Azazel grinned at him before turning to Penelope and taking on a considerably more serious look. “Have you prepared them?”

“Yes, right this way!” Penelope nodded, gesturing for the group of angels to follow as she and her son started walking down the path.

The angels followed along quietly, occasionally sendling glances at Azazel, curious to see where exactly they were heading. Azazel had also reigned her wings in, and the others followed along. Now, they looked like incredibly handsome and beautiful humans.

After around fifteen minutes of walking, they saw a small settlement in the distance and realized that was their destination.

Azazel put on a sad smile as she looked at her siblings; in turn, they all looked at her, curiosity twinkling in their eyes. She needed them to see how much worse of man was compared to Heaven. Only then would they see God’s mistake in trusting humans to fulfill their own potential.

The settlement itself wasn’t very out of line. People moved about in their day-to-day lives. It obviously wasn’t anywhere near the level of Heaven, but it wasn’t something that would push the others into action.

However, Azazel knew what they would see next would.

They made their way into a relatively large hut of sorts, and immediately, the smell of rotting, decaying flesh and death hit their nostrils.

All of the angels, barring Azrael, covered their noses at the smell, and their eyes widened in horror at the sights.

Men and women lying in the hut, dying of a plague that had spread. It was the same plague that had wrecked Methuselah’s body and would have killed him had Azazel not shown up. Luckily, he had been in the early stages of it.

But these people? They were days away from Azrael’s visits.

Azazel walked ahead and turned around to her siblings.

“Do you see now? This is what I’m trying to show you. God speaks of the potential of Humanity, but what does potential matter when Man won’t live to see it?”

Azrael walked over to the wall and leaned against it. He likely had already known about all of this and was more or less uncaring, but that wasn’t what mattered. What mattered was convincing the others.

“We need to help them, to give the humans a way to survive. With Heaven’s major advancements, we can help these people heal and ensure sickness like this never happens. God will understand; I know it.”


All of the angels remained quiet, taking another look at the dying people, then looking at Penelope and Methuselah, who looked at them with desperate eyes. Eventually, they looked back to Azazel, and Baraqiel stepped forward.

“Tell us what we need to do.”

— Chapter End —



The question is now will our MC flood the world or find another solution


Hey I’m encountering a problem with notifications, since I’m only at the 5 chapters ahead tier I’m not notified when you release new locked chapters, which in turn doesn’t inform me when the older locked chapters become unlocked, not sure if there’s anything you can do about this issue, just thought I’d bring it to your attention.