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Kami blinked at me for a few seconds. “Judging by the way the way you phrased that sentence, I assume you know what God ki is, and have the keys to access it.”

I nodded. “That and more, I know I can access it. On Namek, before I came here, I made three wishes from the Namekian Dragon, Porunga.”

“Oh?” Kami raised a brow. “Forgive me if my memory is hazy, but I recall selfish wishes being a shunned action on our home planet, punishable by exile.”

“You are correct.” I nodded. No one had ever made a selfish wish before me, and thus no one had ever been exiled, at least not for that reason. “However, Lord Guru made an exception for me, the circumstances on our home planet are fine now, but I have had a vision, a horrible one.”

“A vision?” Kami asked, walking towards me and outstretching his hand. I raised an eyebrow and he paused. “Oh, forgive my rudeness, would you mind if I took a look?”

“That’s what you were doing? I don’t mind go ahead.” I shrugged.

I was by no means an expert in magic and mystical arts, but during the month it took to get from Namek to Earth, I had been doing nothing but strengthening my mind through meditation. It was also something I did every night before going to bed ever since I landed. I had mental defenses that weren’t so simple to bypass.

While I’m sure Kami was one of the exceptions to this rule, I knew he wouldn’t look at anything beyond what I allowed him to see, so as he reached forward and placed a hand on my forehead, I relaxed my body and strengthened my mental defenses. All while simultaneously allowing him to view my memories of Frieza attacking Namek.

After a few seconds Kami pulled back, he had a strange look, something akin to bewilderment.

“My confusion is immeasurable. Why was the human, Krillin, quacking.”

I gave the older Namekian a questioning look before my eyes widened. I took a peak into my mind and the memories and low and behold…

DBZA. I had shown him the wrong fucking version!

“Oops, well that’s my bad but you get the point?”

Kami nodded and looked down upon the Earth. “In your vision, Goki was a man named Goku, I assume your visions come from an alternate reality?”

I guess that would be easy to guess with such a huge change like that.


Kami smiled at that. “In your vision, I saw Piccolo Jr fighting against the threat Freiza with his life on the line…Perhaps he is not one-hundred percent evil, perhaps he can change.”

“I know he can.” I grinned before realizing how off topic we had gotten. “Where was I? Oh yes, three wishes. My first wish was for genetic manipulation, my second, perfect ki control, and my third the Namekian Book of Legends.”

Kami’s eyes widened wider than I had ever seen them. “Perfect ki control, such a thing…Yes, something like that would help you delve into the domain of the gods.”

“Right, about that what I’m trying to ask is if that’s okay? I don’t know how the gods will feel about me, a mortal, manifesting divine ki.”

Kami closed his eyes for a moment as he hummed in thought. “I doubt the gods would be offended, in fact, they would be overjoyed by a potential new god. I myself possess the ability to use god ki through hundreds of years of meditation.”

“Really?!” That threw me for a loop. I had never thought about Kami being able to access god ki, but considering he’s a god, I should have figured. “Can you show me?”

Kami shook his head, confusion visible on my face. “God ki, as I’m sure you know, is attained by pulling one’s ki into their body and leaving none left outside. Theres a reason why mortals do not possess God ki, and why many lesser gods do not use it.”

I tilted my head, I understood where he was going with this and it’s the exact reason why I haven’t tried to access god ki yet. “So the reason is that pulling one’s ki into their body can cause problems?”

“Problems if they’re lucky.” Kami frowned, the implication of danger on coveyed through his features. “There are several ranks of gods, all of them important, and all of them very powerful, yet to my knowledge, none of the gods below the Supreme Kai can use god ki regularly in day to day. This is because compressing ki into one’s body is much like pouring an incredible amount of water into a bottle. The reason why mortal bodies leak ki is because their water bottle is full, or at least, their bodies are shaped to think that way. Now if someone were to take the excess ki that spills over and pull it into themselves…”

“The bottle would explode.” I hummed. It wasn’t a perfect explanation but it made sense. “So to be capable of using god ki reliably, one must have a stronger body?”

“Precisely.” Kami nodded. “I myself am capable of small feats through my usage of god ki, things like traveling to the realm of the kais requires a great deal of exertion for me, but it’s possible.”

So, that explains how he managed to travel to Otherworld in canon after Goku died. His usage of kai kai, the kai’s ability to teleport to different planets and even different universes.

“...Do you think I’m capable of it?” I questioned. I didn’t want to rush into god ki because I suspected my body may be too weak to withstand the energy. I was stronger than Kami, by a great deal, but I doubted it meant much when looking at how strong Goku and Vegeta were when they unlocked God ki.

Kami tilted his head. “You are, although I believe you would only be capable of using certain techniques that require god ki, like the kai kai”

That was good, I doubted I’d be able to jump into some god form anyways, I wasn’t so foolish as to believe I could go from a somewhat insignificant existence to someone capable of defeating the strongest threats in the Universe.

“Well, can you teach me that technique?”

The old Namekian shook his head. “I can’t, such a thing is forbidden for lesser gods like myself. Now, if you were to become my successor and takeover as the Guardian of Earth, in time I would be able to teach you…are you interested?”

Hold up, was he trying to dump his job onto me right now? Judging by his silence and analzying eyes, I’m certain he was.

“I’m going to have to pass, Kami, but thanks for the offer, it means a lot.”

He let out a disappointed sigh. “I assumed as much…It’s a shame, but perhaps time will change your mind.”

“Maybe,” I answered truthfully. I intended to rule the entire multiverse, but Earth would always be one of my favorite places. Having the ruler of the multiverse as the guardian of Earth would be a pretty clear sign not to fuck with the planet.

“I’ll take what I can get.” The old Namekian cheered up, walking back towards the building and I followed behind him.

— Goki —

She closed the door to her room, taking a moment to lean against it. Her mind had been clouded recently.

All her life all she cared about was her Grandfather, Gohan, Master Roshi, her friends, training, and food. Yet here she was now, clinging tightly to her heart and not understanding why.

She had an obsession with Lyre, but that wasn’t surprising. She was obsessed with strength, everyone around her knew that.

When she had first started training with Master Roshi, he had told her that life held many secrets, and no matter how strong she became, there would always be someone stronger than her.

That thought excited her to no end!

To spend the rest of her life chasing strength, growing stronger then each opponent, it was what she wanted most.

What she thrived for.

First it Jackie Chun in the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament. He had been so strong that he managed to defeat her, in the finals even though she gave it her all!

Then in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, it was Tien Shinhan. He was incredibly strong, so strong that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t win!

Even if it was close.

Then…King Piccolo and his men came along and destroyed her definition of strength. Their powers were all on another level, especially the King.

Yet she managed to win, managed to surpass each person that came before.

Now, she was looking at Lyre, and for the first time in her life-

…She didn’t know if she could overcome him.

Lyre was not only strong, but she didn’t have a clue as to how strong he was. She knew her punches no matter how many she landed had no effect whatsoever.

Then there was the fact that he wasn’t stagnant either. He was learning martial arts from Kami and Popo, all while strengthening his mind and magic. He even went down to Kame House to learn from her master.

She knew that no matter how strong he was at the current moment, it wouldn’t stay the same, he was only a year old, and yet he was the strongest person she had ever met. By a mile.

And that thought excited her…

As she laid in her bed, she didn’t know what these strange feelings that she has were. They were mixed with her hunger for battle, and the feeling revolved around Lyre.

She didn’t know what to make of them, but she knew what she always did whenever something strange would happen to her.

Play it out, and follow her instincts..

Her right hand drifted down into the spandex shorts she wore, two fingers gently massaging her mound as a gasp escaped her lips. A feeling of electricity shot through her body, and she realized that she liked this feeling.

She continued, rubbing her pussy until her instincts demanded more. She slipped a finger into the hole she thought meaningless until a few minutes ago and let out a soft moan. Seeing that more pleasure was to be had, she put another finger in-

“Anngh!” She moaned loudly before covering her mouth with her free hand.

She knew the others in the Lookout were probably sleeping and that Lyre and Kami had good ears, she didn’t want to wake them up!

She slowed herself down, but that didn’t take away from the pleasure. Pumping her fingers in and out until her thumb brushed against the bud on her mound and a new feeling of pleasure coursed through her.

The little bud had meaning!

She began rubbing it and the pleasure grew. She grit her teeth so as not to force out any moans, all the while her mind filled with thoughts of growing so strong to the point she fought Lyre on equal ground. Their battle shaking the entire planet, and with each clash, shockwaves would form.

Grins were visible on both of their faces, the ultimate level of power had been reached by both of them, and now it was time for their climactic battle!

She couldn’t hold it in after that.


She moaned, juices squirting from her pussy and soaking her spandex shorts. She breathed heavily for a few minutes, it felt as if she just had an actual battle with how weak she felt.

But it felt so much better.

— Lyre —

I sent a questioning look to the wall across from my bed. It was where Goki’s room was.

These walls were by no means thin, but a Namekian’s ears were so good that they could hear things from a hundred meters away, a mere solid wall wasn’t enough to keep me from listening in.

I was surprised that she even knew how to masturbate. During my three months in the Lookout, never once had I even seen her show a modicum of lust or sexual needs…Beyond the way, her compression shorts under her gi would grow soaked whenever she attempted to beat me.

I wasn’t upset with this development though. I was glad. If she was starting to touch herself, it meant she was opening herself up for business.

And I’m interested in some of the services she had for sale…

— Chapter End ---

Author’s Note: Pretty good setup for this chapter, don’t know if I’m proud of the first bit, but I’m certainly proud of the latter half.