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— God —

With the defeat of Helel and the birth of Lucifer, it was time to clean up Heaven after the mess the rebelling angels caused.

Speaking of the rebelling angels, I sent them down with Lucifer and let him lead them as desired. My children had picked up arms against me and decided that I wasn’t the one they wanted to follow, so they would deal with the consequences of their actions and follow my opposite.

And what a strange thought that was. Even with Lucifer being my opposite, and going against everything I stand for, I can’t help but be proud of him.

He used the free will I had given him and chose his path.

Isn’t that what any Father should want for their child? For them to embrace their true self, no matter how others will perceive them?

“Father!” Michael shouted, rushing over to me, my nine other Archangels rushing behind him.

“My children, are the rest of the angels in good condition?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“Yes, Father! The rebellion has been crushed and there was no loss of life for any of our angels.” Michael saluted and I couldn’t help but snort at his stiffness.

Of all my children, Michael had to be the biggest daddy’s boy…behind Lucifer.

“I’m glad to hear that.” Truthfully if any of my angels had perished, I would just bring them back. After all, as long as I’m alive, no angel can truly die, unless they wish for it. “I have expelled Helel along with the other rebellious angels. They have taken shelter in the Underworld which they renamed to Hell and begun a new race.”

I explained and all of my children’s eyes widened.

“Helel has created a new race?” Azazel’s nose twitched as she pondered on how Helel was capable of such a thing.

“How is that possible, I thought only you could do such a thing, Father,” Remiel questioned.

“I am not the only one. Such a thing would not have been possible for any of you. The race Helel created is the Devil race, they are beings of sin that go directly against my word. More than that, Helel has changed his name to Lucifer and declared that he’d one day be coming for my throne.”

No one spoke as they processed my words, looking varying amounts of hurt. Helel was their older brother and someone they were very close to and was a leader only second to me.

“Then…Father! What shall we do?!” Michael asked stepping forward, eyes screaming for an answer. The rest of my angels followed his lead and looked to me.

“There is nothing we can do.”

— Lilith —

“This will be our home!” The white-haired former angel declared, staring at a flat terrain of dirt and rock and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

A couple of days ago Lilith felt God’s energy return to the Underworld a great distance from her. She rushed over only to find the man she had fallen for gone, and the angel that had tricked her standing there. Only he wasn’t an angel anymore.

The two talked, well more like she interrogated him for answers and he explained that he fell from grace and rejected any kind of angelhood, instead becoming something new, a devil.

She found the entire thing hard to listen to, mainly because it seemed that this Lucifer still had a sort of…attraction to his father. Not in the physical sense, more a mental attraction towards God as a whole and the being he was.

So, Lucifer decided to create a race of beings that went directly against his Father. Lilith didn’t mind helping once asked, after all their goals were somewhat similar.

Lucifer wanted to take the throne of Heaven and be with God and his siblings forever, all while doing things his way. She wanted to get some payback at Adam, and spend eternity with God.

Preferably in his heart…or his bed. Both would be nice.

Moments after they finished speaking, God sent down the rest of the angels who fell and again Lucifer explained his plan. All of them were on board and Lucifer helped them change into devils by overflowing their bodies with concentrated negative energy.

With all sixty-five of the angels now devils like Lucifer, he turned to her and began the process of changing her.

Just like that, she had become a devil like the rest of them, a Queen of their race. Or at least that’s what she demanded and Lucifer knew better than to argue with her. She wasn’t weak after all, and she still had her light chains to bind him if he decided to fuck with her.

Lucifer promoted the angels, who had helped him plan the rebellion against Heaven, to the rank of King over the rest of the devil race.

Now the pecking order went Lucifer and Her as the Supreme Leaders of the race, with Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Leviathan as the Devil Kings.

The sixty-two other devils of wings varying from two to eight were put into groups. The six eight-winged devils were paired with six six-winged devils of opposite genders and were told to embrace the sin of lust and reproduce. Those six pairings of devils would go on to be Lucifer and Her’s personal six families to call upon whenever they wished.

The rest of the devils were told to pair up as they wished and multiply their numbers. All while Lucifer dragged her away to where their future home would be with plans of doing the same.

Both of them used their magic to smoothen their land and create a fortress that would do…for now. When they entered, Lucifer created a bed based on one that God had given him in Heaven and pushed her down, but she would not be led like this…not again.

She flipped him over and straddled his waist looking down on him with a frown. She didn’t love Lucifer, not even a little, but doing this was necessary to see both their goals complete. It wasn’t a hard thing to do either. As she looked down at Lucifer, she had to admit, he was attractive.

Of course he was, he looked a great deal like God after all. Initially, when he was an angel, his eyes were blue, but upon becoming a devil they were red. Lucifer’s body was more…sleek than God’s powerful build.

She could do worse, but before she let him get any further with her, she had a condition that was a deal breaker.

“Lucifer.” Her voice was seductive as she looked at him expectantly, if he could fulfill this condition, then the years wouldn’t be as bad as she expected. “Are you able to alter your body?”

Lucifer raised an eyebrow before scratching his cheek. She could feel his bulge pressing against her, but he would be getting no further with her until he fulfilled her request.

“I can. It’s how I changed my eye color.” He admitted with a light tinge of red on his cheeks. Truly, her future husband was nothing more than a rebellious child hoping to reunite with Daddy dearest. It was quite a letdown.

“Perfect!” She grinned maliciously. “Then whenever we attempt to multiply, I expect you to change your eye color to mimic that of God’s. If you don’t, you won’t be touching me.”

Lucifer grinned at that. “A simple matter.” His eyes changed to the rainbow color that she knew and loved and she kissed him while looking deeply into his eyes. They weren’t quite God’s eyes as they didn’t hold his wisdom or naturally jovial temperament, but they would do…for now.

Lucifer spun her over and began altering the rest of his body to look more like her love. The way his cock grew more excited told her that he was enjoying this, perhaps as much as her if not more.

The thought of playing God turns him on…

Not unexpectedly it was a good thing, now they both would enjoy this.

As the First Devil sheathed himself inside of her, she closed her eyes and pictured herself in Heaven, laying on a golden bed as God rammed into her, over and over. As she opened her eyes it wasn’t quite like how she pictured it, lacking true emotional feeling-

But it felt so good!

She couldn’t wait to have God chained to a bed as she rode him to her heart's content!

— God —

The devils are fucking wild.

Call me weird, but yes I was watching the whole thing, and no I wasn’t at all happy about it. The fact that I seem to be the driving passion in their sex life doesn’t sit well with me, and Lucifer’s sexuality is starting to become a huge question mark for me.

I truly wouldn’t be surprised if I peaked down one of these days and saw a devil altered to look like me ramming into him.

It’d be unsettling as fuck, but unsurprising.

With the rise of the devil race and the making of more, I knew things were moving along. Now it was time for me to take fate into my own hands. I knew the mistakes of God from my original world in the bible, and just in general, and I knew the mistakes of DxD God. I couldn’t/wouldn’t be able to prevent all of them, but at the least, I hoped to make my world better than either of the other two.

— Chapter End —

Author’s Note: Shorter chapter than I would typically write, but the next chapter is going to be a timeskip and I didn’t want to do said timeskip now.



Always looking forward to reading more!


I’d have a giant question mark over my head too if I saw the kinks Lilith and Lucy were into. Good chapter though, dude! Can’t wait to see where the timeskip puts us. Also, make sure to flex super hard on the Buddha trio when they pop up.