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— Godwyn —

A gentle smile graced his glowing face as the form of his brother was seen walking through the main gates of Stormveil castle. 

He had been told by their mother via a Black Knife Assassin, that the young warrior would be arriving soon to lend him aid in the process of defeating her enemies, and when he heard this news, surprise took him. 

Godmund was but a twelve year old boy…yet mother had sent him here to fight alongside his army? 

Wasn’t it too soon?

Alas, mother was in charge, and he wouldn’t go against her word. At least, not without good reason. 

As Godmund spotted Godwyn, a fond smile grew on the younger brother’s face. The boy raised his hand and waved, and Godwyn responded in kind.

As loyal as he was to their mother, he wouldn’t send Godmund to his death, even if he would live once more with the grace of the Erdtree.

No, Godwyn would see that his little brother was adequately tested, and if he found the younger son of Queen Marika the Eternal lacking, then he would take it upon himself to catch the boy up to pace. 

— Godmund —

I walked up the stairs and finally made my way into the final set of gates to reach the inner walls of the castle. Thoughts swirled in my mind, primarily focused on my mother and my little brothers. 

The sheer remembrance of my mother’s face caused my backside to ache from my punishment

The usage of magic was a bit overboard for mere spankings in my opinion, but she quite obviously didn’t agree. 

Recalling our argument and eventual accord, I realized that perhaps there were pieces to Mother that I was missing. Growing up, I loved her a great deal, she was everything that my mother in my last life wasn’t, and even when I realized that a lot of her smiles and laughs were fake, she was still infinitely better than my crack junkie mom who would rather adopt the life of a stripper than get a good respectable job that supported me and my siblings. 

When Marika had told me that she loved me, I felt those words were genuine, if not a bit conflicted. There was something, a part of her that must be battling with her feelings, but I didn’t know what afflicted her. However, I did know what I could do to make up her mind for good. 

I was going to fight, I was going to kill, and I was going to conquer, all so that side that opposed her motherly instincts would die

I needed to grow as close to her as possible to become her number one trusted warrior and guardian because while I fight for the Golden Order that she wishes to enforce, I do not agree with everything she has cast into law. 

Most notably, what she commands is to be done with accursed children. 

I swear this day that I’ll grow so strong and so influential while retaining my loyalty that Mother will have no choice but to heed my word and let my little brothers rejoin our family. 

I will not allow this new family of mine to suffer like the last one. I would bring peace to it, even if the world needed to burn for that goal. 

“Young Godmund.” My older brother greeted me at the main door of his large castle. 

“Brave Godwyn.” I returned his greeting with a smile. I stepped forward and as did he and we embraced. It was the first time we were seeing each other in a few years, and I’d be lying if I said the sheer sight of his face didn’t bring me pure joy. 

“How have you been, little brother?” He whispered in our embrace. 

“I am well, what of you brother?” I asked as I pulled away. The blonde-haired man clasped my shoulders and gave me a wide grin. 

“As well as I’ll ever be.” Godwyn chuckled out before he gestured to me to follow him inside. 

“How has the warring gone?” I asked, attempting to get into the meat of why I was here. 

Godwyn’s grin remained. “As good as we could hope. Father and his army are fighting off the Fire Giants, and as such we have not been called to the North for quite some time.” 

“So you’re dealing with lesser threats to Mother’s order?” I asked, earning a nod from the man. 

“There are many factions and affiliations that evade and war with us.” Godwyn said as we made our way up some stairs. “They’re a thorn in our side when separated, but when dealing with them all at once, they become quite a problem. As such, it is our duty to wipe them from these lands.”

“And what of the Carian Royals?” I asked as I recalled the rather tedious bunch, or at least that’s what Father would call them in less kind words. 

The mention of them actually removed the grin from Godwyn’s face.

“They are…complicated to say the least.” He frowned. “Their might is surely not to be underestimated, especially with their power connections with Raya Lucaria.” 

Yeah that sounds about right. I still didn’t know all the details but I was forced to be educated to some extent. The Carian Royal Family is rather powerful and has incredibly influence, extending all the way to the Magical Academy of Raya Lucaria. The current Queen of Caria, Queen Rennala also happens to be the Headmaster of Raya Lucaria. Why she holds both titles eludes me at this point, but apparently she’s really powerful. Strong enough to keep armies at bay from the rearlines of her army.

Her might was so much in fact, that Mother had withdrawn Father and his soldiers from the fight against them. 

Even with all that knowledge, I didn’t think for a second that Godfrey the Elden Lord was weaker than Queen Rennala, I do however believe her magic poses such a threat to the point where no forward progress can be made against her. 

Why else would Mother pull them back? 

“So they’re our strongest enemy?” I asked, earning a small nod from my older brother. 

“Their magic makes them harder to deal with than an army of Fire Giants, and I’m sure Father would agree with me.” Godwyn explained. “Mother apparently has an army stationed there in order to hold ground without making forward motion. I believe she knows something about them that we do not.” 

“Do you think Mother fears them?” I asked in shock. Now I could understand why she was so ready to send me off the battle. 

“I doubt it.” Godwyn shook his head. “If Mother truly wished to deal with them, she could pull our forces away from all other battles and launch one powerful strike that not even Caria and the Academy could hold back. Of course this would open us up to other factions, but with the Erdtree’s grace, we would return to fight again.”

That dropped me back into thought. That was a rather extreme way to deal with them, and I assume Mother came to the same conclusion. Her sheer knowledge and wisdom far surpasses my own, so I can’t even begin to claim to understand all of her intentions, but could she perhaps have a plan in mind to take them down? 

“Foolish little brother.” Godwyn grinned and I frowned as I felt his hand run through my hair aggressively. “Why must you think of such an enemy? We aren’t concerning ourselves with them, and they will leave us alone as long as we don’t attack. Why don’t you focus on yourself, more specifically, your current abilities.” 

As we reached a hall located on the third floor of the castle, Godwyn gave me a powerful push that sent me flying several meters into the room. 

“Show me your might, Young Godmund.” 

I frowned at the man, as I didn’t have a weapon, but as he threw away his sheathed sword and lowered his stance, I realized a bare knuckle brawl was exactly what he wanted. 

“As you command, Brave Brother of mine.” I grinned, and punched my palm before adopting a more traditional boxer stance. 

I hadn’t boxed since my last life, even if I often went through the motions. 

Let's see how rusty I am. 

I rushed forward and as my I reached my target, I immediately re-adopted my stance. I threw out a left jab that he easily blocked before he launched a powerful hook at my face. It was fast, and I narrowly managed to duck under it. I couldn’t even throw my own attack as Godwyn brought his leg forward and kicked me, sending me flying away again. This time my back crashed into the ground. 

I quickly picked myself back up with a small amount of effort and managed to block Godwyn’s follow up kick. He grinned down at me and hopped backward. 

“Your reflexes are quite good.” He complimented as I dropped back into my stance. 

“Training with Father and Uncle demands this a bare minimum.” I grimaced, recalling all the powerful blows I have taken over the years. 

“Well, they taught you well.” He nodded and dropped his stance. “You actually managed to block my attack, and thought I wasn’t going all out, that’s more than I can say for most of my men.” 

“So this was a test of some sort?” I asked as I relaxed my body.

“It was.” Godwyn smiled warmly. “The last thing I want is to see my brother die in combat, even if I know you will return. As such, I wished to see your skills should you end up losing your blade, and I’ve been left convinced. You may yet be capable of handling yourself in true war. Father’s blood runs strongly in your veins.” 

I clicked my tongue. “Says the guy who could have beat my ass.” I whispered under my breath, earning a hearty laugh from my older brother. 

“That may be true, Young Godmund, but you forget mine age. When I was twelve, I couldn’t even imagine being as strong and skilled as you are now. Mark my words, by your sixteenth summer, your strength will surpass my current level.” 

I looked at him for a long moment before nodding. It was an achievable goal, one that would be made even easier by my indoctrination to combat and war. All my life I have only been sparring with Godfrey and Maliketh, along with some of the other powerful knights Lyndell has protecting it. Yet the entire time I’ve never seen any true combat. 

Godwyn had to grow stronger. He had to in order to live. The same would apply for me the more battles I fought in.  

“I’ll want to test your further before we depart from Stormveil, but until then, tell me, why is it that Mother sent you here so soon?” Godwyn asked as he gestured for me to follow him out of the room. I did as he wished and walked into the wide hallway behind him.

“Has she told you nothing?” I asked with a frown. He glanced back at me and raised a confused brow. 

“Nothing. I know not why she has sent you other than your urge to conquer in her name.” Godwyn explained and my face scrunched in disbelief and annoyance. 

She hadn’t even told him what I was fighting for.

“Why don’t we sit before I begin?” I offered and his expression immediately became more serious, but he nodded. We made our way toward his room and entered. As we both took a seat at the foot of his large bed, I began to explain everything that had happened regarding Mother’s pregnancy and birth. 

The more I explained, the more he grimaced, and he remained quiet until the very end. 

“That is…quite unexpected.” Godwyn spoke finally, and I raised an eyebrow. 

“Does it not bother you?!” I questioned with more heat than I should have, and he raised his hand to silence me. 

“Do not assume my feelings on the matter.” Godwyn said calmly, but I could hear an undercurrent of a growl in his voice. “I simply said it is unexpected. Mother condemns Omen and any other forbidden births in her order. The fact that she left them alive, knowing their association to her would bring harsh whispers to her name is the most surprising thing.” 

Ah, yeah that makes more sense. Initially I thought he just didn’t care, but now that he explained it further, I can see that. Mother is the kind of person to have people assasinated for shit talking her behind her back, needless to say, removing two plagues upon her reputation wouldn’t have been surprising, all things considered. 

“That being said, I do not agree with her actions. Omen or not, they are her children, and the children of the Elden Lord. Their status should not go unchanged.” Godwyn crossed his lean arms over his chest. “Though, the fact that she kept them alive shows she has plans for them in some way.” 

“Do you really believe that?” I asked as I leaned forward a bit. 

“I do.” He nodded. “That being said, knowing Mother, I doubt her plans will benefit them in any way that matters.” 

“Then you agree we need to free them from the depths of Lyndell, right?” 

Godwyn smiled warmly and nodded. “Omen are scourges. They are accursed creatures that will never see the light, nor grace of the Erdtree, yet those two…they aren’t just Omen, they are family, even if Mother has abandoned claim of them. Their blood still runs with the might of the Elden Lord, and the glory of the Eternal Goddess.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” I let out a breath of relief. It felt really good to know that I wasn’t alone in my quest to see our little siblings, and based on Godwyn’s stance, my mind began to wonder if Father felt a similar way. 

He was a simple man after all, one I doubt would care if his children were born accursed, as long as they were not useless, he’d see them as his, or at least that was my belief on the matter. 

“If we wish to hold your side of your accord with Mother, than we’ll have to begin your training as soon as possible.” Godwyn said with a small smile as he stood up. 

“Training?” I asked with a frown. I’ve been doing nothing but training this entire time! I need to gain some real experience!

“I know that face.” Godwyn chuckled. “Calm yourself, Young Godmund. The time will come where you will see battle, although let me warn you, it is not as fun as you may assume.”

“I already know that.” My frown deepend. The battlefield wasn’t a game, nor was it something I should enjoy, yet whenever I thought about letting lose and using everything I’ve spent years learning on the poor souls Mother deemed enemies, my blood boiled with excitement

“Then, let’s head down to the courtyard. My knights are eagerly waiting to meet you.” 

“As you wish, Brave Godwyn.” 

— Chapter End —

Beta Reader: @Basilisk, @Darklord331/Old man of the mountain(Discord) 

Author’s Note: I will say this, it’s Expies or OCs. Elden Ring simply doesn’t have enough characters to work with the things I plan on doing. I’m perfectly fine with doing either, and have plans already set for both. Most likely doing OCs though at this rate. s



This is a personal preference but I would much rather that you use expies. They’re easier to adapt into a story, already are a developed character, and a fun little nod to other stories. Makes it feel like we’re all part of one big multiverse with alternative selves. OC’s just never held the same weight to me.


Id say stick to mostly OCs, but some expies wouldn't go to amiss. Hell, you could have your OCs be different builds you've either played, or thought of using before too