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I crossed my arms and closed my eyes as the space pod floated upward. Memories told me this would be a bumpy process, but I had nothing to worry about. The space pods were top-of-the-line technology with a .0000000001% chance of failure. 

Alien technology for the win. 

That may be the one thing Freeza did well, I will admit.

Speaking of Freeza…I needed to deal with him sometime in the future. He was a tyrant and had killed trillions, but that wasn’t why I was upset with him. 

Hell, I have easily killed billions…or at least Vegeta has. No, the main reason why he needed to die was his oppressive rule. 

He’s a being that believes anyone strong enough to oppose him must be killed, and that’s foolish in the grand scheme of things. 

Most specifically when taking Zeno into account. 

Universe 7 is the weakest universe, thanks to Freeza’s tyranny. He needs to be dealt with, and I need to raise the average power level of the universe. Because the moment I became Vegeta, I realized just how much power I could have. 

Forget being the Prince of Saiyans…I could end up being King of Universe 7, or all of the universes if Saiyans truly had no limits.

We would have to see, but my resolve was strong. I would rise to higher levels than any version of Vegeta that has ever been seen. 

I was thinking of the heights that C.C. Goku reached. I want that for myself, and I’d get it. 

“[ETA: Five days.]” The automated feminine voice of the spacepod spoke.

“Initiate forced sleep.” I ordered. 

“[Forced sleep, initiated.]”

Gas spread throughout the pod and I didn’t fight the heaviness of my eyes. 

Within moments I welcomed unconsciousness. 

— Kami —

His eyes shot open as he looked up at the sky atop his lookout. 

“I have sensed a disturbance, Mr Popo.” 

“Hm.” Popo hummed, watering the flowers. 

“I…do not know what to make of it.” 

“Do not worry yourself, Kami. You are the guardian of Earth. What goes on beyond doesn’t need to be your concern.” Mr Popo advised, continuing his watering. 

“I suppose you are correct.” Kami relented, but internally he still wondered what it was he sensed. It wasn’t extreme power or anything like that, no it felt like danger in the distant future. 

Though he couldn’t for the life of him pinpoint what was the cause. 

A sigh escaped him as he walked his way back into his lookout. There would be no answers anytime soon, the best he could do was keep himself on alert for any more warnings. 

This was the planet he was tasked with watching, and he’d be damned if he let it go through another tragedy. 

Never again. 

— Bulma —

“Argh!” Bulma ran both hands through her hair frantically as she looked at her failure of an invention with frustration. “Why won’t this stupid thing work!” 

“Yelling at it won’t help.” 

Bulma’s head snapped to the corner of the room where her older sister was leaning against the window smoking a cigarette. 

“I know that!” Bulma groaned. 

“Then why waste your energy?” Her blonde-headed sister, Tights, asked with an amused smile.

Bulma clenched her fists. Her sister was always like this, mocking every little thing she did! 

“Why do you insist on making this harder for me?!” 

“Because you're being dumb.” Tights crossed her arms under her bust with a frown. “You hear from some random lying ass fortune teller that there are magical wish-granting granting balls that spawn a dragon and the first thing you think of is “I wonder if the dragon can cook me up a cute boyfriend.”” 

“What’s wrong with that?!” Bulma glared. 

“Bulma, my sweet, stupid little sister…there’s no such fucking thing!” Tights shouted, her fists tightening. “You’re wasting your time trying to invent a radar for balls that cannot be scientifically explained. If dad saw this, he’d call you a fucking idiot.” 

“Dad would do no such thing, you bimbo!” 

Tights let out a tired sigh and threw her cigarette out of the window. “You know what, do whatever the fuck you want, but don’t come whining back to me when it ends up in a dumpster fire.” 

“I will! You’ll see! I’ll make this radar and find the dragon balls and when I do, I’ll get the most perfect, most handsome, kind and powerful man in the Universe!” 

Tights walked out of the room, not even bothering to spare Bulma a parting glance. As the door closed, Bulma began working again. 

Tights… she was usually right about these kinds of things, but there was something in Bulma’s gut telling her that these wish-granting balls, the dragon balls were real, and she could really find them to grant herself a wish. 

A giddy smile came over her lips. “My wish will come true, I’m sure of it! The perfect man is out there, waiting for me, and I him… It’s so romantic!” 

A dreamy sigh escaped Bulma’s lips as several images of her perfect man appeared in her mind. 

“I wonder if he’s thinking about me too…” 

— Vegeta (A Week Later) —

“First of all, I am Vegeta; second of all, you’re not Vegeta; third of all, you want to be Vegeta, but you can’t be Vegeta because I am Vegeta.” I tiredly grinned down at my training partner for the day, who was sitting on his ass looking worse than me. 

“Y-You got lucky, Vegeta!” The purple, admittedly ugly alien growled. 

“There is no luck for Saiyan royalty, only the universe bending to my will.” I laughed, and I heard Nappa and Raditz give some applause. 

“Amazing, Vegeta!” Nappa proudly nodded. “If your father could see you now, I know a smirk would wash over his whole face!” 

“Mhm!” Raditz grinned. “Your strength knows no limit, Prince Vegeta!” 

“I do not need dickriders around me, Nappa, Raditz.” I scoffed. Both of them looked at each other with confusion, but I wasn’t about to explain it to them. 

“Vegeta!” A random alien ran into the room, letting out frantic breaths. It looked like Appule, but I was almost certain it wasn’t, and I didn’t want to be racist toward the…Appule race. 

I’d have to learn what the fuck they were called later. Because God knows Vegeta didn’t…

“Lord Freeza has heard of your successful mission and praises you.” The Appule race-man announced. 

I grinned at the alien. “His benevolence deeply graces me.” 




“What…the fuck happened to you, Vegeta?” Cui asked, pulling himself off the ground. “Who the fuck taught you manners?!” 

“I’m a Prince; I have manners; I just choose who to use them on.” I shrugged and left the room, ignoring words from the ordinary soldiers who had watched. Raditz and Nappa followed me closely as I walked past the healing pod and continued on my path. I wasn’t hurt enough for healing, and I’d rather not waste my time there. If I am seventeen, then I have to start getting shit done—now

Canon Vegeta trained for years and reached a power level of eighteen thousand at the beginning of Z, so around twenty-eight years old. Thanks to that spar I had with Cui, I now know I am sitting at a top power level of twelve thousand—more than my father had, but still weaker than a great deal of the Freeza force. Luckily for me, Cui is around my power level and sees me as a rival to surpass. Also, he hates me, so he won’t go easy on me in spars. 

I can use that. Or, more specifically, him

I can grow in strength while training and then test that power against him, and the quicker I rise in strength, the better. Z is only around twelve years away, and I need all the power I can get. 

So first things first, I would spend some time training and growing against Cui while also training Raditz and Nappa to grow in power, and then I’ll move on to step two of my plan. 

Our walk stopped as I stopped in front of a tablet filled with the various discovered planets. They were sorted alphabetically, so I could easily find the two planets I was looking for. I scrolled and scrolled and grinned when I found the first one. 

Planet: Yardrat 

Population: Unknown

Threat Rating: EX

“Do you wish to take that planet on, Prince Vegeta?!” Nappa shouted in surprise. 

“Lower your voice, Nappa.” I snapped at him, the older Saiyan quickly shutting up. “I’m not so stupid as to attack a planet like this.” 

From what Vegeta knew, Planets were ranked by Threat Ratings. These Threat Ratings were ranked by letters, with the lowest being F, followed by D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, and finally EX. 

I frowned at the Yardrat being ranked at EX. Freeza really did fuck up this Universe if Planet Yardart was one of the most formidable planets in the Universe, but at the same time, I could understand the Freeza forces’ caution. 

Yardrats were terrifying for the exact same reason I wanted to go there. 

They had incredibly powerful techniques. 

Instant Transmission was just one of them, and if you had a planet of Yadrats using it, they would give even Freeza trouble. 

The planet isn’t very valuable, making clearing it the dumbest thing anyone could do, especially since it would draw Freeza's eye. 

Clearing a planet like that would violate his whole “You can’t be stronger than me” schtick, which would end badly. 

Luckily for me, I had no intentions of clearing their planet; I only wanted to learn from them. 

Having Instant Transmission and the other yardrat techniques would be insanely helpful in both the near and distant future. 

“What are you thinking, Vegeta?” Nappa questioned. 

“This planet…I believe we can gain something from going to it, but not now.” I backed out of the Yardrat overview and began looking for the next planet that interested me. 

Planet: Vampa 

Population: 50,000

Threat Rating: A

I grinned at the green planet. Vampa, the current location of Broly and Paragus. I was in no rush to pick them up… or rather, pick up Broly. 

I was going to kill Paragus rather than try to earn his trust. He was a wild card, and while I could fuck around and try to get him on our side, his control over Broly could end up being detrimental to my health. Especially when you consider Broly being able to fight both Goku and Vegeta in their god forms. 

Yeah, I wasn’t going there for a while, and when I did, Vampa would be the older Saiyan's resting place. 

“I have what I need.” I put the tablet back down, erasing my search history, and made my way back to the door.

There wasn’t much to do in the near future besides train. Yardrat could come later, but for now, I needed to spend the next several years growing in power. 

As I walked, I closed my eyes and pictured a brilliant golden aura around me as I stomped Freeza into the dirt. The Vegeta within me likes that image a lot. 

That wasn’t some silly dream; it was my destiny, and I planned on fulfilling it. 

— Chapter End —

Join me on my Discord server https://discord.gg/urPdbMCtQM

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)



Author’s Note: I’m not going full crack with this fic, but there will be some DBZA elements. Though honestly, it’s a DB story, this shit should have been expected. 

Also, ages in DB are confusing because they have been retconned and changed to fucking much, but this is what I’m going with. 

Start of DB

Nappa - 38

Raditz - 19

Vegeta - 17

Bulma - 16

Goku - 12



Thanks for the chapter