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“So…who wants to go first?” I asked, placing two of my hands on my hips. 

Aura’s head shot in my direction, her eyes going from surprise to pure anticipation and giddiness.

“Can we, my Lord?!” 

“Aura!” Mare quickly said, trying to ward off his older sister, but Aura wouldn’t relent. The sheer look of excitement in the girl’s eyes was enough for me to have my answer.

“Of course.” I smiled, and immediately, Aura’s body shot into the air.

“Yes! We get to fight the huge, strong Elemental, Mare!” 

“But sis…” 

“C’mon, Mare, we got this! Let’s show the Supreme Ones just how strong we are!” 

Mare glanced back at us, getting a smile from Momonga and me, a gentle tap from Buku, and a quick nod from Nishi. 

“...Alright.” The boy nodded, stepping forward, but not before straightening his skirt. 

“Are you both ready?” I asked with anticipation in my voice. 

“Yes!” Aura grinned, looking at the summoned elemental.

“Primal Fire Elemental, attack!” I ordered, and the Elemental’s body began to radiate even more heat. Aura and Mare moved away from us, not wanting to get us involved in their fight.

The fire elemental launched a wave of fire that quickly swept over the arena floor. Aura easily jumped over the attack and launched a counter-using her whip-like weapon, cutting the large elemental in half, but to her surprise–it regenerated and shot out a counter of its own.

“Sis!” Mare shouted, holding out her staff and a magic shield appeared Aura, blocking the fire elemental’s hit as Aura slashed at it again and again, aiming to overwhelm it with her power and speed.

“They’re really getting into it!” Buku cheered as she watched the two. Mare was moving around, keeping his distance while making sure his older sister was protected from attacks. 

“Yeah, they’ve got some pretty good teamwork.” I grinned. Watching them was getting me fired up for my turn! All the power of my character, KakueiSolos was at my fingertips, I could feel it, and I wanted to use it now!

Damn…I should have gone first.

“Master,” Nishi said, earning my attention. “Will you be testing yourself now?”

“I will.” I nodded. “Once Aura and Mare have had their fun.”

“I see, and what about you two?” Nishi looked towards my women. 

“Uh…” Momo rubbed the back of her head before looking at me and seeing my encouraging smile. “Yeah, I’ll take a swing at it.”

“Me too!” Buku jiggled her slimy body. “We can fight it together, Momo!” 


“Sounds like a plan.” I chuckled, returning my attention to the fight. My grin grew when I saw the elemental get cut in half again and erupt into a tower of fire. 

Both Aura and Mare watched the dying elemental with sparkles in their eyes, and only once all the fire died down did they drop their guards.

“That was so fun!” Aura jumped back over to us. 

“You both did amazing!” Buku slid her way over to the two and pulled them into her squishy body.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Aura.” I smiled at the girl getting sucked into Buku’s body, then looked at the struggling Mare who was nearly consumed by Buku’s embrace.

“What about you, Mare? Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Mmm…it was a lot of fun!” Mare nodded and though he was quiet I could tell he genuinely meant his words.

“Good, I’ll summon another one for you both to play with another time.” 

“Really?! Thanks, Lord Kakuei!” Aura beamed an excited smile at me. 

“Yes, thank you, Lord Kakuei!” Mare bowed with his own little smile. 

“It’s nothing.” I waved them off before looking at where the elemental died. Now that they are finished having their fun, it’s my turn to enjoy myself! 

“I suppose I’m next.” I stepped past the group.

“Lord Kakuei, you’re fighting?!” Aura shouted in surprise.

“That I am.” I nodded with a small smile. 

“Awesome!” I could see her shaking in anticipation and I raised an eyebrow at that. Was she that interested in seeing me fight something she handled with relative ease? 

Well, whatever made her happy. 

But which elemental should I fight? Did it really matter? It isn’t like they’d give me a challenge regardless…but I still wanted some level of danger…

Eh, fuck it. 

“Summon, Primal Lightning Elemental.” 

Within the middle of the arena, lightning began to zap at ground level before it grew and took the shape of an elemental. 

I stared at the elemental with a shit-eating grin. 

Now, let’s test these Skills

“Primal Lightning Elemental, attack me!” I shouted, outstretching my arms and without warning, a blast of lightning struck my powerful body. I momentarily flinched at the sudden attack, but when I realized that I barely felt any pain from it, a bit of my excitement died. 

Well, I already expected this would be easy…

Now, for these Skills…

Intrinsic Skill: Eyes of Lustful Intentions 

Suddenly, my eyes began to glow, and the world around me seemed to move slower. A grin tugged at my lips as I realized: So this is where all my Sin Skills went. 

I held out my hand, pointing at the Elemental, and a millisecond later, another me appeared, pointing at the elemental as well. Then another, then another. Within less than a second, five parallel existences were standing beside me, pointing at the elemental.

These eyes of mine granted me several abilities. One of which was the parallel existence skill that I possessed in the game, only buffed. The Parallel Existences I can summon are literally me. Meaning I share their senses. When they breathe, I feel that oxygen filling my lungs. They are me. More than that, I could summon the existences both inside and outside of my body, meaning I could create Parallel Existences within my own mind to assign different tasks within my body. Finally, I was not burdened by an existence’s limit. I can make as many as I wish as long as I have enough MP…or magicules as this world refers to it. 

Beyond that, these eyes give me Thought Acceleration, which explains why the world slowed down. They also allow me to see a target’s true name, alignment, sexual preferences, and a general description of them. 

Finally, it also gave me the ability to stun targets in place just by looking at them. The weaker the target, the more effective the Skill is. 

I looked at the Elemental and focused hard on it. 

Name: None

Description: Primal Lightning Elemental summoned from the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil. This entity was summoned by ???

No name? Shouldn’t its name be Primal Lightning Elemental? Was it because I myself didn’t name it?

I frowned at that, and just as the elemental was about to launch another lighting bolt at me, I locked my gaze on it, freezing its body. 

Okay, so I’m strong enough to freeze an Elemental in place, that’s good. I was a bit worried about just how powerful I needed to be, though there was no way an Elemental could even come near my power, so I shouldn’t be too surprised. 

I held my hands out, tempted to try out all of my skills, or at least a good amount of them. 

Intrinsic Skill: Enhanced Web Creation

From two of my hands, powerful webs infused with magicules launched out toward the Elemental. To my surprise, as they reached his body, they wrapped around him and tightened, further restraining him. 

I thought the webs would be shocked and destroyed the moment they touched its lightning body, but I suppose I was wrong. 

Intrinsic Skill: Spacial Manipulation

Oooh, this one sounds interesting. I assume I got this from beating the World Eater after I yoinked his abilities from getting the World Eater title. 

I held my hand out and focused on the area just in front of the Elemental, and a blackish-purplish portal opened up. I widened my eyes at it, then looked up at the top of the arena and focused my attention there, opening another portal at the top of the arena.

“Oh, this is badass…” I whispered to myself, using both hands to hold the ends of webs and pulling, making the Elemental go through the portal and appear at the other one at the top of the arena where its body fell all the way back down.


I stared down at the Elemental with the front of its body in the ground. 

Okay, now I was just bullying it…

The rest of my skills didn’t really require testing as they were either passive skills, or they weren’t useful in this situation. 

The last one I wanted to test was the same one that I noticed earlier-

Unique Skill: Shift

According to the description of the skill, it allowed me to shift reality with restrictions. Depending on my magicule count, I could shift beings/objects into places/times of my choice. 

It sounded really confusing, but as I activated the skill, I began to understand.

One moment I was standing just in front of the Elemental, and the next moment I was standing next to Momonga.

“What are you doing over here, Kakuei?” Buku asked in confusion. 

I didn’t answer, not because I didn’t want to, but because the realization of just what the hell this skill is capable of hit me. 

This skill basically allows me to access the Fourth Dimension. 

In other words, it allowed me to manipulate my place in time. 

To explain it in simple terms, it allows me to look back to a place I had been before in time—so in this case, beside Momonga, Buku, and Nishi while Aura and Mare were fighting the Elemental—and transport me there in the present. 

It’s like time travel without actually going back in time to affect the past. 

“I’ll explain later,” I said to Buku as I rushed forward and threw a powerful punch against the Elemental’s restrained body, sending it skidding backward before slamming into the Arena wall.


That Unique Skill, Shift…it could be very useful if used correctly. Some may consider it no different from teleportation with restrictions, but I knew better, and I planned on using this ability to its fullest potential, should I get the chance. 

With my testing done, I beat the restrained Elemental to death, taking the hit as it exploded into many blasts of lighting.

Seriously, these Elementals weren’t all that strong. At least not to a level 150 like me. 

I deactivated my skills and walked my way back over to the group.

Aura and Mare gave me a round of applause, making me smile.

“That was amazing, Lord Kakuei!” Aura pumped her fists.

“I was merely testing myself, Aura.” I ran my hand through her hair. “But thank you.” I placed my other hand on Mare’s head as well and smiled at the way the two blushed. Were they really this easy to please? I won’t complain. 

“And you looked sexy while doing it~” Buku purred, and I gave my woman a thankful smile. “Now it’s our turn, Momonga!” 

“Mmm!” Momonga pumped her fist up, mimicking the action Buku was doing with her slimy stub.

“Right, which Elemental do you girls want?” I asked.

“Hmmm, what do you think, Momo?” Buku hummed in thought.

“How about Earth?” Momonga stepped forward toward the middle of the arena. 

“Works for me!” Buku nodded, following Momonga. 

I outstretched my hand and began the summoning process.

“Summon, Primal Earth Elemental.” 

The floor of the arena began to shake before the entire middle-ground of the arena flew into the air and began to take the form of an Elemental. 

“Have fun, ladies.” I laughed. “Attack, Primal Earth Elemental.” 

The Elemental moved into action, sending a hurl of rocks their way, and in response, Momo created a shield in front of them.

“You wanna take a crack at it first, Momo?” Buku asked. 

“Sure.” Momonga gripped her staff and pointed it at the Elemental. 

Black aura began to circulate around her before slithering up to the tip of her staff, and when she saw the Elemental take a break in its attack, she released the blast of magic-

And the Elemental dropped before exploding, sending rocks flying everywhere. 

My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped open a bit. 

Aura and Mare weren’t doing any better as their surprise was evident on their faces.

She just one-shot an elemental with a single blast of death magic. 

Holy shit…

I’m hard. 

“Momo…” Buku spoke slowly, sounding just as surprised as the rest of us. “Since when could you one-shot elementals?”

“I-I dunno!” Momonga waved her hands in defense. “This is the first time!” 

I moved forward, passing Aura and Mare as I made my way over to my girls. Both of them noticed my approach.

“Kakuei, I’m telling the truth, I don’t know-” Before Momonga could finish whatever the hell she was gonna say, I grabbed her chin and stole her lips before slipping my tongue into her mouth. 

Initially, she was surprised, but after a few seconds of me dominating the kiss, she wrapped her arms around my neck and began swirling her tongue around mine.

I watched as Buku hurriedly ran the opposite way, likely to shield the twin's eyes. As I looked down at Momo’s sparkling white hair, soft, tasty lips, and full body, something deep inside me shifted. 

I wanted her right now.

Intrinsic Skill: Incarnation of Lust

I pulled her tighter into my chest and focused my mind on my bedroom. With a flash of light, we disappeared from the Sixth Floor Arena and appeared inside of my room. Momonga was surprised by the change in our surroundings, but I didn’t allow her to focus on anything but me right now. 

I deepened the kiss and wrapped two of my arms around her waist, and worked two of my hands down to her soft ass, grabbing two handfuls while the last pair of hands began to knead at her large, shapely breasts.

“Mmm~” She moaned in my mouth and reached her hands down to the bulge in my pants to gently rub it. The feeling of her soft body, the taste of her lips, the smell of her arousal leaking between her legs-

I wanted more!

I quickly picked her up with our still lips locked and carried her over to the bed where I laid her down. 

I pulled away, breaking the kiss and looked down at her body. The way he chest heaved slightly, jiggling enticing as she let out soft breaths, the look of anticipation in her eyes-

She wanted this just as much as me. 

“I love you.” I whispered in her ear, and I felt her body shiver beneath me. I started undressing her, starting with her pants, pulling them off of her to reveal pale, smooth, creamy thighs that looked utterly delectable, and to my surprise, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. I followed up by pulling off her robe, then lifted her shirt off of her, letting her big creamy breasts topped with pink nipples fall free.

Before I could go down to suck on those enticing breasts of hers, she gently grabbed both of my cheeks and directed my face to hers.

“I love you too.”

A small, loving smile tugged at my lips as I leaned down to her and gave her a love-filled kiss. As I pulled away, I reached out with my hand and grabbed her exposed breast, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. 

Hearing the sound of her pleasure egged me on to really get started. I leaned down and began sucking on her right breast while my left hand played with the other one.


My right hand dropped down between her legs and began giving her slit some much-needed attention. 

“K-Kakuei~” She breathed out as one of my fingers slid into her slit while the others stroked at her clit and slit. 

“Cum for me, Momo.” I leaned up to whisper in her ear, and again, her body shivered beneath me. Not even ten seconds later, I felt her walls tighten around my intruding finger as her feminine juices drenched my hand. 

I took a moment to get off of her and look at my work, bringing the hand that brought her to climax up to my mouth so I could taste her. 

And must I say, she was even more delicious than I thought she’d be. 

I pulled off my clothes and stashed them away, gently taking off the helmet and doing the same with it. 

I parted Momo’s legs and slipped between them, resting my half-erect cock on her stomach. Her hazy eyes gained some focus as she looked down to see me raring to go. 

“Mmm, is that for me?” She hummed throatily. 

“It is.” I grinned down at her. 

“Buku’s not gonna like that.” She whispered as she sat up and got on her knees, giving my cock a kiss and looking up at me with those beautiful blood red eyes of hers. 

“She can come get it whenever she wants.” I chuckled. Knowing her, it wouldn’t be long before she burst in my room and drowned my cock in her slime body. 

That got me thinking, could she even feel anything from sex? She’s a slime, and I don’t think they can-

“Ngh.” I grunted in surprise as Momo began to lick and suck at my cock, all while keeping her eyes locked on mine. 

I reached down and gripped a hand in her hair as a smirk tugged at my face. “Someone’s hungry.”

She popped my cock out of her mouth and let it fall on her face before giving the back of it a long lick from the base to the tip. 

“I’ve been waiting for you to use this monster cock on me~” 

I blinked at that. Is it just me or is she acting…different.

As I took my length into her warm wet mouth, taking me to the base, I couldn’t bring myself to care. 

Her tongue swirled, licking around the tip as she sucked while moving her head back and forth. Years of practice were showing true now as she expertly and eagerly sucked my cock. 

“I wanna fuck you,” I said through gritted teeth. Her mouth was amazing, and the view was breathtaking, but I wanted to bring her pleasure. I wanted to claim her in this body just like I had done in my last. 

“Let me satisfy you, Kakuei, please.” She pulled my cock out of her mouth and looked at me with sincere eyes. 

I stared down at her for a moment before nodding. If she wanted to please me so bad, I wouldn’t stop her. 

Her eyes gained an excited glint as she took my length back in her mouth. A long groan escaped me as sucking noises echoed through the room. Her hands reached around my waist to take my full length once more, and a pleased smile came to my face as she started choking on it. 

Even then, she didn’t stop, expertly taking the entire thing in her throat and looking up at me with eyes that pleaded for praise. 

I ran my hand through her hair. “You’re doing good, Megumi.” 

As if to thank me for my praise, she doubled her efforts, speeding up her sucking and licking as she tried her hardest to milk me. The feeling of her mouth combined with the view of her tits and ass jiggling, along with her eyes full of love locked with mine, pushed me over the edge.

“I’m coming, Megumi.” I grunted, as I spewed rope after rope into her mouth. As I continued coming, I could feel her throat vibrate from her swallowing down each spurt of cum that left my balls.

As the last rope was released, I slid my length out of her mouth, and just as I’d suggested she do years ago, she opened her mouth to reveal that she’d swallowed all of it.

“That was amazing, my love.” I ran my hand through her hair again, earning a loving smile from her. 

“I want you to make love to me, Kakuei.”

“I plan on doing more than that.” I grinned, pushing her down onto her back gently and spreading her legs. I lined my tip up with her entrance and glanced at her eyes. Seeing the anticipation dancing in them made me feel like teasing her, but since she already sucked a load out of me, I decided against it. 

Slowly I pushed my tip inside of her, grunting at just how tight she was as I continued splitting her walls apart. My eyes widened as my cock pressed against a thin obstacle and broke through it, and I quickly looked down at her to make sure she was okay.

“Who knew my character was a virgin?.” She winced, and as I looked down, I saw a small amount of blood leak from her womanhood. 

Now I felt like an asshole. To say I was bigger in this body than in the Real World would be an understatement. I gained a couple of inches while growing noticeably thicker. In the Real World, I would have caused women more pain than pleasure with a dick this big. 

“I’m sorry Momo, if I knew I would have-”

“Shhh.” She shushed me, bringing her hands up to my cheeks. “It’s okay, keep going.” 

I hesitated, not wanting to hurt her, and I considered ways that I could make this easier for-

Intrinsic Skill: Incarnation of Lust

“Annnh~” She moaned suddenly, and my eyes snapped to hers to see her eyes were rolled into the back of her head while her tongue was lolling out. 

Ah yeah…forgot about that. 

“Mmm~” She closed her mouth, trying to fight the pleasure she was feeling, but as I pushed a bit more of my length into her walls, a loud moan escaped her.


Well…this is what I wanted anyway.

I rammed the rest of my length inside of her and locked lips with her, making her moan loudly into the kiss as I began to fuck her to my hearts content. Her pussy clenched around my cock, and I could feel how soaked she was growing by the second. 

Within a few moments, her pussy was a tight, slopping mess of her fluids and my cock reshaping her walls.

“Mmmmmm~” She moaned into the kiss as I gripped her soft hips and began fucking her harder. Her pale, creamy tits bounced with every thrust, so I used two of my hands to knead them, furthering her pleasure.

“Kaku- Nngh- W-Wai~” 

But I didn’t wait. Hearing her in such a state was like the finest music in my ears. There was no better sound than her and Buku drowning in pleasure at my touch. 

I could feel another orgasm building as her sopping pussy clamped around my cock again, and I slammed my hips against hers one more time, feeding my entire length into her, and letting my balls empty. 

“Mmmmmmmmmm~” She moaned one last time into the kiss, before I felt her body go limp beneath me. 

I let out breaths of exertion as I pumped my virile seed into the pussy I just finished reshaping, and only when my balls were empty did I let my cock slide out.

I drank in the sight of her fuck-drunk state with my seed leaking out of her.

That was without a doubt the best sex I’ve had in any of my lives—and I think I’m up to three of them now. 

“I’m here!” The door to my room burst open and standing in the doorway was Buku.

“Oh, hey, Kaori.” I rubbed the back of my head. Buku remained still in the doorway for a few seconds as I assumed she was looking at the mess I made of Momo. 

“You guys left me out!” She shouted after a while, causing me to wince. 

“Yeah…sorry about that. I got worked up.” I crawled my way off the bed and walked over to her. The head of her slime body tilted down a bit and I raised an eyebrow and looked down-

Of course, she was looking at it…

“So…Kaori,” I said upon reaching her. “How is this supposed to go?” I asked with genuine curiosity.

She paused for a moment before moving forward and grabbing my length with one of her slimy stubs. 

“I dunno, let’s wing it!” 

Typical Buku…

“I’m all for it.” I nodded, and a moment later Buku submerged my length into her slime body. Immediately I winced at the sudden pleasure. It wasn’t quite like a hole, but the way the slime moved around and passed by my length definitely made this pleasurable.

“So…can you feel?” I asked after a moment, and her slime head tilted up to me. 

“No? I’m a slime, Kakuei.” She deadpanned, and though she didn’t have a face for me to see, I knew she was looking at me like I was an idiot. 

“...I know that!” I shouted and crossed my arms. “But how are you supposed to benefit from this?”

“I don’t have to.” She held up her stubs, acting as if nothing was wrong. “If you and Momo feel good, then all is-”

“No.” I cut her off, pulling my length out of her body. “That shit ain’t gonna work for me. What’s the point of feeling good if I can’t make you feel the same?” I asked with a frown, and Buku stayed quiet. 

I shook my head and crouched down. “Kaori, we’ll figure out how to fix this, and Momo and I won’t do a thing until we do.” I declared with utter determination. I can’t believe I let my lust take control of me when Buku was obviously suffering by herself. I couldn’t even imagine being thrown into a body where I couldn’t feel anything. 

Damn, I’m an asshole.

“Kakuei…” Buku whispered, and as I snapped out of my thoughts to look back at her, part of her slime head pressed against mine, surprising me. As she pulled away, she started fiddling with her nubs. “T-Thank you.” 

The surprise slowly left me, and a bright smile replaced it. “Of course, my love.” 

— Chapter End —

Author’s Note: My apologies, my boys. I took a nap and overslept. 

Beta-reader: @Dragonboy1



Didn’t Momonga have a world item in her chest (the orb? If so wouldn’t she also have gone elsewhere if the reason the other 2 weren’t there was due to world items?