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After several minutes of talking her down, Buku finally accepted that now was not a good time to do anything sexual, even if I, and I assume Momo, would have liked to blow over the stress of the transfer with a little bit of pleasure. As the Leader of Nazarick, sacrificing my wants for the good of the Tomb was part of the description, and a little self-pleasure could easily be put off until we were all in a better place. 

So now, I was walking through the halls on my way to a meeting to discuss the changes that had occurred to our skill set with our transfer to this new world. It wasn’t so much a problem but a change that needed to be understood down to the minute detail. 

The alteration of our abilities can and will hinder us without proper knowledge, and beyond that, we needed to figure out just how everyone else’s skills were affected as well. For example, my Ruler of Nazarick skill. From what I could tell of it, my title, along with the World Item Throne of Kings seems to have merged to create this skill, but the skill allowed me to do so much more than I could in the game. 

And that leads me to another point that needs to be discussed. 

Just how much did the game have an impact on this new world? World Items within Yggdrasil are called World Items because they are literal worlds, or leaves of Yggdrasil, compressed into a single item. Such power, if transferred equally to this world, would allow us to stand atop all, no matter how powerful the beings in this world are. 

With the Throne of Kings growing stronger by merging into the Ruler of Nazarick skill, I’m starting to question if the power was translated on a 1 to 1 scale. After all, the skill is stronger—so wouldn’t that mean that world items have grown even more powerful?

That was a question that would be answered soon through experimentation, and as I stopped in front of the War Room door, a small grin crept on my lips. 

The secrets were part of the journey, and if we can’t avoid figuring them out, we might as well have fun as we decipher them! 

I opened the door and was greeted with the sight of Ulbert sitting in the chair with Demiurge just behind him. The two, who had been looking at a crystal ball, noticed my entrance. 

Demiurge immediately dropped to a knee while Ulbert nodded at me. 

“Rise, Demiurge.” I waved my hand as I made my way over to my seat. Ulbert’s creation did as instructed and stood up, returning to his place just behind the strongest magic caster our guild had to offer. 

“Took you long enough.” Ulbert sent me a sly smirk, looking way too amused. “What held you up?” 

“Buku…need I say more?” I asked with a sigh, earning a head shake.

“No, that was what I assumed.” 

The low chuckle in his voice made me clench my fist just a bit tighter. This asshole didn’t have any women in his life so he didn’t understand the struggles that came with them! To deny such glorious temptation is the strength of a man who has shit to do! 

Suddenly, the shadows in the room began to warp, and Nishikienrai appeared beside my seat, on one knee, bowing to me. 

“Nishi, you needn’t bow to me.” I chuckled, not that I minded it. It just didn’t make much sense for him to do so, especially in this situation. 

“I will continue to do as I please, Master.” He responded back quickly, with more force that I expected out of him. 

I blinked at him for a few moments before dryly chuckling. “It seems you’ve gotten a hang of your skills, no?”

“I have.” Nishi nodded and stood up. “After the conclusion of our previous meeting, I took some time to…familarize myself with my skillset. 

Smart. I should do that as well. A lot of my skills are combat related though, unlike Nishi who has a lot of stealth skills. Perhaps I’ll head to the Sixth Floor Arena again and have some fun on an elemental.

Yes, I think I’ll do that. 

“Have a seat, Nishi. Your newfound understanding of these skills we have will be very enlightening, I’m sure.” 

“I can only hope so, Master.” With those words, Nishi walked over to his chair and took a seat. There was still one person we were waiting for, so staring early wouldn’t be wise, considering we’d have to explain everything we spoke about back to them again. 

Now, while we were waiting, was a good time to make a dent in the search for Joni and Vampira. They still hadn’t turned up, and to say I was a little worried was an understatement. 

I closed my eyes and used my skill, Ruler of Nazarick to search through all the lifeforms in Nazarick. The skill allowed me to be connected with the very existence of Nazarick, allowing me to see, hear, and even project myself in places I wasn’t even in. When it came to the inhabitants of Nazarick, the skill allowed me to see things through their eyes, take, and even alter their souls if I pleased. 

I assumed that last bit wasn’t very different from editing the NPCs in the game, but the fact that I could do that in the real world would likely be pretty valuable. 

As I scanned through all the people in Nazarick, I realized quickly that Joni and Vampira were still not among them, causing me to rethink the possibilities of their current predicament. 

If I recall correctly, Momonga was transferred to the New World in canon because he possessed the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, a world item crafted by the guild. This means it was a World Item that caused the world to change.

Which confuses me because I prepared for that exact cause of transportation by stocking up with more World Items than we needed, yet two of them were left behind.

Or maybe…they weren’t left behind at all

My mind flashed back to Joni and Vampira just before we were swept out of Yggdrasil. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but I knew they both had World Items in their possession. Vampira held the Crown of Hel, a World Item significantly increasing control over life, death magic, and agility, making it the perfect item for her.

Joni possessed the Blade of Heimdall, Hofuð, a World Item that was honestly busted in more ways than I can count. It was considered the single greatest sword in the game, even outclassing Gram because of its ability to give the user I-Frames, or Invincibility Frames on a consistent basis. He managed to find this sword quite recently, so I don’t know everything about it, but it’s a World Item that he had on him, the only one I know of. 

And with those two World items in mind…it was entirely possible that the two weren’t actually left behind but transferred away to a different world, perhaps even the New World from the Overlord canon. 

I had no way of confirming this theory, not unless I somehow managed to learn how to travel to different worlds or dimensions, but it was my honest speculation. 

If Joni and Vampira were transported to the New World… That would honestly be the best result. Those two were powerhouses that would have slapped Canon Momonga around like a ragdoll. Even without the might of Nazarick, I know for a fact the married couple would take over the entire world as fast or as slow as they pleased. 

Now if they were sent to another world where there were powerful threats…

I didn’t even want to think of that outcome. I’m sure they will be fine even in that situation, knowing how calm and level headed Vampira is, but a fight where the odds of winning are low isn’t a good fight to take, and knowing Joni—he’d be the first to take that fight.

The door to the War Room opened, and I smiled slightly at the sight of Momonga. That last person we were waiting for.

“I’m not too late, am I?” Momo asked, walking in. Her smooth pale skin snow white hair and shapely figure looked absolutely divine to my eyes. 

“No, just on time.” I smiled at her, earning a sudden blush from the girl. I raised my eyebrow at that. For as long as I knew Megumi, she’s always been a timid girl, but it’s rare for her to blush at something so simple in recent history. 

Was it because of my new appearance, or had Kaori been whispering in her ear after I left? 

“Let’s begin.” Ulbert placed his cheek on his hand.

I guess I won’t know the answer for a while.

— Chapter End —

Author’s Note: The chapter was pretty much just an info chapter because there’s gonna be a lot of shit happening in the next chapter. So consider this one a warm up for what’s to come. 



The question is did they end up in a different world, or in a different place, or even in a different time (like the past of this world).


I do wonder if Kakuei would even recognize the world he's in given he didn't remember the voice of the world