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— Kakuei —

I sat on the Throne of Kings, looking toward the door with a slight smile.

It was early morning, so no one was on, but Momonga and I didn’t have work today, so I decided to get online for a few minutes. 

The boss fight was over, and what a fuckfest that was! 

Alas, Hell’s Paradise stands victorious. 

With the game boss dead, things had been hype all throughout Yggdrasil. The Devs had released several events when we finally dealt with the boss, one of them being a double exp event.

With that double exp event, several players who had given up the game returned for the day, though at the current time of day, practically no one was on except the well-off. 

But honestly, the events were the least impactful thing that came out of defeating the World Eater, at least in the guild’s and even my own and I’s opinion. 

I opened my inventory and grinned at the drop we received for our efforts. 

[Seed of Yggdrasil (Rank: World Item) - Within the belly of the World Eater lay Yggdrasil’s greatest creation, her essence in the form of a seed. Find a safe place to plant this seed, and from it will grow a sapling carrying Yggdrasil’s offspring. (NPC Creation)]

This was the World Item we received from defeating the World Eater, and must I say, it was a damn good drop. 

Nearly perfect in the eyes of the guild, and even greater in mine. 

I couldn’t even help a chuckle from escaping me. Truly, there couldn’t have been a better drop! 

An NPC child of Yggdrasil, a seed that will grow into a World Tree of their own! 

If it’s anything like I expect, it’s usefulness will already be pretty potent in Yggdrasil, but within the New World—it’ll be a game changer. 

The ability to grow World Items?

I cannot even begin to imagine a more broken ability then that! 

And considering we get to create the NPC, we can manage it’s flavor text description, allowing us to secure absolute loyalty with this seed. Basically imprinting it and ensuring we can get what we want from it. 

Truly, this couldn’t be better! 

We had decided that we’d all create the NPC together and edit it with the entire guild present, but even now, I wanted nothing more than to plant this seed and get to work

Alas, I wouldn’t rob the guild of this opportunity. We all worked together to beat the World Eater, and it would be wrong of me to go against their wishes for no good reason. 

Especially since I benefitted more from the boss fight than anyone else. 

I summoned Gram out of my inventory and grinned internally at it’s greatness.

[World Eater Gram (Rank: World Item) (Awakened)—This Legendary Blade consumes dragon souls. Within it lies the soul of the most powerful dragon in the Nine Realms, the Awakened World Eater, Maliketh Black. Harness the powers of Gram, along with the powers of the World Eater, and defeat all foes that present themselves before you! (x75 Damage to Dragons) (Grants all World Item Skills of Awakened World Eater)(Soul Bound to Player: KakueiSolos)] 

Yeah, Gram got a pretty nice buff, on top of that, defeating the World Eater gave me plus twenty five in damage to dragons, but since the damage capped at x75, it stopped there.

More interesting was the World Items skills I gained from the World Eater. 

True to the game’s word, I got all the abilities the boss used against us. The Nuke bullshit attack, the roots, the deadly miasma aura, the MP regeneration, the spacial abilities, and finally, the Phoenix Ressurection/Regeneration. 

All of them individually were very broken abilities, but together, they were something else. 

And still, that wasn’t the end of the boons I gained. 

[KakueiSolos (Lvl. 150)

[Guild: Hell’s Paradise (Rank: Guild Leader)]

[Race: Luxuria Arachnid (Job: World Eater)]

Seriously, there was something therapeutic about seeing that number next to my name, and don’t even get me started on the Job title. 

Unfortunately, the job didn’t really have any benefit or extra skills beyond buffing my current World Enemy skills by a bit… lore-wise.

That’s right, they didn’t even actually buff me besides giving me the extra stats to put in. All they did was say in my flavor text that I could do more. For example, instead of creating three parallel existences, I could now create eight. Once again, lore-wise. Within the game, I could still only create three. The same went for my Eyes of the Deceiver. While it said I could technically keep anyone locked in place eternally within the game, it was only two seconds. 

So, while not useful in the game, I prayed that these abilities would emulate their lore within the New World. 

If I had such OP abilities in the New World, there was absolutely no way I would ever be in danger. 

We were set for the rest of eternity if we ended up living that long. 

With my current skill set, I could probably take down the entirety of the New World by myself. 

So, with the time I had left in this world, what I need to do more than anything is keep our guild members happy, and fix any broken/teetering relationships while I can. 

Which leads me to a talk I’ve been dreading to have, but one that’s necessary for the sake of our future. 

I opened the menu and logged out of the game. 

Upon waking up in the real world, I pulled my console off my face and walked out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen, where I last saw Megumi making food. 

A sweet aroma greeted me, and an even sweeter sight followed. Megumi was cooking for us in nothing but an apron and panties. 

I took a long moment to appreciate the sight before I walked forward and wrapped my arms around her waist, giving her neck a few soft kisses. 

“You’re done?” She asked curiously. 

“Yeah, I just had to go over a few things.” I shrugged, tilting her head my way and locking my lips with hers. 

“Oh, like what?” Megumi turned around with a calm smile. 

“I was just checking out my stats and the World Eater skills.” 

She hummed in thought as she continued cooking. “I still can’t believe all that’s happened.” 

I couldn’t help but grin at her words. All the memories of everything that led up to this moment flashed in my mind. “And I couldn’t be happier.” 

She turned her head at me, and while I could tell she was happy to hear that, by her eyes, the frown on her face told me she was conflicted. 

“Is something wrong?” I questioned genuinely. 

“I’ve…been thinking.” 


“About?” I grabbed her hand and pulled her over to a seat. I sat down and pulled her atop me, so she was straddling me with her arms around my neck. Our faces are just inches apart. 

“...” She didn’t answer for a moment, looking away with hesitance. 

“You can tell me, Megumi. No matter what, I’ll hear you out.” 

My words reassured her, and she made fluttering eye contact with me. She took a deep breath and raised her hands to cup my cheeks. 

“I…want to talk to Buku. About us.” 

I blinked at that. “I don’t know if she’d appreciate that.” Rubbing our relationship in Buku’s face seemed like a good way of pushing her further away.

“Not just us.” Megumi shook her head. “All of us.” 


What does she mean by all—Oh.

“You mean…” I rubbed the back of my head in confusion. “Me-” I pointed at myself, earning a nod. “You-” another nod, “and her-” and to my surprise, Megumi gave another nod. “Are you sure?” 

“I-I’m not sure of anything,” Megumi admitted, cupping my cheeks just a bit tighter. “But Buku is my best friend, and we’ve been this way for years…I-I don’t want to lose her, and I definitely don’t want to lose you.” 

“I’m not going anywhere, you know that, right?” I wrapped my arms around her waist tighter and gave her a soft kiss, to which she returned. The feeling of her supple lips always soothed my nerves, and the same could be said for her. 

“Mmm.” She hummed. “I just want to make sure you’re okay with this, or at least…with trying.” 

“And you are?” I asked, earning a slight nod. “Then I’m down to at least try and make it work.” 

She beamed a bright smile at me and pulled me into a deep kiss. As she pulled away, she placed her forehead against mine. “Thank you, Kakuei.” 

I chuckled at that and picked her up by her thighs.  

“Wait, Kakuei! What about breakfast!” She said frantically, but I was having none of it. 

“I see something even more delicious in front of me.” I grinned at how red her face had become as I carried her up to the bedroom. 

If she wanted to try including Buku in our relationship, I would be fine with it, but I wanted to make love to her with just us one last time, at least if the three-way relationship works. 

Though, for all of our sakes, I hope it does. 

— BukuBukuChagama —

As she got online, she looked at her friend list and saw that most of the guild was already present to create Yggdrasil’s seed. 

With how gloomy she was, she would never admit it, but she was excited for this moment. Creating NPCs was one of her favorite parts of this game, and when she created Aura and Mare with Kakuei’s help, she couldn’t help but get really into it. 

At the time, he and Momonga weren’t together, so she hadn’t held back with her…attraction to him. Within the twins’ lore, she made it so she was their mother and Kakuei was their father. At the time, Kakuei had been so damn blind that he only saw it as some sort of roleplay.

Which it was, but to her, it was so much more. 

And now, her dream of having that family was trashed. 

Buku paused while she was walking and let out a deep sigh. She regretted ever telling Kakuei about her feelings. It hurt more to be rejected than to keep her feelings to herself. But there was no going back, and now she had to live with that mistake of hers. 

She made her way down to the Sixth Floor, where the guild decided they’d plant the seed. 

In retrospect, it's a nice location. There's lots of space, an artificial forest, and plenty of room for the next coming of the World Tree to grow. It’s the floor where Aura and Mare are guardians, which means she’d be spending plenty of time with the newest addition to Nazarick. 

As she arrived, she saw the other forty or so members. A few were missing, most memorable of which was Bellriver, who was unusual because of his loyalty to the guild and his enthusiasm for being involved in all important events. 

Though, maybe he was just too busy. 

“Chagama, you have arrived!” Touch Me gave her a massive thumbs up. “Then we can begin!” 

“I never thought I’d see a day where this idiot gains even more energy.” Ulbert groaned. 

Touch Me slung his arm over Ulbert’s shoulder and wagged his finger in his face. “None of that negativity, my dear companion! Today is the birth of a new World Tree! Let us rejoice and pray justice shines brightly on this youngling!” 

““Justice!”” Most of the guild shouted, and like Ulbert, Buku couldn’t help but deadpan. 

Had she been in the mood, she would have joined in with their positivity, but there was too much to be upset about for her to begin to express any type of joy. 

She turned away from the group and saw Aura and Mare sitting in one of the arena seats, watching them as NPCs did. 

“Follow,” Buku ordered, looking at them, and the two NPCs stood up and followed her commands. Jumping down to the arena floor and running up to her. 

She internally smiled at the two. Even with all the anger and sadness flowing through her, just seeing these two washed it away. 

“Buku, we’re heading off now.” Touch Me waved at her to come along.


“Actually.” Buku went to answer before being cut off by someone she really didn’t want to talk to right now. 

“I want to talk to Buku…alone if possible, so you all go on ahead and find a good spot,” Kakuei explained, and the guild mumbled a bunch of bullshit about the delay before following their leader’s order.

Kakuei made his way over to Buku and gestured for her to follow him. 

Buku reluctantly did, but not before giving Momonga one last long look. 

As Buku followed Kakuei through the arena and then through one of its hallways, she couldn’t help but feel an overlying sense of dread. 

But even with all that dread, she felt a small amount of hope somewhere deep in her heart. 

She knew she shouldn’t, that it was wrong to hope for anything but an attempt to clear the air, all while keeping their distance, but her heart prayed to any and all gods listening that she could get what she wanted more than anything. 

— Chapter End —

Author’s Note: This one was actually fun to write. I enjoyed it a great deal. 



I’m just saying, this build up to the new world is honestly killing me. Everything is hyping me up for when it actually happens.


Thanks for the chapter