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Hey Everyone! 

A new tutorial series is here and we are making some more custom forces this time to mess with RBDs :) . I made it a 5 parts so the videos don't get to long.

Here is part one when we will create the pattern needed to create the effect. The rest of the series will be out next week.


Tutorial: Cymatic RBDs Part 1 - Creating The Chladni Pattern

Hey Everyone! Here is part one when we will create the pattern needed to create the effect. The rest of the series will be out next week.



Hi Lukasz, thank you I am very much :). Good question, because of the way this setup works pure black or white... or any constant colour gets treated as 0 or no force. Because measure is looking for the change in colour value to create the vector. What you can try is to blur the image until you have changing values everywhere in the image.

Lukasz Pason

Forgot to say thanks!