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As many of you will know, a while back I set up and created www.whitephantomgames.co.uk as a place to host my games general releases and because well I wanted to create a website as it is something I'd never done before.

Several thousand people have visited it this year, up a few hundred percent on last year and I was wondering if there was anything new you'd like to see on there?

I'm not talking about anything currently on Patreon like change-logs, updates, download links, bug fixes etc, monthly polls and renders, that's what this site is for and nothing will be leaving Patreon.

I'm more thinking of anything not currently available. For example character biographies, wallpapers, maps of the locations I've made up, things like that?

If there is anything new you'd like to see, it isn't going to affect development speeds because I can render and work on that at the same time, so don't worry about it slowing me down, but let me know! 




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