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6. buffy 6x11.mp4

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I know right.That was a stage slap Dawn.in the recap from last episode.


I once did a play where my lead actress needed to slap my character.She was my Best friend and we always made each other laugh.We ended up going to Disneyland and dating during the play but then she went back to her old boyfriend.Anyways,I told her to go ahead and slap me for real.And boy did she ever.During rehearsals and all 9 performances(3 per weekend for 1 month).She started off at 6 O'clock and her hand connected wit my cheek at 12 O'clock.WOW!After awhile she felt bad because she noticed it had misplaced my lower jaw temporarily.LOL.True story.All for the sake of ART.


Your hair is immaculate!Btw.


Spike didn't say anything.You caught that too.That's cool.That means he's not in it for bragging rights.Their relationship is precious to him.It also means he respects her.He's putting his own need to prove Xander's put down of his character wrong away in order to put Buffy's need to not be embarrassed 1st and foremost.WOW!Not many guys out there do that.Even for the ones they claim to love.This show is Amazing!


The scene wit Xander walking in on Spike and Buffy then Buffy and Spike's whole scene afterward.OMG!Right?The dialogue and acting was pure Genius!If only they wrote movies this well nowadays.I'm serious.LOL