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1. The Last Of Us 1x9.mp4

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Ellie's gone silent now.That changed her.Now Joel is all cupcakes and milk.At least she has someone who cares enough about her that's willing to reach out to her.She's lucky in that sense.


Love the Giraffe scene!So glad they kept it in!


"I'll follow you anywhere you go".BEST Line in a TV Show EVER!!!or a movie for that matter!!!That's Love.It's also one of my favorite songs."Wherever you will go" by The Calling!Check out there YouTube video Katie=).It was featured in the movie "Love Actually".That's where I first heard it.Now it holds more meaning because of this terriffic show!


Poor Joel.It was touching how he trusted her enough to open up to her about trying to commit suicide.This show brings that subject up alot.Unfortunately,I can relate.Like Joel,I didn't have the guts to go through with it.Sometimes when I watch your reactions and you make me laugh or you reply in a kind way to some of my comments or in your livestreams chatting wit ye,it makes me glad I didn't.=)


"It wasn't time that did it".Should I finish Joel's sentence for him?"It was you".You could just feel the energy of that beautiful moment through the TV screen.That's probably one of the most beautiful things you can tell someone else.Both those Lovely Actors don't need to talk to hear what they're saying.That's acting!


Marlene doesn't understand shit.That's what people say who don't understand always say.In order to cover up the fact while trying to convince themselves that they're a good person.


Yeah,it's quite the dilema.Yes.the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.If those needs are guaranteed?But in this scenario it should have been Ellie's choice.BUT,if it was me and someone I cared about and loved was being sacrificed?I'd do the same as Joel.If it wasn't me though?I dunno?Even if the person wanted to give their life so all the others could live?It's a hard decision.


I'm not mad at you Katie.I'm with you on this.I do understand the argument from the other side though.

Amelia from the BitchenBoutique

Kate since you played the game I want to ask you if there’s anything in the game about others who were immune? Like was Joel’s lie here based on something in the game so the dilemma is slightly different there? I heard someone say that in another reaction but I didn’t understand what they were saying. Something like how when you’re wandering around in the game looking at stuff and listening to Marlene’s recordings you get more information and there was something about other experiments the doctor had done, maybe?


What a phenomenal finale! This is seriously one of the best shows to come out in a very long time! In all aspects, acting, writing, special effects, everything. There wasn't a weak link anywhere! The scene in the hospital brought to mind some similarities to one of my other favorite shows, the 100. Joel's hell bent determination to get to Ellie reminded me of Clarke trying to get to Madi. They were going to get to their kids or die trying and nothing was going to get in their way. And even though they weren't blood it didnt matter in Joel and Clarke's eyes Ellie and Madi were their daughters. And I love how both of these shows make you question your sense of morality. Do you save the one you love? Or do you sacrifice them, and possibly save the human race? I guess the biggest difference in my mind is Joel got to Ellie in time, and Clarke was too late. But the questionable decisions they both made after finding their girls makes for a fun debate too! "It's getting really hard to defend.." lol I relate to that statement because I'm a big Joel fan, and Clarke fan. When Clarke gets her revenge, I hate to say it, but I'd probably do the same tthing, and having failed the test all she wanted was to hold her daughter until the end, yep that'd be me! Same with Joel, all he wanted to do was get Ellie out of there and keep her safe, no matter the cost. But lying to her though at the end... there's the rub, I'm not too sure about that one but I can certainly see why he did it. Wow, kinda fell down a rabbit hole there for a minute, anyways great show, great finale, bring on season 2!