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6. Buffy 6x3.mp4

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I'd love to see Buffy and Spike pair up. It'd give the gang a new dynamic. Xander would have to force himself to at least get along with Spike. That in itself would make it entertaining.


Ohhhhh.spike.Holy fuck.Not the look in Spike's eyes now.The look in James Marsters eyes.I'm talkin eyes here.Since the eyes are the windows to the soul.Not the face,but the eyes say it ALL.Ye can tell what he's thinking without him uttering a single word.That's the look of love and James Marsters captured it completely.Jesus Christ on a bicycle going downhill backwards.Whoa.


The James Marsters Master Class on Acting.Welcome.=)


Spike was cryin tears of joy over someone he truly loved,who was brought back to life after dying.Someone he knew would never love him the same way.He was just happy to have her back when sex had nothing to do with it.That my friends is Unconditional Love at it's finest.yup.


I know Katie.I know.I know how you have your favorites like Daryl,Dean and Cas.But,I think,for me,Spike just may be THE best character ever written for television.


He kept saving her every night for 147 days since she left.I was very aware of how I was breathing when he said that.My God that was beautiful.There were other characters in this episode yeah.But this episode belonged to Spike.