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2. TLOU 1X3.mp4

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It's funny. I didn't cry when I watched it the first time. Watching it with you got me teary-eyed. This was a beautiful story. I expected Bill to be a crazy guy like in the game. Holy shitdnacks was I surprised. I actually liked this version better.

Amelia from the BitchenBoutique

I gotta say I’m a bit envious of you just at the beginning of discovering Linda Ronstadt. If I could go through all those years of “wow she’s a great ballad singer”…”damn she’s a great rock singer”… “holy shit is she doing Gilbert and Sullivan?”…”did she just put out a big band album?”… “hold up, did Linda Ronstadt just win a Latin Grammy?!” I mean DUDE she’s phenomenal.


Ellie is just so sassy!I dig it!The back and forth banter reminds me of the back and forth between Geralt and Jaskier!Except at a whole NEW Level!!Friggin awesome dialogue!


So.Now.Yeah.I agree beautiful episode!!Without a doubt!!Absolutely for sure!Didn't cry until Ellie read Bill's Note to Joel.Then the waterworks began.


However,I was extremely disappointed too.They didn't have to kill them both.They didn't.They reaally didn't.In the game Bill survives and there's even BETTER back and forth sarcasm between him and Ellie.Bill is just as sarcastic as she is.I was actually looking forward to watching the Live Version of their Duel of wits so to speak.Plus,why did they feel the need to destroy a beautiful thing?I would've liked the episode if either Bill survived or they both did.It's like rather than promote Hope the producers would rather incourage hopelessness in their viewers.To me I felt like it was saying if someone close to you dies you should just commit suicide and join them.If I had seen this when my Grandmother passed away who knows what I would've thought.It never crossed their minds to have them both LIVE?I'm glad we got to see Frank and meet him.Because in the game we didn't.They hardly ever turn up at all again.Plus if the show is successful,they could've done a Spin-Off!!They kinda shot themselves in the foot.My friend Tom who's gay and my acting partner on stage in the play "Run for Your Wife" said that shows will introduce a gay couple and then kill them off instead of keeping them for the run of the show.And it bothers him.Why destroy something beautiful when you don't have to.I just wanted to see Ellie and Bill go at each other with smart-alick remarks.


Linda Rondstat is good but Bruce Springsteen's song "The Promise" is more fitting and way better.That's the song I would have used.Especially in reference to Bill and Frank.with the Last lines of that song ringing in the air: "Thunder Roooaaad.Me and Billy would always say.Thunder Roaoaoad.We were gonna have it all.And throw it alllll awayyyyyyyyyyy.=)