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6. buffy 6x1.mp4

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Lol, I thought I’d missed the upload from you for the season finale! 🤣 When you get the chance definitely go back and watch the season finale, it’s quite powerful. Hope you enjoyed your break. 🙂💗


It's no big deal. We're still enjoying the reactions :D


Hey Katie.Just curious.did you skip Episode 5x22 for a reason?Don't need to know why.Just wondering if ye skipped it on purpose?


Yeah.Alot different on Buffy when they bring her back from the dead than in Supernatural.At least I think so?I dunno.When Dean came back or Sam,they didn't wake up in their own coffin did they?


Buffybot pulled a total Inspector Clouseau at Parents Day wit Dawn.Cool


Giles is one handsome devil.


It kills Spike that she's gone.When ye watch Season 5 Finale' you'll see how much.Metinks Spike is growing on ye more and more,Katie my friend,wit each passing episode by his actions.=)

Linda Bykle

I am devastated that you missed 5x22!!!! :'(