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FINALLY, It's time for Andys episode!


4. Cabinets 1x8.mp4

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It kind of reminds me of the "Outer Limits", a knockoff of the 'Twilight Zone". Trouble is, a second generation knockoff isn't going to last or be consistent. I'll probably be in for at least the first couple episodes it gets a second season.


I don't blame you Katie.Yeah,I think some of the story ideas were interesting.But the execution and delivery of them is where they failed.So I won't be watching season 2 either.The pacing on every episode just seemed so slow.Like an old man trying to send back a bad sandwich at a deli.You keep waiting and waiting and waiting.


My Lord this episode was one of the longest drawn-out boring episodes there was.A couple of spooky scenes does not an episode make.Wow,I sound like Yoda I do.


I will admit,Andy looked great though.All clean shaven and dressed sharp.I want his character's entire wardrobe from this show!


Andy's character snores like I do.


When I was part of the West Coast Paranormal Research Society headed by Troy Tackett.I never seen any ghosts Katie or anything move on it's own.BUT when we would go over the audio the next day I definately caught some stuff.We were talking about switching research locations at the location.You know,your team comes over here and we'll go to where you are and see if that changes anything in our getting some form of response.Well,it did.The next day I was listening to the playback of the mini-recorder and after Troy confirmed we were switching places with the other team a little child's voice said,"Can I come?"Whoa!Freaky.