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The woman that I met was named Bethany, and she brought me to her home, where we ate and I answered her many questions. After several hours, I was finally given an opportunity to ask a question of my own.

"The First Men mages of the Age of Heroes could shapeshift?" I asked.

Bethany nodded and confirmed my belief, saying "Those mages could change into various beasts of the wild, though I only knew of one who had learned the magic to become a dragon. We don't know what her name was, all we have is an epithet: the Witch of the Wilds."

We spoke for some time longer, and I was disappointed to learn that the mages of the Isle of Faces couldn't turn into animals themselves, but they did have a gift for what they called warging and greensight. Both involved projecting their minds in different ways, the former into animals (typically a single animal that they had a close bond with) and the latter into the weirwood trees to view the surroundings of other weirwoods.

According to rumor, some greenseers were able to use the connection to weirwoods to peer into the past or even the future, but as far as Bethany was aware, none had been able to do so for centuries.

While the discussion of greensight was fascinating (the idea of peering through trees and into a room at the other end of Westeros sounded incredible, but it didn't have any application for me), it was warging that was of true interest, as the concept had the possibility of possibly being developed into true shapeshifting with enough study and refinement if I couldn't find a mage of the First Men who knew the full ability.

After a time, Bethany interrupted our conversation with a yawn and an announcement of her intent to retire, an intent I was forced to reluctantly agree to. We agreed to continue our discussion on the morrow and I retired to my bedroll while Bethany went to her own home, not even ten yards from my temporary one.

The following morning I found that she was already outside and working on the garden surrounding the building when I woke. She seemed surprised to see me awake and I had a feeling she wasn’t a morning person, but I could still sense that the conversation wouldn't be entirely unpleasant.

As we sat down to a small breakfast, the two of us eating while she rested on the bench of a table, I asked a question that had been in the back of my mind for most of the morning.

"Have the Targaryen dragons ever been warged?" I asked.

She thought about that for a moment before shrugging, "I have not heard of the Targaryens doing so, but I suppose they may have something similar to control the dragons they ride."

The conversation paused as we ate some more before resuming, and this time it was Bethany who asked a question, "You have not mentioned where you intend to go next after I tell you all I know?"

"My intent is to travel to The Wall, and from there see if I can speak with some mages among the Wildlings," I answered, Bethany nodding along, seemingly not surprised at the destination.

After a moment, she said, "If you intend to learn to shapeshift, then it would not hurt to learn to warg first. Why don't you stay here for a time, before moving on?"

I considered the suggestion, my free hand coming up to rub at my chin. On the one hand, I didn't have any particularly pressing time constraints. On the other, learning to warg wasn't why I had come here, even if it was close. Still, it did sound quite interesting and in the worst case scenario I could try extrapolating from it to develop shapeshifting on my own.

"If it wouldn't be a bother, I'd be happy to," I said after a few minutes' consideration. "I just need to send a message to Artur at Harrenhal to make sure he knows I haven't been killed."

Bethany snorted at the comment, before taking on a thoughtful expression. After a few minutes she asked, "What will you be writing to him?"

"Just telling him where I'll be and why," I answered, not seeing anything unusual about the question, though it was odd for her to ask.

She nodded at that and then stood, stretching and rolling her neck before saying, "Once you've sent your letter, your training will begin."


Learning the magic to warg wasn’t like anything I’d learned at the Citadel Circle. It couldn’t properly be called a spell, it was much less structured, more of a set of mental exercises with the end result being the same every time.

It wasn't what I came here to learn, but it was something I'd have never expected to be able to do before, and it was surprisingly useful for things I wasn’t able to do in my normal form. I couldn’t just do it instantly like I could with teleportation, it took concentration and will to slip out of my mind and into an animal mind, and it required even more willpower to maintain, but it was incredible to be able to look out at the world through a fox, a squirrel, or a crow's eyes.

It wasn’t the same as true shapeshifting, not even close, as I learned the more I studied and practiced. The odds of me independently developing shapeshifting from warging was slim to none, which seemed obvious in retrospect. The mages on the Isle of Faces were not unintelligent, and they had plenty of stories of shapeshifting, if it were that simple one of them would have done it a long time ago.

So my time on the Isle of Faces came and went, and when the end of the season arrived I made the decision to continue north, planning to travel by ship from Fairmarket to White Harbor. Before I left however, Bethany had a rather surprising goodbye for me.

I grunted as my back hit the wall of her home, my hands on her arse and her lips on mine. Our tongues fought and wrestled each other, and my hands roamed to squeeze at the soft flesh beneath them. After several moments she finally pulled away from the kiss and started biting along my jaw and down to my neck.

As she did that, my hands slipped under her blouse to grab at the skin of her hips and ass directly, and Bethany groaned against my skin as her lips continued to move further south, nipping and suckling on my flesh as she went. My cock throbbed against the laces of my trousers, but I restrained the urge to force my pants open and thrust against the smooth flesh of the woman on top of me.

With her teeth grazing my collarbone and one hand trailing down to grope my bulging cock through my clothes, Bethany's lips left my skin for just long enough for her to pull off my tunic. My head dipped back to lean against the wall, only to rise as the woman before me kneeled, and her fingers went to work unlacing my pants, and my throbbing prick sprung free as they fell around my ankles.

Bethany stared up at me with a smile that was just on this side of mischievous before leaning forward and planting a kiss on the head of my cock, her lips parted and the very tip of her tongue poked out, tracing over the underside of the head. The soft, wet flesh felt incredible, and a drop of precum appeared on my tip. The woman's tongue moved forward and swiped across it before retreating into her mouth and I shuddered at the sensation, one of my hands coming up to rest on the back of her head and play with her hair.

"By the Seven," I groaned out, only to suck in a sharp breath as Bethany took the first couple inches into her mouth, and she hummed around it while looking up at me through her lashes, and it felt so good that I was sure I was about to explode right there in her mouth.

Instead I somehow managed to get myself under control and I moaned, "That feels incredible."

The only response I received was a raised eyebrow before her eyes slid closed and her head slowly started moving. The wet heat and softness of her lips felt even more amazing as more of my length entered her mouth, the walls of her cheeks wrapped around my member like a tight glove, and she started moaning herself, the vibrations making me shudder and my legs threaten to collapse beneath me.

As my hips started to twitch and thrust, Bethany pulled back and removed me from her mouth. My dick bobbed and twitched in front of her face as I watched her lick her lips with a smirk. I expected her to rise and bring me inside for more, and she did rise, but instead of leading me into her house she just took a step back, and then her fingers went to work removing her clothing.

She was beautiful, with long, silky black hair, creamy smooth skin and a nice set of large, round tits with pert brown nipples, a toned stomach and legs and the nicest arse I'd ever seen. With my cock still exposed, I quickly removed my trousers before taking a step towards her, my dick already throbbing in anticipation for the heat and softness of her cunt.

My hands went to her waist and started pulling her close, her arms reaching up to wrap around my shoulders while my fingers drifted lower and grabbed a nice, firm feel of the meat of her ass. Her legs wrapped around my hips, and her fingers twined themselves into my hair while we kissed. The hardening length of my dick pressed between us as her hot cunt pressed against the sensitive skin of the head, the damp folds grinding against it as the kiss deepened.

Our tongues wrestled for supremacy while her fingers traced over my shoulders and back, my fingers playing with the soft flesh of her ass while her hips slowly rolled, pressing and grinding my dick against her slick folds. With every move we made our kissing grew more desperate, and when we broke for air our panting was the only sound aside from the sound of our lips moving together once again.

As she slowly and sensually groped and rubbed her naked body against my own, my dick twitched and leaked against the slick cunt rubbing along my length. With every press of her hips I groaned at the soft lips teasing my member. It was too much, and I couldn't keep myself from thrusting up and pressing the tip of my dick between the warm, moist folds.

Her entrance was slick with her excitement, and I easily slipped into the wet tunnel while her walls clamped down tight, gripping and massaging the entire length as I entered, the head of my cock brushing up against the ridged barrier at the back of her womanhood. Her fingernails scratched lightly along my scalp as she let out a muffled groan against my lips and her walls quivered and quaked around me while we were still.

The soft walls pressed against my member and my fingers kneaded her supple buttocks as I held her body to mine while my cock slowly twitched and twitched. Our hips rocked, grinding my member deeper into her core, her entrance massaging my shaft while her soft inner walls squeezed around my member and my tip pressed against the barrier to her womb.

She started moving more, rolling her hips, her entrance sliding over the shaft of my cock, the soft ridges rubbing against the length, the entrance pressing over the head while I slowly thrust upwards. The two of us quickly started moaning in time as I thrust into her, my hands moved up from her arse and slowly caressed up the smooth skin of her back to tangle themselves in her long hair.

Bethany broke off our kiss to suck in air as her cunt convulsed around my member, and the feeling made my cock throb and twitch in her tunnel.

I leaned down to bite at the side of her neck and Bethany groaned. The muscles of her back arched and she thrust down onto my cock as she quivered around me. A sharp sting of pain shot through me as she bit down on my shoulder, her walls clamping down on me as she came.

As she quaked around my length, her cunt's walls convulsing around me, I thrust up and came, the first jet of cum spilling deep inside the convulsing, quivering woman in my arms. She let out a cry as the feeling made her quake and shudder again. My legs twitched as my member throbbed and pulsed inside her. The hot walls of her cunt rippled around me, the soft walls clenching and quivering while she shook around my length and I spurted into the depths of her depths.

That was merely the first coupling of many that night.


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