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I looked at the dark skinned woman, finely dressed in clothes that almost certainly cost more than the average person made in six years, as she approached my throne. And it was a throne, despite what some would say. Being in the middle of the most advanced ship in the Sol System and lacking gaudy and elaborate jewels in it did not change the fact that it was a throne.

“Captain Sigurd Thogersen,” the woman began, barely able to hide the distaste she felt for myself and my crew in her eyes. “I am Delegate Josephine Montilyet, of the United Nations.”

“Quite interesting for the United Nations to approach me with a member instead of their security forces,” I mused aloud. Considering the fact that I had the largest number of space based ships outside of the RDA and their competitors combined, and I used those ships to attack and raid cargo transports between Earth and the other interplanetary colonies, I was easily the biggest thorn in the side of the UN and RDA.

“Some of us feel that there is… potential in a mutually beneficial partnership,” she stated, almost able to hide the fact that she clearly wasn’t one of those. “In practice, if you would allow a historical comparison, it would function as a less formal version of the letters of marque that were offered to privateers during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.”

I raised an eyebrow, even as I rested my chin on my hand, “I see only one problem with that. The letters of marque were designed to allow private individuals to capture the ships and goods of specific enemy nations. Unless something changed in the last week, there are no competing nations in the Sol System to warrant such an offer.”

“You are correct,” Josephine said with a nod, her face tightening slightly as we apparently reached the point where the offer most greatly offended her personally. “You have repeatedly demonstrated an ability to establish outposts and footholds in locations that defy expectations, possess bleeding edge technology despite your lack of stable facilities, and have a history of converting those opposed to you to your side. The United Nations and the Resources Development Administration have come to the conclusion that it would be best to attempt to secure your willing cooperation and assistance in our current endeavors, rather than attempting to capture and force you to cooperate, which has resulted in several failed attempts at doing so already. Thus, we have chosen to offer you letters of marque. You will have full freedom to pursue those endeavors of your choosing, so long as you refrain from interfering in the efforts of the UN or the RDA.”

Ah, I understood where this was going now. With a smirk, I stated, “You want me to take my fleet to the Centauri System, to Pandora specifically. You don't trust the RDA to bring back samples, or to use those samples properly. You also believe that, with my forces and my connections, I would be able to establish an outpost in the Pandoran wilderness. One that will, naturally, serve as a staging point for further actions in the future by the RDA and, by extension, the UN when you decide to do so. A staging point which will have access to all the resources available in the Pandoran biosphere. Am I close, or did I miss the mark entirely, Delegate Montilyet?”

Her face remained impassive as she stated, “The RDA has informed us that, while the native fauna is extremely hostile, there is a massive amount of material present on the planet that could be exploited. However, after the RDA was driven off by the native Na'vi fifteen years ago, there has been no way to return without risking complete destruction of the colony. This, unfortunately, was due to the lack of foresight on the part of the original leader of the mission. There is a second attempt currently in transit, but…”

I cut her off with a wave of my hand as I stood from my throne, walking past her as I said, “You may dispense with the background details. I am already inclined to make my decision.”

“And that decision is?” she asked, the barest hint of hope in her voice.

I grinned, turning and gesturing for her to follow me as I responded, “That, my dear Delegate, will depend on how good of an offer you and your superiors are able to give me. My fleet has an immense need for raw materials and supplies, after all. Come, we shall speak more of this matter in the mess hall. It will be a few hours before we reach the nearest station where we can resupply our food stores, and I imagine you would enjoy the opportunity to relax and have a hot meal before we reach it. The journey between Sol and Alpha Centauri can be quite… dull, and you are free to use the time to discuss matters with my lieutenants, so that they may give you a clearer picture of the resources that would be necessary to meet my demands. If you require a shower or change of clothing, the facilities are available to you. We pride ourselves in ensuring that our guests have the finest accommodations possible, even if they are, ah, less than welcome guests initially. I trust you will not mind, Miss Montilyet?”

I didn’t mention that the fleet had been in the midst of upgrading in preparation for the voyage to Pandora already. It had been in the works for nearly seven years by this point, and all that was really needed was a few loads of unobtanium to make the trip feasible without putting nearly everyone into cryosleep. The most grueling part of it was using my current benefits and refocusing them to develop a form of faster than light travel, because given the composition of my fleet we couldn’t do what the RDA did and take the slow trip.

[The Right Tools: They can be hard to find, but when resources are hoarded and hard to come by you've learned to make do. You can easily improvise for tools and materials you lack by creatively using what you do have, even if that means using scrap to build the tools to build the tools you need. Even if you're lucky enough to have a fully stocked workshop or lab this will come in handy, as you'll be able to do a great deal more with what you have instead of needing to commission or build specialized equipment for every unique little thing. You'll never be empty handed and useless for long.]

[Tim Taylor Technology: Power systems like nuclear reactors and solar plants produce double their normal output without straining the circuitry. Tools and habitat fixtures may be put into overdrive, increasing effect at the expense of efficiency. While in a vehicle, you may redline the engine, doubling its speed for sixty seconds. Overdrives and redlines drain power very quickly, and will damage components if overused.]

[Resource Efficiency: It's nice being efficient. It lets you make more with less, stretching out vital supplies even further. With this perk, any time you are crafting something, you can make it for half the materials. Just don't ask how you got a full cake from half the amount of ingredients. In addition, anytime you break down an item, you get the full amount of resources that went into it. So, breaking down a gun you made for 50% resources would give you those 50% resources, compared to a gun made by someone else who used the full amount in the construction, and thus giving you the total amount.]


It took two weeks for the UN to get the unobtanium I required and retrofit the last of the ships in the fleet, during which time Delegate Montilyet remained on my flagship as the UN’s representative. A fact I took full advantage of, subtly interrogating her for everything that she knew and worming my way into her good graces. Which led me to this point…

Dark brown eyes, normally sharper than the knife I carried on my belt, clouded over with lust as her head bobbed along my cock, sucking it deeper into her mouth. She was completely naked, her skin smooth and perfect. Her lips were slightly darker than the rest of her, and as they wrapped around the base of my cock, I had to admit that her lips were a good match for her eyes. Her tongue caressed my shaft as she pulled back, running across the veins and underside. She stopped with the tip still between her lips, her tongue swirling around it and pressing against the opening as if begging for the cum it wanted.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair and started guiding her up and down, her hands clenched into fists in her lap as I haphazardly fucked her face. The feeling of her throat wrapping around my cock as I buried myself deep within her was glorious. Her breasts, smaller than what I usually preferred, shook and swayed with each thrust, and I had to resist the urge to pull her off of my dick and push her down onto the bed behind her.

But not yet. I could be patient, and she had earned this. A shudder ran through her body, her hands coming up to grasp my legs and hold herself steady. I knew she could sense my pleasure, and her own was growing. Her cheeks burned red, and her eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue dancing wildly across the length of my shaft. Her arousal was obvious, and I knew it wouldn't take much more to send her over the edge.

And then I saw it.

A tear fell from her eye, followed by a second, then a third. Her cheeks, already flushed, burned brighter, her lips trembling around my cock. I could tell that she was close, and the look in her eyes was one of desperation, the pleading look she gave me as she begged for more.

And I was happy to oblige.

My grip on her hair tightened, and I began fucking her face even harder, ramming her throat with my cock. Battering her face with my hips as I plundered her mouth, her eyes rolling back into her head as she came. Her fingers dug into my legs as she moaned around my shaft, her whole body shaking with the intensity of her orgasm.

I held her head in place, burying my cock in her throat as I shot rope after rope of cum into her. Her eyes widened at the sudden influx of seed, but she managed to swallow it all. The look in her eyes was pure bliss, and I could tell she was ready to do anything I told her.

Taking a moment to savor the view before me, caramel brown skin covered with a sheen of perspiration, dark hair framing her beautiful face, and a look of utter devotion and lust as she looked up at me, I smiled, ordering, “Get up and bend over the bed. You'll be needing a good fucking to make up for the past two weeks.”

With a moan of anticipation, the UN delegate rose and bent over, sticking her ass out towards me as I moved behind her. I took a moment to admire the sight before me. A pert and perfect heart shaped ass, smooth caramel skin, and a glistening pussy just begging to be fucked. Looking over her shoulder at me, Josephine swayed her hips enticingly, biting her lip in anticipation as she watched me approach.

Running a hand over her ass, savoring the feel of the skin under my palm, I smirked, slapping her lightly. Her breath hitched, her body tensing as the sensation shot through her. My palm landed on her ass again, a little harder this time, and she whimpered.

“Mmmm, yes…” she moaned, her voice heavy with lust.

I spanked her again, a little harder this time, and the sound reverberated through the room.

“You're going to take my cock like a good girl, aren't you?” I asked, running a finger along her slit, teasing her with the lightest touch.

“Yes…” she gasped, arching her back and pushing her ass against my hand.

“You want me to fuck you, don't you?”


My fingers brushed over her pussy, tracing patterns on her folds as she pushed against my hand. She was desperate for release, and I was happy to oblige her.

“Good,” I said, slapping her ass one last time. “Then I expect you to be a good girl and cum as many times as I tell you.”

“Yes, master…” she moaned, and the sound sent a thrill through me.

Taking a moment to grab her ass with both hands, savoring the feel of it under my fingers, I positioned my cock at her entrance and slid inside. Her pussy was hot and tight, clamping down around my shaft as I sank into her.

“Dios mio…” she groaned, her voice thick with desire. “Te sientes tan bien dentro de mí.”

I couldn't help but agree, her words echoing my own feelings.

“And you feel so good around me,” I replied, pulling back and thrusting into her.

She moaned, pushing back against me, her ass slamming into my hips. My fingers dug into her flesh as I began fucking her in earnest, her body shuddering with every thrust. She was tight and wet, her inner walls squeezing my cock like a vice, and I couldn't get enough of her.

“Harder,” she begged, her voice hoarse. “Fuck me harder!”

“As you wish,” I said, and began pounding her with all the strength I could muster.

She cried out, her back arching and her hips bucking as I drove into her. Her hands clutched at the sheets, her knuckles white, as her body shook and shuddered with every stroke. She was on the edge, and I was determined to make her cum.

“Are you ready?” I asked, leaning over her.

“Mmhmm... ohhh yes,” she gasped, nodding her head emphatically.

I spanked her, hard, and she cried out, her pussy clamping down on my cock.

“Good. Now, cum for me,” I ordered, slapping her ass again.

She did. Hard. Her pussy convulsed around my cock, her whole body tensing and shuddering with the force of her climax. It was all I could do to keep fucking her through it, her cries of pleasure ringing in my ears.

“Ohhhh…” she moaned, her body going limp as her orgasm subsided.

I wasn’t done quite yet, reaching down to hook her unresponsive legs and flipping her onto her back without pulling out before pushing them up into the air over her torso. There would be time to have her in a mating press in the future, for now I wanted to watch her brown breasts bounce as I fucked her.

I leaned over her, grabbing her tits as I began thrusting into her again, her body shaking with each impact. She was still sensitive from her orgasm, her pussy gripping my cock like a vise. Her eyes were glazed, and her breathing was shallow, her lips parted as she moaned and whimpered beneath me.

“Do you like that, Miss Montilyet?” I asked, twisting her nipples between my fingers.

“Oh yes,” she gasped, her body arching against mine.

“Good,” I said with a grunt as I felt my end approaching. “Now be a good girl and take my cum. Let's fill you up nice and full.”

“Yes, please,” she begged, her arms wrapping around my neck and pulling me down on top of her. “Fill me with your cum, please!”

Her words sent me over the edge, and I buried myself deep inside her, my cock pulsing as I shot load after load of hot, sticky cum into her waiting womb. She moaned, her eyes rolling back into her head, her body tensing and shuddering as I flooded her with my seed.

“Ohhhh…” she moaned, her grip loosening as she slumped back onto the bed.

I pulled out of her, her pussy gaping open and leaking a river of white cum as I did. She looked utterly debauched, her hair a mess, her body glistening with sweat, and her pussy filled to the brim with cum.

“That was incredible,” she murmured, her voice soft and dreamy.

“Glad you enjoyed it,” I said, smiling as I stroked her cheek.

She nodded, her eyes fluttering closed as she sighed contentedly. Within moments, faint snoring could be heard from her, and I chucked before climbing into bed with her. We left for Pandora in the morning, and the trip would take several months. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was pregnant before we arrived, because there was no way I was giving her back to the UN.


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