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A bright, joyous smile lit up the newly named Diana's face, and she kissed me, her lips molding against mine. As we kissed, she rolled her hips, grinding against me. I moaned into the kiss, one hand cupping the back of her head, fingers tangling in her hair. The other rested on her hip, helping to guide her movements.

Diana started off slow, rolling her hips gently, her lips locked against mine as her hands rested on my shoulders. As her confidence grew, her movements grew faster and more sure. That she was so into this, despite it being her first time, was an incredible turn on.

Her movements grew bolder and more aggressive. She rode me faster, her inner walls clamping around my cock and drawing me in. I thrust upwards, meeting her downward rolls with my own.

She threw her head back, crying out as I bottomed out inside her, all the while her inner walls tightened even further until they were like steel bands. Her hands gripped my shoulders tightly, her nails digging into my skin. I could feel her body trembling, her legs shaking.

I shifted my weight, and a yelp escaped her as I pushed her onto her back. My cock stayed firmly planted inside her as I settled atop her. Her legs wrapped around my waist, her heels digging into my ass as she urged me onward.

My hands rested on either side of her head, my forearms supporting me as I started pounding into her, driving her down into the mattress. She cried out, her arms wrapping around me and her nails digging into my back.

Our lips met again, tongues entwining and dueling for dominance. She moaned, her walls clenched tightly around my shaft, and I felt her cum again. My hips kept pumping, driving my cock deeper inside her as her walls spasmed and twitched.

She broke the kiss, throwing her head back with a cry. Her hands dropped from my back to clutch the bedsheets. Her body arched up, pressing her breasts against my chest. After a moment, her hands shifted so they were on either side of her head, still gripping the bedsheets.

A wicked grin spread across my face. Leaning down, I nipped the crook of her neck, before shifting lower. My lips trailed along her collar bone, kissing and nibbling her skin as I went.

A sharp cry escaped her as my lips closed around her right nipple, and her inner walls clenched down on me again. A breathy chuckle escaped me as I suckled on her nipple, swirling my tongue around the hard nub.

She shuddered, her body quivering under me. The sound of her moans shifted, and I glanced up to see that she'd turned her head, biting on the sheet in her left hand. I couldn't say why, but the sight turned me on more than I would have imagined it to.

I pulled back, shifting my attention to her left breast, giving it the same treatment. Her cries were muffled, but her hips bucked against me, encouraging me to keep going. I obliged her, switching from her left breast to the right, then back again.

As I teased her breasts, my hands roamed, exploring her form. I cupped her breasts, squeezed her ass, and gently ran my nails along her thighs, all the while driving myself deep inside her.

“So good!” she whimpered, her eyes screwing shut. “I never...never knew it'd feel so good!”

I lifted my head from her chest, grinning down at her. “Just you wait,” I whispered, “it's about to get a lot better.”

Before she could ask what I meant, I grabbed her hips, and flipped her over flat onto her stomach. She squeaked in surprise, and then moaned as I entered her again, prone boning her.

My hands gripped her hips, holding her steady as I began pounding into her, slamming my entire length into her pussy. She whimpered, clutching the bed sheets and burying her face into the mattress, her eyes screwed shut. Her inner walls clamped around me, and I could feel her legs trembling.

I leaned forward, resting a hand on her lower back. “You're really enjoying this, aren't you?” I asked.

“It's...ahhh! It's so good!” she moaned, her fingers clawing at the bedsheets.

“Want more?”

She nodded her head frantically, “Yes! Oh, yes please!”

“Beg for it.”


“Beg for more. Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you, and beg me for it.”


“Do it.”

“P-please,” she whimpered. “Please fuck me harder!”

“Not good enough. What do you want me to do to you?”

“Please, Boss! Breed me!”

I actually paused, caught off guard by her request. I'd been expecting something about her pussy or her tits, not this.

“I'm sorry!” she exclaimed, glancing back over her shoulder. “I didn't mean-”

“No, no, it's okay. Just surprised me,” I told her. “I'd be lying if I said the idea wasn't appealing.”

“Oh thank god,” she breathed, burying her face in the mattress.

“Well, I can't leave you hanging, can I?”

With a grin, I leaned forward, resting a hand on the back of her head and pushed her down into the mattress. My other hand reached under her, groping and kneading her breasts. She whimpered, her hips pushing back against mine.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yes," she whispered, her voice shaky.

I pulled my hips back, my cock leaving her folds. Then, without warning, I slammed forward, driving myself deep inside her with a single thrust. A cry escaped her, muffled by the bedsheets.

I picked up speed, my hips slapping against her rear with each thrust, filling the room with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh. I had planned on drawing this out for longer, but the lady demanded to be bred, and even ignoring the fact that I didn’t think I could hold out for longer, the request had my brain making rather enthusiastic noises in agreement.

She was moaning into the mattress, her fingers twisting and pulling the sheets. I could feel her entire body shaking, her legs trembling. Her walls spasmed around my cock, growing tighter with every passing second.

“Boss!” she cried, her head lifting from the mattress. “I'm...I'm going to...I-I-I!”

Her words dissolved into incoherent moans and babbling, and I gave her a wolfish grin.

“Then cum for me, Diana,” I whispered.

I thrust forward, bottoming out inside her. She screamed, her back arching and her body tensing up as she came. Her walls tightened around me, and the extra stimulation was enough to send me over the edge as well.

My vision exploded in stars as my balls pulled up tight, and my seed exploded from the tip of my cock. The sensation of my seed splashing inside her was enough to trigger another orgasm from her, her screams rising an octave.

I collapsed forward, barely managing to catch myself before I crushed her. I rolled onto my side, pulling her with me so that her back was flush against my chest. With my dick still inside her and my hands on her breasts, we slipped into blissful sleep.


The next morning, or whatever passed for it during 'dimensional transit', I woke up in a comfortable bed with a hot, naked redhead spooning against me. A grin split my lips as I recalled the previous night. Despite having been a virgin, Diana had been amazing.

“Good morning, Boss,” Diana murmured sleepily, shifting slightly in my arms as she started to wake up.

Much as I would like to spend all day doing our absolute best to fuck a baby into her, I did need to figure out what exactly the store downstairs had in stock. The booklet explaining everything had been rather sparse on the details regarding what exactly I had to sell.

“Diana, I'm going to take a look around the shop. You can stay in bed if you'd like,” I told her as I disentangled myself from around her.

She gave a sleepy sound that I decided meant ‘alright’ before rolling over and cuddling with a pillow. It was adorable, and it took a great deal of self control not to simply lie back down and go another round.

Shaking my head, I dressed myself before heading downstairs. The interior of the shop was a large, rectangular room, with the register counter near the front entrance. Behind the counter, and extending out from the wall were shelves, and behind those shelves were several doors.

Heading over to the shelves to see what was on them, I quickly came to a conclusion. The store I’d been put in charge of was in essence a general store. If a general store had weapons and body armor in addition to the things one normally thought of when the term came to mind.

From the fact that there were handguns, bullets, and what the tag said was a ‘thin kevlar weave’ vest, combined with the intro booklet I’d read saying that the store and goods would change to fit whatever world it was transporting to, it was pretty easy to conclude that the destination would be somewhat ‘modern’ in nature.

A glance through the other doors revealed that they led to storage areas. There was one area filled with weapons, armor, and supplies, with tags similar to those on the shelves, indicating prices and such. There were two more storage rooms, both filled with food, clothing, and other supplies. One door revealed a set of stairs heading down to a basement, which had a multitude of cages and another door on the far wall.

I checked the door, and it was another storage room, but it only had five items in it. Five weapons that sent a chill down my spine just looking at them. Closing the door, I instead turned my focus to the cells, which were somehow less unsettling and awkward than those weapons had been.

As I examined the cages, I blinked in surprise. Not one had a door, the only way inside I could see was to somehow squeeze through the bars, but if you could do that, then what was the point of being in the cage? There had to be something that I was missing, either a manual somewhere explaining them or a section of the booklet that I’d missed.

“I should probably figure out what the deal with these things are,” I muttered under my breath, shaking my head.

A yawn from behind me made me turn, and I saw Diana slowly coming down the stairs, one hand rubbing her eye. She'd found some clothes from one of the storage rooms and was wearing them. It was just a blue t-shirt and black sweatpants, but she looked cute.

“Morning, Boss,” she yawned, blinking tiredly.

“Morning, Diana,” I said, walking up to her and wrapping her in a gentle hug, my hands resting on the small of her back. She gave a content sigh, leaning against me and closing her eyes.

“So, what's the plan for today?” she asked, not opening her eyes as she leaned into my embrace.

“Today I'm going to start organizing everything, get the store ready, for when we arrive in whatever world we’re being sent to,” I told her. “Then, after dinner, I think we can have another go at making sure that you get that baby you were asking for last night.”

I didn’t have to look to know that she was blushing, I could feel the heat radiating off her cheeks. She squirmed in my arms, her breathing picking up and her heart pounding.

“I-if you say so, Boss,” she whispered, her hands fisting in the back of my shirt.

“I'm not going to force you,” I reassured her. “If it was just dirty talk, that’s fine.”

She mumbled something into my chest, but I couldn’t make out what it was. Giving a gentle tap on top of her head, I waited for her to look up at me and said, “I couldn’t understand that.”

“It wasn’t just dirty talk,” she squeaked out, her face as red as her hair was.

That got a grin from me. Leaning down, I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Even if I couldn’t leave the confines of the store, I’d always wanted to be a dad.


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