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I didn't give an answer to her offer right away, and it turns out that the lasagna thing was spot on. It was easily the best I'd had, and it was only through sheer force of will that I kept myself from eating everything set in front of me.

As it turned out, the lasagna was homemade and Annette Hebert was not above using bribery in order to get an answer from me. Even without her cooking, my answer would have been affirmative, because it was a chance at having a decent roof over my head for once, but her cooking was the icing on the cake.

Honestly, once my surprise at the flirting from her wore off, and I took a moment to think, it made a measure of sense. I'd protected Taylor, but I was also intimidating as fuck just at a glance, and as a parent Annette would want to get a better read on me.

After dinner, I was washing dishes in the kitchen. I'd offered to do them, partially because it was the polite thing to do, and partially because it gave me an opportunity to think over things. Annette was in the living room, presumably thinking over her own things, which left me alone with the dishes.

When I was finished, I made my way out of the kitchen into the living room, where I found Annette reclined on the couch. Seeing me, she gestured to the armchair in the corner of the room, opposite her, and I took the unspoken cue and sat down. It was an uncomfortable squeeze, but I didn’t complain.

She looked at me, her expression hard to read, and then sighed, “If I asked you what your intentions towards Taylor were, would you give me a straight answer? Or would you say something about how you have a duty to her now, because you helped her in a moment of weakness or something like that?”

I leaned back, trying not to sink too deep into the armchair, “Honestly, I don't know. She's a very attractive young woman, but at the time I'd merely seen that bitch Hess laughing and saw an opportunity to ruin her day. So I took it. As for the rest... I haven't decided yet.”

She nodded, and said, “If you do decide to stay here for more than the night, there are some ground rules. First: no drugs, period. I don’t care if it is marijuana or heroin, no drugs. Second: I understand that you are a young man, and given both your build and what you did for her, I would not be surprised if Taylor were to develop a crush on you. However, she is not mentally ready to be a mother, so if anything were to happen between you, no pregnancy. Third: If you want to bring a girl over, you let me know first, and no one comes into the house unless I approve. Finally: no drinking until you're twenty-one. If you do any of those things, and I find out, I will evict you from the house. Are we clear?”

I nodded, not needing a moment to think, and said, “Those seem like reasonable terms. Is there anything else you wish to discuss?”

Annette shook her head, and said, “I'm sure there are a few things we'll need to discuss once Taylor is back from the hospital, but for the most part, that was it.”

I nodded, and stood, rolling my neck with a satisfying pop. It seemed that Annette hadn't finished talking, though, as she asked, “Would you like to watch a movie?”

"That sounds nice,” I answered, “thank you.”


I slept on the floor, since both my head and half my shins would stick out if I tried to sleep on the couch. Not the most comfortable sleep I'd had, but a hell of a lot better than what I'd been used to, which was a cardboard box in a dirty alleyway with a bunch of newspapers for blankets.

Needless to say: the carpet and the multitude of blankets that Annette provided was far more comfortable. Getting dressed, I went downstairs and found Annette, fully dressed and ready for work, making a pot of coffee. When she saw me, she gestured to a chair, saying, “Have a seat, there are some things I need to discuss with you before I head off to work.”

Nodding, I took a seat, waiting for her to continue. I didn't have to wait long, as she began, “First: I'll need your help today getting the house ready for when Taylor comes home from the hospital. Second: if you're going to be staying here, I will need to get a bed for you. I don't have the money for a king-sized, but a queen or a double will have to do. Third: there's a bus stop down the street, which you can take to Winslow. I'll leave you some cash for fare and lunch.”

“Anything else?” I asked.

“No, no,” she said, “that should be everything.”

The pot was done brewing, and Annette poured herself a mug of coffee. Breakfast was simple, eggs and toast, but it was more than I was used to. After that, it was off to the shitshow of a school that was Winslow.


“Sooo, anything interesting happen after school yesterday?” Aisha asked me at lunch. It was still a little odd at times that the freshman girl had picked a guy two grades above her to hang out with, but she was a lot less annoying than one would assume.

“Why do you ask?” was my response to her question as I sat down with the day’s cafeteria lunch. A bowl of what some would call clam chowder, if they had never eaten actual clam chowder.

Weeellll~,” she singsonged, a finger to her lip as she put her elbows on the table between us, holding her upper arms close to her chest in an attempt to give herself more of a cleavage. “A little birdy told me that a certain someone was seen getting into the car of a certain college professor, who has a picture in the dictionary under MILF.”

I took a bite out of my apple, chewed, swallowed, and then said, “Taylor's mom. And I got dinner.”

She raised an eyebrow, and said, “Okay, that's a little surprising. Did anything else happen?”

I shrugged, and said, “Watched a movie and went to bed.”

Her expression became more and more incredulous, until she finally asked, “So, nothing happened between the two of you? Seriously? I'm pretty sure I'm not into chicks, and I'd be interested in hitting that.”

I rolled my eyes, flicking a piece of saltine cracker at her in the picture of maturity, before saying, “She did offer me a place to stay, and the way she looked at me and sounded, I don't think she was asking out of the goodness of her heart.”

Aisha snorted, “You're probably right. You're a big hunk of man meat that looks like you could take any woman and have her folded over in two seconds flat.”

“Thanks for the image, Aisha," I muttered, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“What, you don't like the idea of having a hot babe riding your dick like a bucking bronco? Or, hell, you could pick her up and just bend her over a desk and pound her like a jackhammer,” Aisha continued, “or have her legs spread and just eat her out, like you were her king and she was your throne.”

I rubbed my temples, and said, “Please, stop.”

Sensing weakness, she of course did not, a massive, lecherous grin on her face as she said, “Or maybe you could just put her on her hands and knees, grab her hips and just absolutely ream her asshole, stretching it open wider than a train tunnel.”

I stood up, and said, “I need a new lunch buddy. Aisha, I will talk to you later. Please, stop.”

“Oh, come on,” she whined, “I'm sure the professor would love it if you did all of those things, and then came inside of her, filling her womb with your seed. Think of it, Taylor would have a little brother or sister!”

I ignored her, walking away and looking for another lunch table, my mind filled with images that, unfortunately, I was not displeased by. Even when lunch ended, my mind was still full of the images that Aisha had put in it, leaving me with a half chub that I’d needed to subtly adjust so it wasn’t obvious.

Unfortunately, the universe was out to get me, and thus it was the moment that Sophia decided to approach me, a sneer on her face, and for once not joined by Barnes or Clements.

She crossed her arms and asked, “Did you enjoy fucking the Hebert dyke last night? Did she get down on her knees and suck your cock like a whore, or did you just take her up against the wall, her cunt leaking your cum onto the floor?”

Okay, was I in a hentai version of Earth Bet and just hadn’t realized it yet? First I feel far more of Hess’s junk than I wanted to, a widow flirts with me, the closest I’ve got to a best friend talks about me having sex with said widow, and now Hess asking if I’d had sex with the widow’s daughter. Seriously, I would expect less sex talk from a cult dedicated to Slaanesh for goodness' sake! Not that I could really talk, given that my mind had gone into overdrive the moment Hess had talked about Taylor getting fucked against a wall.

Either way, I wasn’t going to rise to the bait, instead giving Hess a look and turning and walking away.

As expected, Hess was not happy about this, and ran forward, grabbing my bicep. My first instinct was to simply grab her arm and toss her over my shoulder. That, however, would likely get me in a lot of trouble, so I instead grabbed her wrist and yanked it out, taking the time to make sure I didn't accidentally break anything.

Hess stumbled, her expression one of shock and outrage, as I continued walking, only stopping when she shouted, “Come back here, you piece of shit! We aren't done talking!”

“Yes we are, Hess,” I replied, “you have no claim over my life, and frankly, I don't care about you, beyond the fact that you are a bully. Now leave me the fuck alone, or else I will be forced to take drastic measures.”

I was pretty sure she flipped me off as I left the room, and honestly, it was more funny than annoying.

The rest of the day passed without incident, and soon enough, it was time to head back to the Hebert household.


I walked up to the Hebert house as Annette was helping the unsteady Taylor out of the passenger’s side of the pickup, and I quickly moved to the other side, gently taking her from her mother. She gave me a grateful smile, leaning heavily on me, as her mother locked the truck and came around.

As we entered the house, Annette said, “The doctors said she needs plenty of rest and relaxation, so you have a note excusing you from class for the rest of the week, no school until Monday.”

I nodded, gently sitting Taylor on the couch, before moving away to sit on the floor, pulling out my homework and working on it. Taylor stared at me curiously, obviously wondering why I was in her house. I ignored her, continuing my work, until Annette entered the room, carrying a bowl with a steaming liquid within.

“Taylor,” she said, holding the bowl out to her daughter, “I've made you some soup. It's good for you, and it'll help you get your strength back. Eat.”

Taylor took it, nodding, and said, “Thank you.”

Annette smiled down at her daughter, running her hand through Taylor’s hair, before saying, “I offered to let Peter here stay with us for a time. He’s using the guest bedroom for now, but we'll get a bed for him in the future.”

Taylor's eyes widened, and she asked, “Really?”

Annette nodded, and then said, “Finish your soup, and then get some sleep. You need lots of rest.”

Taylor nodded and said, “Okay, mom. Love you.”

Annette's expression was sad, and she leaned down, kissing her daughter's forehead, and said, “Love you too, sweetie.”


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