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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

After the reunion with Liara was finished, and while the new medical crew were looking over Lisa, Hyacinth, and Luna, I was pulled aside by Nikhol and Lana. Well, I say pulled aside, but it was more shoved into a chair as the two of them stood in front of me.

“Now, tell us about the initiative that you took,” Lana said, her voice all but purring as she said the word ‘initiative’.

“Her first name is Boudicca, but she prefers her middle name Jane,” I began. “Human, red hair, and she was the protagonist of the games that this universe resembles.”

Both Sith gave a slight start, their carnal interest in her vanishing and replaced by steely focus. Nikhol was the next to speak, “Details, who she is, what she has done, what she will do, everything.”

So I told them about the events of the Mass Effect trilogy, clarifying that the first game took place seven years in the future, that the main antagonist of said game had been killed and his flagship, which was actually an AI ship made from the liquified remains of countless aliens, had been destroyed. I didn’t know for sure, but it was entirely possible that with Sovereign’s death, assuming that there wasn’t an automatic message sent out to Harbinger, that the Reaper invasion would be delayed. I gave a brief overview of the different origins, focusing more on the one that I’d ended up participating in, before describing what she’d end up accomplishing in the second and third games.

“So this woman, whom you had sex with the night before the invasion, will end up uniting the entire galaxy against a threat that has wiped out galactic civilization over seven hundred forty times at bare minimum, and then either take control of said threat, merge organic and synthetic life, or destroy the threat in its entirety. Is that accurate?” Nikhol asked, her voice a bit breathy.

“That about sums it up,” I agreed, before recalling a bit of information that they would certainly want to hear. “We also ended up fighting off batarians without pants, because I ruined hers and she ruined mine during the foreplay.”

A brief shudder ran through Nikhol, the effect it had on her making it painfully obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Lana leaned over one of the arms of the chair I was in, her chest pressing against my upper arm as she whispered into my ear, “Bear sweetie, you are definitely going to introduce us to such a sexy woman.”

So that made two more women interested in having me introduce them to Shepard. At this rate, there was going to be an orgy with her at the center of it. I found that the thought didn’t bother me nearly as much as I would have thought.

“Now, enough about her,” Lana said, shifting so she was sitting on the arm of the chair.

“For now,” Nikhol chimed in.

“How do the Asari fit in?” Lana asked, continuing as if Nikhol hadn’t said anything.

“From what I gathered, when Benezia melded with me that night, she got enough from my mind to know that the ship has multiple expectant mothers. From there, for whatever reason, she reached out and got some medical professionals to serve as the Yamato’s medical staff. Probably for the best, that we aren’t relying solely on Cameron’s knowledge.”

“Trained medical staff are the superior option to an assassin droid, no matter how delightful her derriere is,” Nikhol mused, rubbing at her chin. “How do you plan to explain the multiversal travel?”

“Extremely bluntly just before we depart,” I answered. “I would use the proof that Tara Q gave us, but honestly I’m not sure that it’s really warranted. The Council is too divided, the different species are extremely independent from each other. While we could use Benezia’s connections to get a meeting with the Council to show it to them, but they don’t actually control any of their species’ governments.

“Even if we did that, I’m not convinced that they’d be able to contribute enough ships and supplies. The plan is still to head to your galaxy during the Clone Wars era, and given the fact that the Republic alone has been around in some form for ten times as long as the Council, they’ve had a lot longer to spread, build up industry, and homogenize their tech base. That’s ignoring the fact that the Separatists could field enough forces to overwhelm the Council through sheer weight of numbers.”

I would have continued rambling, except for a hand that went over my mouth. Lana had an amused smile on her face as she met my gaze and said, “Bear, enough with the serious talk, your description of your initiative partner has aroused us.”

Ah, right, badassness was sexy for Sith. To be fair, it was sexy to me as well. Lana’s hand was pulled away, to be replaced by Nikhol's lips as she kissed me, and after a moment, Lana pulled my shirt off. Nikhol's hands began undoing the button and zipper of my pants.

Lana stood, and while Nikhol kissed me, her tongue dominating mine, the blonde Sith removed her clothing. I could feel my pants being slid down my legs, and after a moment, Lana leaned down and removed my boots and socks.

A hand caressed my length, and after a moment, I was pulled from the chair and led over to a table. I heard Nikhol begin undressing behind me, as Lana climbed up onto the table, her head hanging off the edge.

“Rhonda told me about her first time, and I have been curious,” Lana said, inching forward so that the entirety of her head and neck were over the edge of the table.

It took me a moment, but I realized what she was referring to. I admit, that particular position wasn’t something that I was expecting either Sith woman to be interested in. Still, with Lana having given permission, and the feeling of Nikhol’s naked front against my back, her breasts flattening and her hips flush against mine, I found myself drawn in.

Lana grinned, and I began to line my cock up, one hand on the table, and the other holding her head steady. I pressed the tip against her lips, and she opened her mouth, her tongue darting across the head. She wrapped her lips around the tip, and sucked, her cheeks caving in, and I pushed my hips forward.

She let out a muffled moan, her mouth filling with my cock. She began to bob her head, moving back and forth along my length, her tongue dancing along the top. As I pushed deeper into her mouth, her head tilted up, and with a final push, the tip pressed against the back of her throat.

With a thrust, I pushed deeper, her throat bulging and the head of my cock passing into her throat. She gagged, and I paused, giving her a moment to relax, and then I pulled back, her teeth running along my shaft. She was breathing through her nose, and after a moment, she swallowed, the muscles of her throat contracting around the tip of my cock.

I found myself leaning forward, my hands coming to rest on either side of her chest. But to my surprise, Lana immediately reached up and grabbed my wrists, moving my hands so that they were on her breasts. Her nipples, stiff and hard, pressed into the palms of my hands.

I began to thrust, a small groan escaping my lips, my cock moving back and forth into Lana's mouth and throat. With a small gasp, Nikhol's fingers wrapped around my length, her body pressed against my back. Her breasts were mashed into my shoulder blades, and her wet slit ground against the small of my back.

She continued to stroke my length, and her tongue flicked across the base of my neck. After a moment, her free hand cupped the back of my head, turning it so that her lips met mine. My tongue met hers, the two dueling, and I could taste the faint traces of the last time I had kissed her.

Breaking the kiss, Nikhol grinned and said, “Look at Lana, look at her throat.”

I did, and at that moment, Nikhol’s hips pushed forwards, forcing me to push deeper into Lana’s throat. After a brief moment of resistance, my cock was completely buried within Lana, her lips around my base.

My eyes were locked on Lana’s neck, her throat, clad in a black choker, bulging outwards, the shape of my cock clearly visible through the skin of her neck. My balls tightened, and with a groan, I came, the first burst shooting directly into her stomach.

After a few seconds, I pulled back, the second rope shooting into her mouth. As the third came, I pulled out of her throat, her teeth dragging along my cock, and the remaining ropes fell across her face and the valley between her breasts.

Lana swallowed, and with a deep breath, opened her eyes. I could see the lust in her gaze, and her eyes met mine, her tongue flicking out and running along her lips, cleaning off the cum that was coating them.

“I love you,” I whispered to her.

“I love you, too,” she returned, a gentle smile on her face.

Our locked gaze was then broken, as Nikhol moved from behind me to climb onto the table, settling in on top of Lana in a sixty nine position.

As Nikhol’s head leaned down, Lana reached around her hips, her hands squeezing the taller woman’s ass. I took a moment to just enjoy the sight before me, catching my breath as Lana reached out with her tongue to trace along Nikhol’s womanhood. Then, rock hard once again, I guided my cock to the gorgeous pussy right in front of me.

Nikhol gasped, her mouth falling open, as the head of my cock slid into her wet slit. Her walls tightened around me, squeezing down, and as I continued to push in, her body tensed. She moaned, and as my hands wrapped around her waist, my hips pressing against her ass, I felt Lana shudder underneath her, her face covered in Nikhol's juices.

Lana was grinding her hips, and as I started to move, thrusting in and out of Nikhol's tight pussy, Lana lifted her legs up to wrap around Nikhol's head, pressing her face deeper into the blonde Sith's hips. I was gripping Nikhol's waist, my fingers digging into her toned flesh, and the two of us continued to thrust, pushing against each other.

With a gasp, Nikhol shuddered, her pussy clamping down on me as she came, her body arching. Lana moaned, her toes curling, and with a grunt, I felt myself nearing my own climax. I continued to thrust, my rhythm faltering, and Nikhol shuddered, her hips bucking and her legs tensing, her body trembling.

Her juices splashed out, coating my cock and her thighs, and the tightness was too much. With a groan, I pulled her back, burying my cock inside of her as the first rope shot out. She let out a small whimper, her body shivering, and she tightened her legs, her hands grabbing Lana's hips.

Nikhol came again, her walls squeezing around my length, and as the second rope of cum shot into her, I let out a loud grunt. I pulled her back, my hips thrusting, and she shuddered, her eyes rolling back as her tongue fell out of her mouth, drool running down her chin.

I came again, pulling her back onto me and burying my cock inside her, and with a shudder, the three of us came together. With a moan, I fell back, pulling her with me, and after a moment, the three of us collapsed, Lana and Nikhol gasping for breath.

The three of us took time to catch our breaths, before after a few minutes, Lana broke the silence, “You have greatly improved since we first met, and I am not referring to your skill in the Force, love.”

There was a small ‘pop’ of electricity and Lana jolted. I couldn’t help but snort at the byplay between the two Sith.


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