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I gave a grunt as I thrust into the body beneath me. She was soft and curvy, and her hair was a lovely dark black. My hands were on her hips, gripping them tightly, my thumbs stroking the bottom of her spine. The fact that she was my half-sister barely registered to me, as she felt wonderful. Hot, tight, and slick.

My hands moved up her body, one reaching around, cupping her large breasts, my other going to the back of her head. My fingers threaded through her silky hair, my thumb stroking the nape of her neck. She let out a whimper as I pulled her up.

I kept thrusting, not relenting, as I leaned over, kissing her neck, biting her lightly. She gasped, her pussy clamping down around my cock, her hips grinding, pushing back against me. She'd been raised to be my head maid, but I'd decided to also have her trained in fighting, and the corded muscles under her skin made me even harder.

I kept going, biting her neck, sucking her skin. I wanted to mark her, to claim her in more ways than the brand between her shoulder blades.

“Master,” she whimpered. “Please...breed me.”

Her words made my balls twitch, and I thrust in deeper, feeling my climax nearing. I sucked harder, feeling her tremble, her inner walls tightening. I released her neck, seeing a dark purple hickey on her skin.

“Master, please, make me pregnant!”

Her pleading made the last bit of my control snap, and I pulled her head back, claiming her lips. She moaned into the kiss, and I let out a low groan, my cum shooting into her. Which was, of course, when the door to my cabin opened and Thrud walked in.

“Master, we've-”

She stopped, looking at me and Momo, a small smile forming on her face. “I'll be right back, Master,” she said, turning around and leaving, closing the door behind her.

I let go of Momo's hair, and she let out a breath. “We'll need to continue this later,” she said, a small smile on her face.

“I'll look forward to it,” I told her, pulling out.

After Sif had told me about the threat my father had made, about taking things that were mine away, I had decided to start taking steps to ensure that he didn’t think to get the same idea for any of my other things. Things such as Momo, Thrud, and Loona.

Thus my no longer taking steps to avoid getting them pregnant, and instead ensuring that I finish inside them. So long as they were pregnant by the end of the year, he wouldn’t take them away.

The soft candlelight cast a warm glow over Momo's naked body, highlighting the curves of her hips and the swell of her breasts. Her hair was spread out on the pillow, a tangled mess of black silk against the white sheets. Her skin was flushed and glistening with sweat, evidence of our passionate encounter. My gaze turned to the door as it opened, revealing Thrud, her cheeks pink.

“Master, the Captain requests your presence on the bridge,” she reported. “She said that we're approaching Sabaody.”

I nodded, getting dressed, Momo watching me from the bed. I turned and looked at her. “I'll see you again tonight.”

She smiled, nodding. I turned, opening the door, finding Sif and Thrud standing outside, waiting for me.

We stepped out into the cool night air, and I made my way towards the bridge, followed by my cabin mates. Sif and Thrud fell in step beside me, their eyes filled with anticipation.

Within a few minutes, we stood before the captain, who immediately saluted me before bowing her head and saying, “We will be docking at the Marine base of Sabaody in an hour, assuming the winds remain steady. Do you have any plans while we are docked?”

“Make sure the ships in the fleet are stocked with enough supplies and provisions to last two years,” I said without hesitation. “Once all of the ships are fully stocked and supplied, give the crew shore leave for two days.”

“Yes, sir,” she said, before hesitating.

“Speak,” I told her, a touch curious as to what was on her mind.

“Forgive me, but what will you be doing during this time?” she asked after a moment’s hesitation.

“I will visit the Auction House to see if there are any items of interest, but will most likely not purchase anything,” I answered honestly. I had no desire to train a new slave while en route, both in terms of ensuring their obedience, but also in regards to making them useful in a fight. “After that, I intend to see what else Sabaody has to offer.”

I hadn’t been to Sabaody since I was a child, and I was curious how much it had changed, if at all.


The Auction House was quite boring, the only thing that had caught my attention being a Devil Fruit with an unknown power. Rather surprising, considering how well documented they were, meaning that it was likely a new one. On something of a whim, I purchased it for a piddling one and a half million.

Sif was sent back to The Dauntless with it, while I wandered. I had no particular goal or destination in mind, merely working to kill time. After over an hour of wandering, I found myself outside a bar and decided to enter.

At first impression, it looked like essentially every other bar out there, regardless of where in the world it was. So far, I was very unimpressed with Sabaody.

“Well now, what brings a World Noble down here in the slums with the common person?” a man’s voice asked, draw and smooth like whiskey. I turned to face the speaker, about to ask how he knew I was a World Noble, only to freeze.

The hair color didn’t match, and there were far more wrinkles, but I still recognized the man from the several images I’d seen of him from the countless hours I’d spent studying pirates, both new and old. The Dark King. Silvers Rayleigh. First Mate of Gol D Roger.

“I must confess,” I said, forcing myself to remain calm. “I did not expect to meet one of the greatest pirates in recent memory in a generic pub.”

He raised an eyebrow, “You’re awfully calm if you recognize me. Didn’t answer my question, either.”

“If you wished me harm or death, I wouldn’t have made it through the front door,” I pointed out, moving to sit by him. “As for why I am here, in truth I am waiting for my ships to finish supplying before setting off to the New World.”

He stared at me, taking a sip of his drink contemplatively, before speaking once again, “And what in the New World has your interest? Why not just have one of the Admirals go and get whatever it is for you?”

I didn’t bother holding back a sneer at the thought, “What good is a gun that is never cleaned? What good is a sword that never knows a whetstone? How will I be able to face my ancestors with dignity when my time comes if I did not do everything within my capabilities to strive for greater heights? While my heritage may put me above the rest of the world, it means nothing if I sit around and do not work to build upon what my ancestors accomplished.”

“Really,” Silvers Rayleigh drawled, a hint of amusement in his voice. “You almost sound like a number of the pirates that come through here.”

“Thank you,” I said with honesty, making him look at me with confusion. “Far, far too many of my class have forgotten what truly matters. They think that their blood, their name, or their wealth makes them masters of the world.”

It was all I could do not to spit, remembering most of those my age, but I continued, “Pirates at least still remember what is most important, what really matters in shaping the world.”

“And what do you think that is?”

“Strength,” I answered bluntly. “Not strength of arm, of sword, of Devil Fruit. What matters in determining who rises to rule and who is crushed under heel is strength of will. That is the one thing that I can say about both the pirates that roam the seas, and the Marines who enforce the law. They are all strong, in their own ways. Even the ones who have given in to despair and lost their will were still strong enough to try.

“My class is weak. We are the worst of the worst. We sit and wait and watch the world pass us by, content to rule a kingdom built on sand and glass, rather than stone. They have forgotten what made them great, and in turn have become the greatest obstacle in the path of humanity. To stand above the world, to be the masters of the world, you have to have a will as strong as the world. Otherwise, all that you can do is watch as the world slowly crushes you and turns your dreams to dust and ruins.”

“Is that so?” Rayleigh asked, his tone and expression unreadable. “And what is it you think you can do to change the world? What do you want from it?”

“What I want…” I said softly. I nearly continued, I very nearly said something that I knew, but hadn’t allowed myself to so much as think it. To think it, to say it would mean admitting it, would make it real, and it would force me to accept the consequences. But in the end, I was not a coward, and if anyone was worthy of hearing it, it was him. “I want to build a kingdom, separate from the World Government. I want to build a nation that embodies the ideals that made my ancestors the rulers they were. I want to see the World Nobles get dragged from their extravagant, wasteful cushions and forced to face true hardship.”

My fists clenched, my anger building. Not the righteous rage of a hero or the blind fury of a berserker. No, my anger was cold and sharp and clear as the finest crystal. It was not the heat and fire that the world expected, nor the wild, uncontrolled storm. My anger was ice, and I knew it, and accepted it.

I met Rayleigh’s gaze, and said, “I am Dreki D. Arverni, Scion of House Arverni, descendent of the great King Vercingetorix, and I was born to rule.”

He snorted, “Good luck with that. Not gonna say your idea isn't possible, but even if you do succeed, it will be a long and hard road, and you will have to be stronger than the world itself to survive it. But, I suppose that's how life is, isn't it? If it was easy, then everyone would be living it.”

I couldn't help but smile, and nodded. He was right. We spoke a bit more, before he stood and stretched, walking towards the door. Before he reached it, the door opened, and one of the marines I recognized from The Dauntless.

“Ah, sir? There’s been an incident at the base, involving one of your retinue,” the marine said nervously.

Raising an eyebrow, I stood and departed the bar, asking, “What manner of incident, and who was involved?”

Five minutes later, I walked up the gangplank to see Loona, blood on her muzzle and being restrained by the combined efforts of Sif, Thrud, Momo, and the captain in order to keep her from getting to an extremely pale marine being tended to by the ship’s doctor, a woman from the West Blue named Dr. Zeigler, and his uniform pants having a massive bloodstain…

I pinched the bridge of my nose to restrain both myself and the migraine that threatened to form. Before I could get a report on why it was necessary for Loona to turn one of the marines into an eunuch, she needed to be calmed down. Fortunately, I knew how to do so with just two words.

Releasing the bridge of my nose, I straightened my back and in a commanding tone snapped, “Loona, heel.


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