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[center]<<Boudicca Jane Shepard>>[/center]

Less than an hour after the last of the attacking ships had been either captured or destroyed, Alliance reinforcements showed up, and I was bedridden. Much as I enjoyed my biotics, there was a reason I tried to avoid using them as extensively as I had during the attack. Using them so much had burned through every bit of fat in my body and a fair amount of my muscles had been cannibalized as well.

Jacob had been in the group that was being attacked by the last batch I dealt with. Once their ship had blown up for whatever reason, he’d run over and gotten me out of the crater I’d made with my last blast. Still needed to come up with a name for it, and improve basically everything about it. It took too long to charge, took too much out of me, and left me a sitting duck afterwards.

The original idea was one I’d had in Basic, turning my barrier into a shockwave. Then I’d seen a trailer for some game from a century and a half ago, and got the idea to combine a warp into it. The attack was actually the first time I’d gotten the damn thing to work the way it was supposed to.

My musings were cut off as Jacob entered the room I was currently confined to, a large burlap bag in hand.

“Feeling better, Sleeping Beauty, or just hungry?” he asked, closing the door behind him.

“Famished,” I answered, pushing myself into a sitting position. Every part of my body ached, but I could smell Aunt Jenna’s cooking coming from the bag, and I’d have to be dead to pass it up. “Thanks for covering me before the medics got to me.”

He snorted, even as he set the bag on a side table and started pulling out containers, “Bee, I love you, but your bare ass isn’t a sight I want to be at risk of seeing. I’m a Space Texan, not a Space Alabaman.”

I managed to keep from just picking up the roasted chicken, from the looks of it one of the twelve to fifteen pound ‘frankenbirds’ that Davie was raising for school, and tearing into it with my teeth, because there was no way I was missing the opportunity he’d laid out in front of me, “Aunt Jenna’s from Scotland, and what is it they say about scotsmen and their sheep?”

Now I tore into the chicken, not giving my cousin a chance to offer a rebuttal. He snorted, bringing up his omnitool as I ate.

“While you were sleeping off nearly killing yourself, someone put together some amateur footage of the fighting, and the scuttlebutt from Michael is that an asari medical ship showed up earlier today,” Jacob said, making me pause and swallow the mouthful of chicken breast I’d bitten out of the bird.

“The fuck are asari doing he… no, how long was I out?” I asked, forcing myself to focus.

“Only two days, the docs were expecting you to be out for longer. Your one night tourist showed up a time or two, but most of the visitors have been family. Your folks called, Aunt Hannah said that they’d try to come as soon as they can, but…”

I nodded, “Duty calls, and all that. I get it.”

Jacob nodded, tapping something on his omnitool before a video started playing. I watched as the camera panned over the wreckage and rubble of a city street, a short distance away, in the corner of the screen, I could see the crater my blast had made.

“Kaylie’s drone managed to catch this, and it took a fair bit of persuading for her to give me the footage, but something I think you should see,” he said, scooting his chair closer so I could watch the video.

I kept eating, scarfing down the rest of the chicken and starting on a grilled tri tip. I could immediately tell it was Jacob’s cooking: he always used enough garlic to purge a city of vampires. Watching his omnitool’s screen, I was mostly focused on my food instead of the half dozen pirates scurrying away.

That is, until I saw something appear in the distance. Swallowing the last mouthful of beef, I leaned in and narrowed my eyes.

“What is that?” I asked. It was tiny, hovering in the air, and a line of red appeared from it shortly before the camera shook and fell.

“No idea,” Jacob said, shrugging as he pressed a few buttons on his omnitool. “Figured miss soldier would have some ideas or contacts to ask. Either way, whatever that was took out the last of the ground transports then shot back into orbit. No one I’ve talked to has been able to find anything matching it on sensors of any kind, hell the few Alliance crewmen I’ve spoken to think that the pirate ships blowing up was either some sort of sabotage or them being cheapskates.”

I gave him a look, voicing my opinion around Uncle Bill’s rosemary mashed potatoes, from the color and flavor, he’d also included his turkey gravy with them, “Any operation this big doesn’t use ships that are liable to blow up before the job’s done. Especially if you plan on bringing any sort of ‘cargo’ back with you.”

He nodded, glancing down at the now empty container in my lap, “Should I come back with more? You’ve already scarfed down a ten pound roasted bird, four pounds of beef, and a gallon of mashed potatoes.”

“Depends, Aunt Jenna got any of her pies baking?” I asked cheekily.

Jacob chuckled, standing up and taking the food containers, “She said you’d ask that, and told me to let you know that if you want one of her shepherd’s pies, you’ll be out of here in time for dinner tomorrow.”

[center]<<Matriarch Benezia T’soni>>[/center]

“Matriarch Benezia,” Bear greeted me with a tender smile as he sat down across from me in the back room of a small store that served some sort of black human energy drink. “I confess, I wasn’t expecting to see you again.”

“Please,” I said, meeting his gaze. “The father of my second daughter does not need to refer to me as Matriarch. Just Benezia is fine.”

“Alright, Benezia,” he said with a smile. “At the risk of sounding ungrateful, what brings you to Elysium? I wouldn’t think that a human agriworld would be a place that one of your station would normally visit.”

The word ‘agriworld’ took longer for my translation software to parse than normal, but once it did I answered his question, “My original purpose here was twofold: to introduce you to a number of doctors I’d hired to serve as your ship’s medical staff, and to share a bit of news with you.”

He looked surprised as I mentioned the doctors, and I pulled up my omnitool before sending the news article about the death of Spectre Saren due to be released in a few days to him. He took a moment to read it, his eyes widening in the way that humans did.

“If my contacts are correct, his new flagship was destroyed in the attack that claimed his life,” I said as he turned to look back at me. “Such a shame that he got sloppy and a group of batarian pirates discovered his location.”

“Wait, are you saying…”

“That a rising star among the Spectres has died, yes,” I cut him off. It was a good thing that he wasn’t involved in politics, even the most boorish elcor would have little trouble manipulating him. “But enough of that, I have reviewed footage of the attack on the colony, do you by chance know of the human biotic that was involved in the defense?”

I was quite interested in meeting with said biotic, not only had they used their biotics at both an intensity and amount that would be highly impressive even for an asari justicar, but that technique they used at the end wasn’t one that I recognized. I wasn’t a commando, but I had lived long enough to recognize nearly every biotic technique that had been invented, which made seeing something new a pleasant surprise.

“Yeah, Shepard, she’s an Alliance soldier,” Bear answered with a front/back movement of his head. “She’s recovering due to overusing her biotics, but I’ll get you her contact information. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?”

I rose from the chair, moving around the table and climbing into his lap, straddling his hips and pressing my azure against his groin. Leaning in, my lips met his, as his hands went to my sides and around my back. Our tongues met, and after a moment we broke apart, him panting and me grinning.

His pants started to bulge, and I ground myself against him, his eyes closing as he moaned. His hands went lower, resting on the swell of my hips, and I brought my own up to run a hand through the fur on his head.

I deepened the kiss, our tongues intertwining. One of his hands went lower, grabbing my rear and squeezing. My lips curled into a smile as the kiss broke, and he looked at me, his eyes wide and a smile of his own on his lips.

Even through my dress and his thick pants, I could feel his erection pressing against my azure. His breathing quickened as he pulled me closer, the two of us sharing another kiss. This one was less desperate, more sensual. I could feel him relaxing, and the two of us enjoyed the simple pleasure of having the other so close.

As his hands went lower, his palms pressing into the soft flesh of my thighs and then sliding up to cup my rear, I ran my hands across his broad shoulders. There was a certain comfort that I felt, sitting in his lap, my hands on his body, his on mine. It was almost intoxicating, being held so close, the feeling of his heartbeat through the thin fabric of his shirt.

His hands squeezed down on my rear, and I let out a small gasp as I pulled away from the kiss, breaking the moment. A smile was still on my face, and as he let out a chuckle, I could feel his erection throbbing under my azure. I was tempted to bring it out, to slide it into me, but I resisted. We were still in a relatively public location, and as a Matriarch I could not afford such a scandal.

Instead, I continued to grind myself against his clothed erection, the two of us kissing and caressing one another, our movements growing more and more intense. Soon, I had a hand inside his shirt, feeling the warm flesh under his clothing, one of his hands leaving my rear to my breasts.

It didn't take long, before he was moaning and gasping as I kissed and nibbled at his neck. He had his eyes closed, his body tensing. I could feel his heart pounding, and as my azure pressed firmly against his erection, he came.

He gasped as his seed filled his pants, the bulge in his pants twitching. I could feel the dampness of the spot where his seed had landed, and slowly I pulled my hand out of his shirt.

Bear panted, a contented look on his face. The two of us remained in the chair, our eyes meeting, as we relaxed, enjoying the closeness and each other's presence.

It wasn't long before we got up, his pants clinging to his thighs. We were both smiling, and his hands rested on my hips as he leaned in for a kiss. I was all too happy to meet his lips, the two of us kissing and running our hands along one another.

Finally, we broke apart, the moment over.

“I wish you were coming with us,” he said, running the back of his hand against my cheek. “There are so many wonders I want to show you.”

I put my hand over his, “My place is here, in the Asari Republics. If the situation was different, I would have little trouble finding an excuse to join you, but… there are things that only a Matriarch can do. But please, call me. Send me messages. I would love to hear of your adventures and experiences. Perhaps, when you return, we could meet again. In the meantime, I have a medical staff to introduce you to.”


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