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[center]<<Pamela “Poison Ivy” Isley>>[/center]

“Say it, Princess, say that you love this,” I said, doing my best to sound firm like Harley did when she was firm with me. “Admit that being conquered by us villainesses drives you wild.”

The rope, its texture impossibly smooth, glowed in my hand and around Wonder Woman as I finished speaking. A few years ago, I’d have given anything to have this artifact in my possession, mostly for how I could utilize it in my crusade for the Green. Now I was considering how to utilize it for sex, and a particularly arousing idea occurred to me as she spoke.

“I...love surrendering to powerful, sexy women. It becomes even better when I trust them not to abuse the power of the Lasso,” she said, her eyes half lidded as she looked up at me.

I swallowed, the look on her face so similar to how I’d look at Harley... it sent a warm rush through me, one full of emotions I wasn’t able to peel apart and put a name on any of them. But I think I liked it.

Still, now wasn't the time for that. Instead, I shifted up, putting myself over her lips, and leaned down, pressing myself against her. The feel of her lips, warm and wet, against my folds was incredible. She kissed, licked, and suckled my lower lips with gusto, her tongue probing deep inside me. I moaned, my breath shuddering as the Amazonian beauty ate me out.

Harley, having caught her breath, crawled over and took one of Wonder Woman's breasts into her mouth. Before pausing, and lifting her head, her lips coming free with a wet pop.

“Hey Wondy, is it true that if yer given orders while trussed up wit ya rope, ya have ta do them?” Harley asked.

Wonder Woman didn’t pull away, or cease her efforts in pleasing me, but she gave an affirmative noise, the vibrations sending a shudder along my spine.

I didn’t need to turn my head to know that Harley grinned as she said, in a singsong tone, “Wondy, I want ya ta fuck Red wit yer tongue!”

Wonder Woman's eyes widened, and then she groaned, and I could feel her tongue pressing even deeper into me, before it began to wiggle. My eyes fluttered, and I found myself shuddering. It felt good, really good.

As the Amazon worked, Harley moved to my side, her hand reaching up and pinching and twisting my nipple, making me moan. Then, she shifted her hand, sliding her fingers into me, pumping them in and out as the princess ate me out. I could feel myself getting closer and closer, and the sensations were incredible.

With a cry, I came, and Harley's fingers continued to move, helping me ride out the climax, her free hand continuing to toy with my breast, sending little electric shocks through my body. After a moment, I moved, climbing off the Amazon, and I saw that her face was covered in my release. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Reaffirming my grip on the Lasso, I shared a glance with Harley, and began to speak, “Tonight, at dinner, when everyone’s arrived, you will take your top off, crawl under the table, and service Bear. Alternating between a blowjob and a titjob. You will continue until he cums at least four times, leaving his seed where it lands. Once that is finished, you will lay on the table, to allow the rest of the Family to clean his seed off of your skin.”

The Lasso glowed, and I hurriedly spoke as another idea occurred to me, “Additionally, each time he cums while you are servicing him tonight, you will as well. On top of that, you will not remove any clothing you are wearing from the waist down.”

Wonder Woman, her face shining with my cum, stared up at me and Harley, her eyes wide in surprise, before smiling and nodding.

“With pleasure,” she purred.

Harley and I grinned, and I felt a thrill go through me as I realized that the night had only just begun.

[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I hadn’t been expecting anything unusual during dinner. We would arrive in the Elysium system in the morning, so the conversation would probably be focused on that, but I was not expecting Harley, Ivy, and Diana to enter the way they did. Harley and Ivy were dressed as they normally were, Diana was wearing a red and black plaid, knee length, pleated skirt, long socks, black shoes, a white blouse, and, most importantly, her Lasso loosely wrapped around her neck.

“I am compelled to ask: why is the Hellenist on board dressed like a sexy catholic school girl?” Taylor asked, her voice more than a touch strangled.

“‘Cause it’s sexy,” Harley said, walking forward with the other end of the Lasso in her hand and using it like a leash. “Do we need anotha’ reason?”

She led the Amazon Princess over to my chair, then pushed her down. Diana sank to her knees without complaint, and I raised an eyebrow at the display, my gaze moving from one woman to the other.

“She’s gonna service ya, Fuzzy,” Harley said, her tone filled with mischief, even as Diana moved her hands to the button on my jeans.

I lifted my hips, allowing Diana to slide my pants off, and she scooted between my legs before her hands pulled the hem of her blouse out from her skirt and began unbuttoning it. I watched, my length rapidly swelling as the pale skin of first her midriff was exposed then, as more and more buttons were undone, the glorious visage of her cleavage, the demigoddess having gone without a bra under her blouse. Less than a minute after entering the dining room, Diana was kneeling in front of me in nothing but a skirt, socks, shoes, and, based on the brief glimpses I saw when she was positioned just right, a black thong.

The blouse went somewhere, I wasn’t really in the right kind of mental state to keep track of it after she took it off, and as Diana took my cock in hand, bringing her mouth to it, Harley leaned in, placing the other end of Diana’s Lasso in my hand and whispering in my ear, “Eat, drink, be merry, and cum yer fuckin’ brains out, Fuzzy.”

Then she was gone, over to Ivy, and I looked down at the demigoddess. Her blue eyes were locked onto mine, her pupils wide with lust and need. Her tongue flicked across the tip of my member, and her cheeks were flushed. Her hand wrapped around the base of my shaft, and I gave a small groan of pleasure as she slid her lips over the head of my cock.

I tightened my grip on the Lasso, the soft texture of the rope smooth against the skin of my palm and fingers. As the rope glowed, Diana shuddered, and began moving her mouth along my shaft, her tongue swirling around it as she did.

I relaxed back in the chair, the sound of my companions eating, drinking, and talking in the background fading away. Diana continued her ministrations, her pace slow and measured, and I enjoyed the feel of her soft lips sliding along my length. Her tongue danced across the sensitive head, and as I tightened my grip on her Lasso, the metaphorical demigoddess gave a small moan, sending a shiver down my spine.

Diana’s motions picked up speed, and her breasts were bouncing, her nipples hard. I could hear the sounds of her sucking and licking my cock, and the sight of the most iconic heroine in existence on her knees in front of me was intoxicating. Her hands were resting on my thighs, and I could see the way her eyes were shining, the way her body was flushed with arousal.

I reached down with my free hand, taking one of her breasts in hand and lightly squeezing. She let out a moan, and I could feel the vibration travel down my cock and through my balls, sending a shudder through me. The sensation was intense, and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer.

My grip on her Lasso tightened, and I felt a pulse of pleasure course through her, and her tongue and lips began moving faster, her pace increasing. Her breasts bounced, and her ass swayed behind her. Her eyes were fixed on mine, and I could feel her excitement growing. She was enjoying this, the control that I had over her, every bit as much as I always enjoyed surrendering to her.

As I drew closer to release, I could feel her growing more and more aroused, her body tensing, and I knew she was close. She was enjoying this, and I wanted to make her cum.

With a final tug on her Lasso, I grunted, and felt my release. She pulled her mouth from my cock, and the first shot landed on her face. She didn't hesitate, and instead, her mouth opened, her tongue out. My release splashed across her face and tongue, and she moaned in pleasure. She closed her eyes, and I could see her shuddering as she came.

I let out a shuddering breath, only for my eyes to practically bug out of my head as she didn’t even take a moment to relax, taking her heavenly breasts in hand and wrapping them around my length. There was a tiny amused smirk on her face, as though she was saying she was nowhere near done yet.

She began moving, and I could feel the warm, soft pillowy flesh of her breasts sliding along my cock. It was amazing, both the physical sensations and the level of trust and willing submission she was showing, and my desire was growing rapidly. Diana’s gaze was locked on mine, her blue eyes shining, her full lips slightly parted as she took breaths heavy with lust and arousal.

Diana shuffled closer, getting her body as close to me as she physically could, and let her tongue dangle from her mouth, getting the valley between her breasts and my cock within it coated with her saliva. The added lubrication made the already heavenly titjob even better, the warm flesh gliding along my dick. I’d just cum, but despite that I could feel myself rapidly approaching completion once again.

“Holy shit, Diana,” I muttered, scarcely able to believe I was in this position. The expression on her face, smoldering, aroused, lustful, and half a dozen other things that I couldn’t put into words, sent a jolt of electricity through me straight to my balls.

For the second time since I’d sat down for dinner, I came, sending ropes of cum through the air to land on Diana. Most covered her chest, but a few made it to her face, two landing on her tongue. Diana moaned in pleasure, and her eyelids fluttered. I could see the satisfaction in her eyes, the pleasure at what she had done.

“That’s two down,” Ivy muttered quietly, pulling my attention from Diana.

In addition to Ivy and Harley, Taylor, Tonks, Lisa, and the Coven had all been present. Most were in various stages of undress, masturbating to the show. The only one I didn’t see doing so was Hyacinth, the black haired teen approaching me with a plate full of food and her clothes transfigured into a pair of daisy dukes and button up top that only reached halfway down her ribcage, leaving her baby bump on full display.

As Diana shifted, leaning in and taking the head of my cock into her mouth and using her tongue to clean me of the residue from my last climax, Hyacinth sat on the arm of my chair, leaning against me as she placed the plate on her lap.

My eyes widened as I saw what was on the plate. I have no idea how she’d found out about it, but she must have gotten the ship’s replicator to recreate the pizza that was made in the stands when I played Little League.

Diana pulled back, her eyes half lidded as she spoke, “Do enjoy yourself, Bear. I am not going to stop until you’ve had at least two more orgasms.”

“Just lean back,” Hyacinth said as she took a slice off the plate. “Let us take care of you.”


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