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I groaned, stretching my back as I entered my flat. Work was exhausting, and I was pulling ninety hour weeks, which was sorely needed considering the fact that I was supporting not only myself but five children. Two girls and three boys, Amelia, Boudica, Jacob, Simon, and Alaric. Boudica and Alaric were Luna’s, Jacob and Simon were Nym’s, while Amelia was Angelina’s. All five were mine.

Turns out there’d been some behind the scenes stuff going on with the sex club. I only found out after graduating and getting a job at the Ministry, but it had been the brainchild of Professor Lockhart, he’d sold it to the Board of Directors and the Ministry as a whole as a measure to combat the fact that the British Wizarding population had plummeted in the last century. Only the people working in the census knew precisely how badly, but it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the population was the lowest it’s been since the census was started.

Lockhart had used that as the basis for his proposal: a club at Hogwarts with the sole purpose of witches having children during their most fertile years. Regardless of their wishes on the matter. First years were exempt, even with magic making them healthier and hardier than muggles, eleven was still younger than most were comfortable having a large number of witches carrying children.

A number of charms, potions, and enchantments were used to ensure that the witches of Hogwarts were both capable of having children and, if they wouldn’t participate willingly, too horny to resist. In retrospect, I felt like an idiot for not seeing it sooner. So many of the girls I saw weren’t the type to participate in wild orgies without any sort of protection.

A few of the caveats within Lockhart’s proposal ensured that the Pureblood Houses wouldn’t protest and claim it was an attempt to engage in Line Theft, while any children would be raised by the fathers and their families, they were not considered part of the line of succession. Anything that they would receive was entirely at the discretion of the Head of House. Depending on how things went in the future, I could see this resulting in a separate category, beyond Muggleborn, Halfblood, and Pureblood, though I have no idea what it’d be called.

In any case, that left me, an orphan, with five babies to take care of. I had no family fortune to fall back on, no family to look out for them while I was at work, no house elves to lighten the load around the house. Just me, with what money I could scrounge together working two jobs at the Ministry.

Despite everything, when I came home, gave the nanny her fee, and saw my little ones...everything else just melted away. I smiled, watching the way they reacted to the sight of me. The girls were crawling towards me, squealing in joy, while the boys were wriggling about, kicking their feet.

I picked up each of the children, cuddling them, before putting them to bed. After a while, they all drifted off, and I stood up, taking a step back. I could barely afford the nanny, but I could not, under any circumstances, give them up.

Once they were in bed and asleep, I made my way over to the table that doubled as my desk. There was talk among my coworkers that the new bills and proposals that the Wizengamot would be looking at in the near future would affect those of us at the bottom, so I was being extra careful with my budgeting.

The cupboards were stocked alright, but I’d need to use my day off to get groceries. The preservative charms would ensure that the formula would last more than long enough, but that was what would probably run out first. More laundry supplies as well, cleaning charms worked for the short term, but too much and it made clothes scratch, so I made sure that the diapers were regularly washed properly.

After finishing with the budget, I sighed, sitting back in my chair. It was a Friday night, and I had work in the morning. The flat three doors down was hosting a party, the kind that, two months before, I would have gone to with a bare hesitation. I had responsibilities now though, much as some part of me wanted to go, I had to do what was best for my children.

Instead, I sat at the table, sipping a glass of butterbeer. It was nice, and relaxing, and it reminded me of home, but there was a part of me that just wished I had a better place to live. Not someplace fancy, or too grand, but just somewhere bigger. But that would cost money, more than I could realistically afford for quite some time.

Still, I found myself musing as my gaze wandered to the cribs and a soft smile spread across my face, I had my kids. They made the insane work hours and tiny flat worth it. I would do anything for them, and that thought brought a smile to my face.

I put my empty glass away, and headed towards my bedroom, a grin on my face. As I was lying on the bed, about to drift off, there was a series of knocks on the door.

Letting out a tired sigh, I pulled myself out of bed, waving my wand in the direction of the cribs, casting a one way silencing charm. If one of them woke up, I'd still hear them, but the knocking and whatever it was about wouldn't be what was to wake them up. That done, I made my way to the door of our flat and opened it.

I don’t know who it was that I was expecting to see, it wasn’t the landlady’s type of knocking who along with the nanny was the only one who regularly came over, but the three mothers of my children were not it. Luna, Nym, and Angelina were standing in the hallway, their faces brightening once I'd opened the door.

“Nelson!/Baby Daddy!” came the immediate cries, moments before I was tackled into a hug by three witches I’d never expected to see again.

Luna was wearing a long, flowing robe, the hem just barely grazing the floor. Nym was dressed in Auror robes. Angelina was wearing a blouse, buttoned up to her neck, and a skirt that was halfway between a miniskirt and a maxi. I couldn't tell who, but a hand on my wrist made damn sure that my hand ended up with a handful of arse, moments before my back hit the floor.

The three were giggling, and their arms were wrapped around me. Luna's head was resting on my shoulder, Nym was nuzzling my neck, and Angelina was nipping at my ear.

“I've missed you,” Angelina whispered.

“Me too,” Nym said.

“Me three!” Luna added cheerfully.

In a perfect world, I’d have said something about missing them as well. As it was, I was so confused that instead I said, “I didn’t think you three would want to see me without a dueling target on my chest.”

The three pulled back, looking me in the eye, brows furrowed.

“What would ever make you think that?” Nym asked.

“Because you didn't have a choice about getting pregnant and I'm the one who did the deed,” I replied.

“You are so dense,” Nym muttered, leaning in and pressing her lips to mine.

“So very dense,” Angelina agreed, pressing a kiss to the other side of my neck.

“But we're going to fix that,” Luna added, leaning in and kissing me, her tongue sliding into my mouth.

My eyes widened as her fingers began to trail down my chest. Swallowing thickly, I managed to untangle myself from the trio and said, “Much as I’m glad you aren’t here to string me up by my entrails, I do have work in the morning, and it was a long day, so if we could pick this up another time, that would be great. We could even go for coffee, if you three would like that? My treat.”

“No,” Luna said.

“We've come all this way,” Nym added.

“And we're not leaving until we've made sure that you understand,” Angelina finished.

“Understand what?” I asked, “that you're not mad at me?”

“Yes, and that we want to spend the rest of our lives with you,” Luna said.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, being a dad sure had a way of forcing one to be responsible. That having been said, “I appreciate the notion, and while I will be more than happy to take the three of you up on that offer the day after tomorrow, I have been awake for twenty hours by this point, am a few minutes away from passing out from pure exhaustion, and have to be at the Ministry in five hours.

“If the three of you really are serious about the ‘rest of your lives’ thing, then tomorrow you can spend time with our children, give the nanny a day off, and when I get back from work we can discuss how this will work. Because while a few months ago I would have taken the offer without blinking, I have to be responsible, both as an adult and as a parent.”

There was a pause, and I watched as the three exchanged a look. After a moment, they turned back to me and nodded.

“We'll accept that,” Luna said.

“We can wait another day,” Nym agreed.

“That's good,” I replied. “Well, as nice as it's been, I need to go to sleep. The energy potions and coffee wore off an hour ago and I won't be surprised if I don't remember this conversation when I wake up.”

The three nodded, and they made their way to the door. Before she left, however, Angelina turned back, walked up to me, and pulled me into a kiss.

“We'll be waiting,” she said, pulling back and turning around, joining Nym and Angelina as they left the flat.

Shaking my head, I closed the door behind them, cast the silencing charm again, and headed to bed, my mind racing. I could not afford to think about what had happened, or what it could mean. Like I'd told them, I had work in the morning.


“I’m home,” I said through a yawn as I walked into the flat the next day.

Nym, Luna, and Angelina were seated around the small table, playing with the children, and their heads snapped up.

“Good, you're home,” Luna said, smiling.

“We need to talk,” Angelina agreed.

“About what you said last night,” Nym added.

Letting out a sigh, I made my way over to the fridge, grabbed a butterbeer, popped it open, and took a long sip.

“So, how'd you three find out where I lived?” I asked, glancing back at the three.

“Aurors have ways of finding things out,” Nym said.

“Your nanny has been looking for a better paying job,” Angelina said.

“So, we offered her one,” Luna said, “and in exchange for a very generous salary, she told us where you live.”

I snorted, shaking my head, “Of course she did. So, what do we need to talk about? I don't know if I remember all the details of the conversation.”

“The part about the 'rest of our lives' bit,” Angelina said, her cheeks tinting slightly.

I gave a light chuckle, sitting down across from them, taking Boudica and Jacob onto my lap. The following conversation was long, detailed, and consisted of a great deal of back and forth. Both about the future and clearing up a few things that I hadn’t been aware of.

Nym, it turned out, had graduated two years before Lockhart got the ‘Breeding Club’ started, but had shown up specifically because she was sick of not getting laid. She’d been the one primarily responsible for figuring out where I lived, and had also been keeping an eye on me for the last two weeks to see how I’d adjusted to life as an unexpected parent.

It seemed that I’d been tested, without realizing it. Apparently, I passed, as all three women were looking at me like I was a meal, their gazes predatory. I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to be getting much sleep.

A feeling that was soon confirmed.


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