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[b]♦ Topic: The Goblin's Debut[/b]
[b]In: Boards ► North America ► East Coast ► Brockton Bay[/b]
[b]Mean&Green [/b] (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Posted On Sep 13th 2010:
Greetings, boring people of Earth Bet. I am here to shake things up a bit, make the world a bit more interesting, upset the status quo.

[u]Linked here is a livestream[/u], where I will provide a taste of what I will bring to the world. Stream starts now.


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[b]►Brocktonite03 [/b] (Veteran Member)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Oh goodie, a new wacko on the for...hang on, I recognize that building

[b]►Reave [/b] (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Can we confirm, is this real?

[b]►XxVoid_CowboyxX [/b]
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Did...did the streamer just bomb the Medhall building? While calling out Kaiser? Does the Empire own Medhall?

[b]►Acree [/b]
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
I have a very bad feeling about this, beyond the obvious of [b]XxVoid_CowboyxX[/b] asking something reasonable.

[b]►WASDungeon_Master [/b] (Unverified Cape)  (Veteran Member)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Oh shit, just got confirmation, the upper levels of the Medhall building were blown up. This isn't fake, this really is live!

[b]►StarBright [/b] (Vought Cape)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
I'm not especially familiar with civilian faces, but I'm guessing that we're watching the public unmasking of a major villain at the moment.

[b]►WASDungeon_Master [/b] (Unverified Cape)  (Veteran Member)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:

*EDIT: Fuck off Caps Lock!

[b]►XxVoid_CowboyxX [/b]
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
So the head of one of Brockton Bay's largest gangs was also the CEO of one of the few companies to have any sort of financial presence in the city?

I can't be the only one wondering how long the city government's known about this.

[b]►Vista [/b] (Verified Cape)  (Wards ENE)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Well, this is going to be, mind my Merchant, a complete shit show. Guess we'll be putting in more hours.

[b]►Brocktonite03 [/b] (Veteran Member)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
'Green Goblin', so that's the new player in town. Good to know!

Some sort of Tinker, obviously, kinda wonder how he went unnoticed long enough to get outfitted enough to feel comfortable pulling a move this ballsy.

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[b]►J0hnland [/b] (Vought Cape)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Wait, Green Goblin?

I read a lot of comics growing up, there was a villain called Green Goblin who had a glider and threw a variety of pumpkin shaped bombs.

Is this new Tinker styling himself after that character?

[b]►BadSamurai [/b]
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Homelander read comics, good to know, if unexpected.

Who are the two weirdos in Brockton Bay, the ones obsessed with video games? Did they outfit some guy with tinkertech?

[b]►Laotsunn [/b] (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Oh shit, looks like Kaiser's about to...
um...what's the deal with the security guy?

[b]►Bagrat [/b] (Veteran Member)  (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
At a guess, it looks like the gas released was some sort of tinkertech super serum. Because I do [i]not[/i] want to be anywhere within arms reach of those guys.

[b]►Antigone [/b]
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
And now the new villain's recruiting after kicking the hornet's nest, good to know, so glad I don't live in Brockton Bay.

[b]►Coyote-B [/b]
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Welp, time to relocate. I hear Antarctica's nice this time of year, lots of penguins and no psycho capes modeling themselves after comic book characters.

[b]►Miss Mercury [/b] (Protectorate Employee)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
[QUOTE="BadSamurai"]Homelander read comics, good to know if unexpected.

Who are the two weirdos in Brockton Bay, the ones obsessed with video games? Did they outfit some guy with tinkertech?[/QUOTE]
You're thinking about Uber and L33t, and yeah, this sort of thing does seem like it'd be right up their alley, if a bit of an escalation.

[b]►Brocktonite03 [/b] (Veteran Member)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
Dammit! The city was bad enough without L0s3r and Sk33t giving some rando tinkertech and having him go on a bombing run!

[b]►PrttyLights [/b]
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
So he's saying that anyone who finds him, he's willing to give them powers or tinkertech of their own?

Asking for a friend.

[b]►GloriousV [/b] (Verified Cape)
Replied On Sep 13th 2010:
I can't believe it needs to be said, but seriously, don't go looking for the crazy cape. Besides, everyone knows that L33t's tech is unreliable in the extreme, it's amazing that it lasted long enough for this guy to make his debut livestream.

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It was two days after I’d made my debut, kidnapped Panacea, turned Kaiser into a floating skull, and made some buys from the Celestial Forge. Well, the Forge and advancing the “Heritage” that had been forced onto me.

Was using the extra arms I’d built, after having the basic blueprints downloaded into my brain, all laced in front of my face (thus doing the classic villain pose multiple times over) childish? Probably. Was it fun? Most assuredly. The arms responded quite well, the connections to my spine providing an instinctive and intuitive level of control. More than that, having six extra arms made my lab and mechanical work go much, much faster.

That, along with having Kaiser’s power to generate all the metal I could need without the hassle of needing to procure it. The only downside being that it could only produce metal in a single, solid mass, so there wasn’t going to be any using the servoskull as a necrotech 3D printer. Oh well, still suitably creepy enough for my faux Halloween aesthetic.

In any case, the arm blueprints weren’t the best boon I got from my roll of the dice, so to speak. No, that was something else. The description of the Master Builder Perk made it obvious that the world it was originally designed for was nothing like any version of reality, but it translated quite nicely. In the span of two days I’d disassembled everything in the warehouse and repurposed the entire building to begin mass producing gear.

Bombs, rockets, and the like, sure, but also more gliders and components to make armor. If I was going to have a bunch of followers following me around, a certain level of style and panache was required. Which was why I was currently in the process of working on a design for an airborne base, one which could double as a pseudo-aircraft carrier for all of my future glider-mounted flunkies.

Shaking my head, I turned my attention to the security feeds. I’d placed security cameras on every corner and then some for five blocks surrounding the warehouse, and for the first time since I’d turned the local homeless population into either servoskulls, unskilled workers, or grunts/enforcers, there was someone approaching that looked like they’d seen the inside of a shower in the last six months.

A short, tubby kid with oversized glasses was walking down one of the alleyways. He looked like the kind of kid that the nerds would beat up to replace the lunch money that the jocks took from them five minutes before. Raising an eyebrow, I mentally assessed the kid. He was looking at a sheet of paper, his lips were moving like he was talking aloud, and moving with a determined gait.

“Interesting,” I mused aloud.

“Greenie?” Jinx asked, looking up from her workbench where she was making modifications to her minigun.

“It seems we have our first true volunteer, much earlier than I was expecting,” I answered, standing up from the chair. Turning to ServoSkull #4, I said, “Pass on a message to Brute #3: bring the visitor in Alley 1 to me.”

The servoskull warbled, and there was a sound of movement from elsewhere in the warehouse. The flunkie in question was one of the homeless who’d been chosen to participate in an early experiment in combining the Goblin Formula with Psycho. Turns out that by themselves the two don’t play nicely.

Oh they still boosted the user’s physicality, just not as much as the Goblin Formula by itself did, and it made the user damn near a vegetable. Really, all it was good for was making brute versions of Oni Lee from the asian gang. Not what I wanted for mass use, but I wasn’t going to dispose of a thug that still obeyed orders just because I didn’t get the results I was hoping for.

Jinx frowned, putting down the wrench she was holding, and walked over to join me, watching the camera feed as the hulking brute of a man grabbed the kid and slung him over his shoulder. The kid started struggling, punching and kicking and screaming bloody murder, but the Psycho enhanced strength kept him restrained.

A few moments later and they were in the main room, the kid was still struggling, and I was smiling down at him. Brute #3 turned around, keeping the kid on his shoulder but now facing me, and the kid paused, his plump, pig-like face turning chalk white.

“I admit,” I said as I walked up, clasping my meat arms behind my back as the six metal arms began to assemble a pumpkin bomb in front of me. “I wasn’t expecting anyone to find me so quickly. Who’re you, boy?”

“G-G-G-Greg…” the kid stammered. “I-I-I’m on PHO as V-Void C-Cowboy.”

“Well Greggy,” I said with a grin, “I assume that you’re here about my little offer I made during my debut. About the taste of power. I can give you the power you want, but there’s something I want from you first.”

The kid swallowed, his nerves fading as it became clear that I wasn’t going to shove the bomb down his throat. Chuckling low in my throat, I made my way down the way towards where a screen was set up with my still restrained kidnapping victim. The hypnosis show was over, and she’d continued snarking every time Jinx and I walked by.

This time, her eyes were wary as Brute #3 followed me, holding the kid like a sack of potatoes.

“Congratulations, Panpan,” I drawled, making the brunette teen glare at me, “I’m going to give you something new to experience with your power. A taste of the future I have in mind. Also I want to make sure his fat ass doesn’t die because of a clogged artery or something.”

“Wait, what?” the kid asked, trying to turn his head to look at me.

“Not important,” I said over my shoulder. “Brute #3, strap the kiddo in, use the heavy duty straps too.”

There was a grunt, as Brute #3 walked off, the kid shouting all the while. Amy watched him go before turning her gaze back to me, “What are you going to do to him? He looks like a middle schooler, if that, and he can barely stand up without shaking. You don't have to worry about him, he's not going to tell anyone. Hell, I'm not even going to tell the PRT once you let me go.”

I chuckled, “If the kid is half as dumb as his PHO behavior says he is, then he'll blab the second I'm done with him. But more than that, I was genuine in my offer of power. Don't get me wrong, I'm brilliant, but I can still only be in one place at a time. If I want shit done something approaching 'done right', I need minions. What do you think I'm prepping you for?”

Her glare intensified, and I leaned down, my metal arms picking up the chair she was tied to and carrying her along with me. Greggy was strapped down to a table, and I tore off his shirt (making him scream like a little bitch) before putting Amy’s chair down so her face was pressed against exposed skin.

She made a noise of complaint at having her face put into sweaty boy rolls, but I was ignoring that in favor of taking the breath mask with the attached tank of Goblin Formula that Jinx handed me. The kid lifted his head up, which I forced back down with one hand and pushed the mask over his mouth and nose.

“Now, Panpan, I want you to pay close attention,” I said with a grin as I released the gas.

The kid didn’t have much of a choice but to breathe in the gas, the chemical cocktail flooding into his lungs and entering his bloodstream where it went to work. Amy’s complaints immediately died, and even from the awkward angle, I could see her eyes shoot wide open as she gasped. I knew what she was ‘seeing’ with her power: fat stores being cannibalized, skeletal and muscular systems becoming denser, stronger, more resilient, his eyes correcting themselves, neurons forming new connections and responding faster, each and every single system the body had being hypercharged.

That wasn’t to say that it was pretty to watch, all the crap that the gas was purging from his systems had to be forced out somewhere. On top of needing a shower or two, at minimum, he was also going to need a change of pants.

When the process was finished, the kid was a twitching mess. His breathing was erratic, his heart rate was through the roof, and he was covered in a sheen of sweat. As I lifted the mask away, the kid groaned.

“That was...intense,” he wheezed, his voice noticeably deeper.

“Yeah, I bet it was,” I chuckled, undoing the restraints and lifting him up into a sitting position. “Now, take a moment to get yourself under control. Then, I want you to tell me: what is it that you really, truly want?”

I set Panpan’s chair back to a proper position as the kid pushed himself to his feet, slowly tensing and relaxing the muscles in his body, feeling the newfound strength within them. Smirking, one of my metal arms reached into a pouch on my belt and, fast enough that to the unenhanced eye it would be a blur, threw a bat shaped blade at him.

His hand snapped out, catching the projectile with ease, before he paused, turning to look at the sharpened piece of metal in his hand. Chuckling lightly, I told him, “Feels amazing, doesn’t it? The strength, the power. Now, answer my question, what is it you want; really, truly want?”

He stared down at the blade in his hand, his expression turning more and more resolute with each passing second. Eventually, he looked up at me, and the determination I saw in his gaze was enough to make me smile.

“I want payback, on everyone at school that ever made fun of me. On everyone who called me an idiot online. But more than that, there’s a girl. I want her to be mine,” he growled, his muscles tensing, the bat blade warping under his grip as he clenched his fist.

“Atta boy,” I said with a wide grin. “In two days, your school’s going to have one hell of a day. Let’s get you ready for it.”

He blinked, and I laughed, “I did say that I’d outfit anyone who came to find me, didn’t I? Now, let’s get you outfitted with some armor and get you used to a glider.”


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