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So...despite living in a literal junkyard filled with a lot of crap, I’d managed to cobble together a decent living space for Jessica and myself. While at the moment architecture and home design wasn’t something I had much knowledge about, I was still able to cobble together what amounted to a one bedroom apartment, with a bathroom, shower, and minikitchen.

Yeah, I’d originally planned on making weapons and armor, but Jessica pointed out that we needed showers. Badly. So a place to stay was made first. The shower was nice, and once it was made, Jessica had immediately jumped in, asking that I take a look at the materials she'd gathered while I was sleeping.

So with the mental image of the walking sex symbol that was Jessica naked and covered in water, I did my best to ignore my raging boner and took a look at what Jessica had gathered. It wasn't a lot, limited as she was by the need to be concerned about getting infections from the junk, but I could still spy enough scraps of what looked like clothes and even a few pairs of armor undersuits!

The overwhelming majority of said body coverings were the basic human body shape, though there were a few that had a long tailed centauroid design, and one that had holes all over the arms, legs, and a thick, girthy tail. Fortunately, I had more than enough tools and materials to carve up the raw materials and fashion some clothes for us. And now my brain was picturing Jessica in a skintight bodysuit...


Well, no helping it, I had to get to work, and the sooner I started, the sooner we'd have clothes and the sooner we could go outside. And the sooner I could find more advanced materials. And the sooner I could find better equipment.

And the sooner I could find a bed, and properly make love to Jessica.

… Scrap Hound Booting …

… Logis Acceleratius Booting …

… Technical Expertise Booting …

ROB, I loved tinkering. I didn't have Jessica's proper measurements, so I'd just have to go by memory and upsize them so I could trim them down. So I grabbed a chunk of circuitry laden synthetic material from the pile and started cutting it apart, planning to use the scrap from the centauroid outfits.

It didn't take long, and I was able to create a very rough version of the suit I was going for, the only problem was the chest area. It was way too small, so I was left with no other option than to add a few seams and expand it with pieces from other suits, giving it a rather patchwork appearance.

Still, I had a basic armor undersuit for Jessica finished by the time she walked out of the shower, water glistening on her perfectly smooth skin, her wet hair clinging to her shoulders, the only piece of clothing on her being her choker. She was, of course, completely aware of the effect she was having on me, and I could see her fighting the urge to smirk.

But, she was kind enough to hold off, and instead held out her hand, “I assume you have clothes ready for me? Otherwise, I'm going to have to start wearing your old clothes.”

I handed her the undersuit, “I do, though this was the only one I could make at the moment. Anything fancier will take more time and materials, not that they'll be a problem. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to take a shower."

She smiled and nodded, taking the undersuit, “Of course. I'll see about making us some food.”

Once I was in the bathroom, I took my shower, scrubbing off the sweat, grease, and grime that had built up over the past few days. Once I was clean, I took a step back, examining myself in the mirror. My body was, despite the lack of care over the last few days, in far better shape than it had ever been (thanks ROB). The scars from the multiple open heart surgeries I'd had as a kid were still there, but my skin had changed, becoming an extremely pale white that made Larry Bird look like Michael Jordan.

Taking a deep breath, I headed out of the bathroom with the goal of finishing the undersuit for myself, and then getting to work on armor for the pair of us.

[Thirteen Hours Later]

Holding up my hand, I flexed my fingers under the cobbled together glove. If my math, intuition, and hunches were right, then this would enable a ranged manipulation of kinetic and potential energy controlled by both finger movements and bioelectrical nerve impulses. In layman's terms: so long as I was wearing this, wiggle my fingers and bam, telekinesis.

I glanced over at the armor, a modified undersuit and a couple sets of power armor plates I'd taken from a couple sets of T5 and T4 armor that Jessica had found, a pair of shoulder pads, a chestpiece, a pair of arm bracers, a pair of leg guards, a helmet, and a backpack with a generator. The whole thing was a little crude, but it was a lot more protective than the undersuit alone.

The only reason I hadn't made a full set of power armor for Jessica was that I didn't yet have the tools to adjust the armor plating we'd found to accommodate her generous proportions. But from breaking down the various odd tools we'd found, I was beginning to get a grasp on the local tech base.

Turning in my chair, I pointed my gloved hand at a pile of junk and concentrated. A second later, the pile levitated, shrouded in a barely perceptible field, and I grinned. It was working. I'd have to test it much more thoroughly, obviously, but it was working!

Jessica chose that moment to walk into the room, a pair of plates balanced on her arm, “You missed lunch, and you still need to eat. You can test your toys later.”

“Alright, just give me a minute to finish this,” I replied, turning my attention back to the device I was currently working on.

I was so absorbed in the project that I didn't notice Jessica walk up behind me, not until she was gently placing the plate on the table and draping her arms over my shoulders, her breasts pressing against the back of my head. I'd almost swear that there was an audible gulp as I swallowed.

“Darling, it can wait, at least for a little while. Eat,” she said, gently stroking my neck.

“Jessica…” I trailed off.

“Please, you've worked nonstop for the past thirteen hours. You need a break, and if you won't listen to me, then I'm just going to have to get you to listen,” Jessica whispered, leaning closer to my ear. Her breath was hot, and I could practically feel her smirk as her hands slipped under the hem of my shirt and she began to run her fingers along my stomach.

“I suppose it wouldn't hurt,” I breathed, leaning my head back onto her chest, closing my eyes.

“Good boy,” she said, leaning forward and kissing me on the lips.


= Forge Blessing Gained: Minor Blueprints =

= Blueprints: Mangos Designation - Amplificio =

+ Origin: Multiversal Cluster 40ꞵ~W^#4139 +

+ AKA: Warhammer 40,000 +

= Blueprints Uploading =

I hissed as a few thousand years worth of technology were downloaded into my brain. My poor gray matter! Still, there was plenty here I could use, and after I took some time to backtrack its designs to base principles, I'd be able to integrate the Kinesis and Stasis modules into the technology provided.

Still, the last week had been extremely productive: on top of building dedicated armor for both Jessica and I, I'd also managed to upgrade the Kinesis/Stasis module into a proper, portable, kinetic and stasis manipulator. Now, I could levitate whatever I wanted and put the brakes on any force trying to move it.

I had, at this point, started work on a set of weapons, with a plasma cutter and a railgun at the top of my to do list.

I had also spent a considerable amount of time with Jessica. And by a considerable amount, I mean we'd fucked each other's brains out for the majority of the last week. She was, of course, an experienced and willing partner, and I had been celibate since the beginning of my junior year in high school.

It had been glorious.

At the rate we were going, it wouldn’t be a surprise if she’d end up pregnant soon. I couldn’t say I was against such a thing, but I wasn't sure what we would do if and when it happened. Still, that was a problem for the future, and if we ended up having a kid, we'd figure it out.

As I walked over to the scrap heap and began sifting through the piles, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

“Darling,” Jessica said, resting her chin on my shoulder. “Are you about to get to work?”

“Yep, we've got the clothes and armor, now we need weapons. And once we have weapons, we can go exploring,” I said, holding up the plasma cutter.

“I know, it's just, I'm a bit concerned about what the people out there are going to do,” Jessica said, turning her head so she could place a kiss on my cheek.

“Jessica, I promise, nothing is going to happen. Nothing bad is going to happen, we're just going to explore, get the lay of the land, maybe see about making contact with people and getting some information. We'll be fine,” I said, reaching a hand up to cup her cheek. “And if the people end up being hostile, that's what the armor and big fuck off guns are for.”

Jessica sighed, closing her eyes and leaning into my hand, “Alright. I'm trusting you.”

I smiled and gave her a quick peck on the lips, “Don't worry, I'll keep you safe.”

Jessica smiled and let me go, “Well, I suppose you have work to do. I'll leave you to it.”

“Okay,” I said, watching as she walked out the door, a little bit of sway in her hips.

Shaking my head, I turned my attention back to the scrap, “Let's get to work.”

A few hours passed before I finished the weapons, a handheld railgun and a plasma cutter, which, if the name was anything to go by, were just that. The weapons were big, heavy, and loud, and fired high speed rounds of a ferrous metal core and superheated gas respectively. They would, hopefully, allow us to deal with most threats we'd encounter without worrying too much about friendly fire. Once we'd had a chance to get to know our neighbors, I'd have to start in on some of the cybernetic augmentations that had been downloaded into my head.

I was most interested in the bionic heart and the autosanguination formulae. I’d been born premature, and had heart problems most of my early childhood. Hell, I’d had heart surgery three times before I was ten. So my desire for a heart and blood system that wasn’t nature going ‘this is good enough’ but actually designed to be the best it could be? It was high on the list.

Of course, that meant we had to deal with the outside first. So, with the two guns and a backpack of supplies, Jessica and I headed outside for the first time since we'd arrived here.

For the better part of an hour we made our way through old tunnels, before coming to a region that bore some measure of habitation, and on a wall a map was displayed. A map I recognized, under a sign that said ‘Gozu District’ in neon holographic letters.

“Well, the good news is that I recognize where we are,” I said to Jessica as I stared at the sign and the map below it.

“And the bad news?” she asked, looking at me from the corner of ehr eye.

“You’d be hard pressed to find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. That’s without taking into account the army of robots due to wipe everyone out at some point in the near future.”


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