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“Kaitlyn Hardin, based on the overwhelming evidence, the severity of your crime, and your own guilty plea, you have been sentenced to two hundred fifty years in the Elmwood Correctional Facility for vehicular manslaughter.”

Those had been the words that had sentenced her to looking at four walls for the rest of her life. Kaitlyn, Katie as almost everyone called her, felt that it was a bit more than she deserved, yeah, she’d been driving the car, but it wasn’t like she’d been drunk driving or anything like that. She’d been rear ended, which had driven her into the cross traffic, but the asshole who did it was rich, and she wasn’t.

The judge didn't seem to care, and had slammed the gavel down with a resounding thud, the words echoing around the courtroom.

“Court dismissed.”

Now here she was, three days later, staring at the door, as she shuffled into the prison that was going to be her home from now on. To her surprise, this 'Elmwood' prison appeared to be co-ed: there were three sections, one for men, one for women, and one for futas like herself.

Katie glanced up at the futas on either side of her. They all fit the stereotypical look: tall, broad shouldered, muscular, tits the size of her head, and, just from a cursory glance, she had a hunch that they were stuffed into pant legs. She, on the other hand, very much did not fit the stereotype.

She was short, barely five foot even, her chest and ass were both average for her height, and her dick was on the smaller side.

As the guards led her to her cell, she couldn't help but notice the way the futas whispered to each other, their eyes lingering on her body. She knew what they wanted, and the thought of it made her pulse race.

It had been over a year since she’d gotten laid, at this point she'd take being made someone's prison bitch just to get the itch regularly scratched. But as she entered her cell, she realized she wouldn't be alone for long. The cell had two beds, and there was already a futa lying on one of them. She was tall, with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through Katie.

“Hey there, new fish,” the futa said with a smirk. “Name's Sasha. You're gonna be my new cellmate.”

Katie's heart raced as she realized the futa was eyeing her up and down. She could feel her own erection growing, and she tried to cover it up with her hands.

Sasha chuckled, “Don't be shy, little one. We're all in this together now. And I gotta say, I like what I see.”

Katie blushed, feeling both embarrassed and turned on at the same time. She had always been self-conscious about her body, but something about Sasha's gaze made her feel desirable.

“Before you get ahead of yourself, newbie,” Sasha said, turning her gaze back to a book she’d been reading before Katie entered the cell. “Won’t be doing anything carnal today. There’s rules in place regarding that shit, and until all you new meat have had a chance to hear the spiel from the stick in the mud warden, ain’t no one gettin’ laid properly.”

Katie blinked, even as she moved to sit on the empty bed, her bed, apparently, “Why?”

Sasha smirked, glancing back over at her.

“You'll find out tomorrow, the warden and the guards'll give the lot of the new blood the spiel in the morning,” Sasha said, turning her attention entirely on the book in her hand.

The rest of the evening, Sasha continued to ignore Katie, until the lights went out, and they were forced to sleep. The next morning, Katie was awoken by the sound of a loud whistle, and the rattling of keys.

“On your feet, ladies, and any other gender bullshit!” the guard shouted, the sound of the door opening soon followed.

Sasha stood up without any complaint, and Katie scrambled to do the same. The two joined the rest of the prison block in shuffling towards a cafeteria, with other inmates putting spoonfuls of scrambled eggs and a sausage gravy on trays before handing them to the filing inmates.

Breakfast was alright, filling enough but somewhat bland, but when they were filing out, Katie was pulled aside and led to a different part of the prison. A few minutes later, the warden entered the room.

“Alright, listen up, and pay close attention,” the warden, a stern-looking woman with graying hair and cold eyes said. “This is a prison. There are rules, regulations, a schedule, order. Medium Security is where the lot of you spent the night, and is for the violent offenders. Low Security is for those of you with non-violent offenses, and you’ll be shuffled there once we’re done here. Max is for those of you who can’t keep it to yourselves.”

Katie blinked, her eyebrows furrowed, just what did the warden mean by that? The woman didn’t slow down, continuing on, “Wake up is at 0600 hours, meals are by population block with a rotating order. What that means is that what time your meals are will vary day by day. Standard meals are provided by the prison, if you want anything other than what’s being served, it’ll cost you.

“If you want reading material, it will cost you. If you want better clothes, it will cost you. If you want…”

Katie tuned the warden out, only paying enough attention to make sure that she got the important details. A few dozen different things to make the days go by faster, make life more comfortable, so on and so forth, paid for by wages earned through doing various jobs around the prison. The most common ones being cooking or janitorial work.

As the warden went on, Katie couldn’t help but let her mind wander. She couldn't help but think about what the future would hold for her. Would she be able to survive in prison? Would she make any friends? And what about the other prisoners?

What would they think of her? Would they be kind, or would they be cruel? And then there was the question of her libido. The last year had been absolute torture, having to abstain from sex for so long.

“...and I’ll leave Lieutenant Yu to explain what makes this prison different from the rest in the country,” the warden said, making Katie shake her head to refocus as the warden walked away, one of the prison guards stepping up.

Lieutenant Yu was a woman of asian descent, but Katie couldn’t say for sure which country. More than that, however, Katie couldn’t help but be distracted by her huge, muscular body. It wouldn’t be a lie to say that Katie’s mouth was watering.

“Alright, listen up new blood,” Lieutenant Yu said, her voice cold. “There’s one role in this prison that’s different from any other you might have been in. Government’s got a fancy name for it, but everyone here calls it ‘prison slut’.”

Katie blinked, even as her core crew warm and her cock twitched. It seemed like there was no end to the surprises this prison could be hiding.

“Now, you’re probably thinking ‘what the hell is a prison slut?’” Lieutenant Yu asked, her tone slightly mocking as she moved to one side and holding out her hand. “I’d like to introduce inmates Dillon, Black, and Phelps.”

Three people in orange prisoner clothes walked out, a man, futa, and a woman. The man, Dillon, at a glance seemed to be the youngest, but even so, the entirety of his hair was gray, he had a number of wrinkles on his face, and Katie would estimate him to be in his fifties.

“Dillon’s sentence was for one hundred fifty years, Black and Phelps for two hundred. Due to their time as prison sluts, they are being released at the end of the month,” Lieutenant Yu said, causing the entire crowd to sit up and pay attention, especially Katie. “Prison sluts get their own individual cells, their meals are prepared by actual cooks and chefs, and their sentences are greatly reduced.

“As you might have guessed from the fact that the position is called prison slut, there’s going to be a lot of sex involved. The role of prison sluts is to provide sexual relief to the prison’s population, the staff, and for the occasional individual who pays a premium fee for the use of a given prison slut.”

The three left, leaving Lieutenant Yu standing by herself again, not that she seemed to notice, continuing her explanation of this...prison slut system, “Potential prison sluts will sign up for a minimum of one of the prison’s population blocks, up to all three. During ‘service’ hours, they will be subject to the sexual whims of their assigned population block. Whatever the block wants to do to you, so long as it doesn’t kill or cause permanent damage, is fair game.

“More than that, it is the slut’s responsibility to get back to their own cell before curfew. If they’re still in the assigned population block when that happens, then they’ll be spending the night there. Getting used by whomever is the lucky one to have them in their cell when it’s locked down.”

Katie swallowed, her heart racing. Could she really handle such a thing? Her eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the looks on the faces of her fellow inmates. Most looked skeptical and some were outright horrified, but she was seriously considering volunteering.

“As for how the reduced sentencing works,” Lieutenant Yu said, making everyone pay attention. “For being a prison slut for your own gender, that will reduce your sentence by half. Agreeing to being a prison slut for one of the others will reduce it by half again. Agreeing to be a prison slut for the entire prison, and it is cut down by half again. Before one of you gets cute, let me provide an example: say you were sentenced to eighty years, being a slut for your own gender will reduce that to forty years, for two genders twenty, for all three you’ll be out of here in a decade.”

Running the math in her head, Katie realized that if she took on everyone, she’d be out in thirty two years and a few months. But there were probably other ways to reduce her sentence, to say nothing of the fact that even without that incentive, she was so starved for sex she’d be willing to fuck the guards’s dogs!

“Before anyone asks: yes, you will be assigned to your own gender at bare minimum. There’s no men signing up for just women, women signing up for just men, or any of that shit,” Lieutenant Yu snapped, something that Katie personally had no problems with whatsoever. She’d long since recognized that she was into both men and women, and futas had the best of both. Swallowing once again, Katie felt a surge of lust, her mind made up.

Katie knew it was stupid. She knew she should think it over. She should ask some questions. She should take her time and consider the ramifications. She knew she should.

But fuck that. And fuck her.

“Anyone who feels like volunteering to be a prison slut, make your way to the door on the left wall. You’ll be processed and, pending the warden accepting your application, get to work. The rest of you, get back to the cellblocks and wait. I hope none of you get a wild hair, but if you do, the penalty will be the same as the slut would have gotten for missing curfew. Dismissed, ladies and gentlemen and whatever else you call yourselves.”

Katie didn't hesitate.

She didn't wait.

She didn't think.

She didn't question.

She just stood, with her back straight and surety in her step, and made her way to the left wall door.


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