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<<Denver, 2002>>

“So, I feel weird asking this, but it only dawned on me after we agreed to meet that I never got your last name,” I said as I sat across from Becky, a week after Nolan and Debbie’s wedding. We were at a slightly upscale but not ‘fancy’ italian restaurant, a little ways outside the main part of the city.

Becky looked up from the menu, a small smile gracing her features. She was wearing a black, long sleeve sweater and jeans, her long hair tied back into a ponytail.

“To be fair, I didn't really think about it either. But, if we're going to do this, then I'm glad you asked. My last name's Brown, full name’s Rebecca Costa Brown,” she said.

I raised an eyebrow, and she laughed softly, a gentle, melodious sound, “My mom's first husband was a Costa, but he passed away a few months before she had me. My dad, he was an army man, and they got married right before he went overseas, when I was six. He passed away when I was seventeen. So, I'm a Costa Brown, but most people just call me Becky. It's easier than explaining the whole thing all the time. But, what about you? Who is John Jameson Jr?”

I was just glad that she didn’t include my middle name, what my parents and grandparents were thinking with ‘Jonah’ I will never know. Still, I pushed those thoughts aside and tried to decide how to answer her question.

“Dad was in the Army, Mom was a housewife,” I said, thinking back. “Drifted away from them after my powers came in, Dad’s got...opinions on superpowers.”

Her face grew sad at the mention of my father, and she nodded her understanding. After the waiter had come and taken our orders, she asked, her voice soft, almost tentative, which was so unlike her, at least in my limited experience with her, what exactly had happened with my family.

I took a sip of the wine the waiter had poured for me before answering, my tone matching hers, “I had been planning on joining the military as a war journalist, this was in ‘87 so the Cold War was still going on, but I had a pretty rough day a few weeks before high school graduation, and ended up with powers as a consolation prize. I was brought into the GDA almost before my diploma was in my hand.”

She gave a sympathetic hum, her hand finding mine on the table and squeezing it lightly, and I smiled in response. After a moment, she began to talk about her own career, specifically as a real estate lawyer (which was how she’d met Debbie). She'd joined her law firm out of college, and had been there ever since, working her way up the ladder.

Eventually, dinner came, and the conversation turned more casual, discussing what we'd both been doing with our lives, and our thoughts on the latest superhero news. She had a dry wit that I appreciated, and an infectious laugh that brought a smile to my face, and before I knew it, the dinner was over.

“So, my place or yours?” Becky asked, a smirk on her face as we exited the restaurant.

I chuckled, wrapping an arm around the small of her back as a teleportation power slotted in. With a mental flex, we were out of Denver and in the foyer of my place. Becky’s eyes widened briefly, before she let out a light laugh, shaking her head.

“Not what I was expecting,” she said, her smile still in place.

“It's not much,” I replied. “But, it's home.”

“Enough of that,” Becky quipped as she turned around, one hand reaching back to grab my wrist. Which she then moved down so that I was palming her ass. “Ready to fuck my brains out?”

I gave her a grin as I grabbed the hem of her sweater and pulled it off her. Beneath it, she wore a light blue bra, which was filled to bursting. Her jeans came off next, and I was treated to a matching pair of light blue panties. Both of them were lacy and sheer, showing off her body beneath them, and my cock throbbed as she turned to face me.

I pulled my shirt off over my head, throwing it to the side, and unbuckled my belt and pants, dropping them to the floor, kicking them off along with my shoes and socks, leaving me in a pair of plain, black boxers, tented by my erection.

Becky reached behind herself and unclasped her bra, letting it fall off her body. For the second time, I was graced with the vision of her full, dusky breasts. Her nipples were hard, and her areolas were a shade darker than her skin, the dark brown flesh puckered as they stood at attention. She slid her panties down, revealing her trimmed, dark pubes.

We stood, staring at each other, admiring the other, for a few moments. Then, I stepped forward, wrapping an arm around her waist, my other hand burying itself in her hair, my mouth claiming hers. Her tongue slid along my lips, and I parted them, allowing her access.

Her hands came up, cupping my face as she kissed me deeply, her bare tits pressing against my chest. Her fingers roamed, trailing through my hair, stroking my cheek, and moving down my body, tracing over my muscles. One of my own hands began to move, sliding down her back and cupping her ass, kneading it lightly.

Breaking the kiss, I leaned down, capturing one of her hard nipples in my mouth, licking it before gently sucking on it, rolling it between my teeth, my free hand finding her other nipple and pinching it. Becky groaned, arching her back, thrusting her breasts forward, her hands sliding down and gripping my head, pulling me tighter against her bosom. I moved over to her other breast, giving it the same treatment, while my free hand slid between her legs, finding her pussy, already slick. I worked my fingers through her folds, making her moan.

My lips trailed up her chest, her neck, finding her lips again as I worked two fingers inside her. She gasped into my mouth, her hands coming down, one grabbing my wrist, and the other gripping the front of my boxers, her nails digging into the fabric and scraping my skin. She was tight around my fingers, and I began to work them in and out of her pussy, her juices slicking them as they slid in and out.

One of her hands moved down, slipping inside my boxers and wrapping around my dick, giving it a light squeeze. I groaned, the sound muffled as her tongue filled my mouth, her hand moving up and down my length, stroking me. I added a third finger to her pussy, the wet sounds as I fingered her filling the air, her scent beginning to fill the room, making my mouth water.

She let go of my wrist, her hand leaving the front of my boxers. I took the hint and stopped moving, and she slid my boxers off. We broke the kiss, and she knelt down, licking her lips as she stared up at me.

“You ready, big boy?” Becky asked.

She didn't wait for an answer before she started stroking my cock, her hand moving up and down my shaft, her tongue running along the tip. Her tongue moved across my cock, and her other hand grabbed my balls, lightly squeezing them.

Her hand and tongue moved faster, and she began to bob her head, taking more of my dick into her mouth, sucking on me as she pleasured me. I moaned, my hands grabbing the back of her head and pushing her down, burying myself in her throat. Her eyes watered, but she didn't gag.

I let her control the pace for a little while, the pleasure rising as her tongue and hand worked my dick. My breathing quickened, and I began to move, slowly thrusting in and out of her mouth. She moaned, her lips wrapped around my cock, her hands gripping my thighs as she took me. Her fingers dug into my skin, her nails scratching me lightly. Her breasts bounced, and she looked up at me, her eyes half-lidded and hungry.

My balls tightened, and I thrust into her mouth, moaning loudly as I came, spraying her throat with my cum. Becky swallowed, her tongue licking my cock as I came, her eyes locked with mine. She sucked and swallowed every last drop, her throat working as she drank my seed.

After a few moments, I pulled out; a strand of saliva connecting her mouth to my cock. She wiped her lips with the back of her hand, a satisfied smirk on her face.

I lifted her up, and she gasped in surprise. Grabbing her by the waist, I turned her around, bending her over. My cock was still hard, and she gave a surprised yelp as I rubbed it against her pussy.

“Wait!” Becky exclaimed.

I did, a little bit, letting her catch her breath, but she didn't take long. She wiggled her hips, rubbing her cunt against my dick. I grinned, and slowly pushed inside her.

<<Present Day>>

“You are not to approach Nolan,” Cecil said, teleporting in front of me as I moved to leave the Guardians’ HQ.

I glared down at him, doing my best to get my rage under control. With gritted teeth, I growled out, “And why the fucking hell not?”

I could hear Donald swallow nervously, probably because I’m not one to cuss out of hand, let alone twice in a single sentence. But, that was the only sign that the director's right hand was even a little bit unnerved. Cecil didn’t flinch, meeting my gaze without flinching. If he was intimidated, he didn't show it.

He did, however, explain himself, “We need to know why he did what he did, and whether or not there’s anything else going on that isn’t immediately apparent.”

“What, like blackmail?” I asked rhetorically. “You do remember what happened the last time someone tried that, right?”

It had been a corporate “hero” called Flagstaff Avenger, back in 2005. He’d built himself up as being a patriotic hero, had the standard flight and physical enhancement powers, but he’d also had a heat based eye beam power and a sonic shout. He’d somehow learned about Debbie and Marcella and then gotten it in his head that by threatening them, Nolan would leave.

It hadn’t gone well; for Flagstaff Avenger. The videos of him causing rampant property damage circulated the internet for months, with the GDA barely managing to keep footage of Nolan killing him from going viral as well.

“I’m well aware,” Cecil said, returning my focus back to him. “What I want is to investigate, to…”

“You want to organize a sting operation,” I interrupted as the realization hit me. I was calming down, forcing my emotions back under my control.

Cecil nodded, “More than that, but I’ll update you on the details once I have more.”

“And once I need to know,” I drawled, knowing how Cecil and the GDA as a whole worked. Cecil wasn’t as bad as his predecessor, but it was still annoying when the man kept his cards so close to his chest they were all but under his shirt.

Cecil simply nodded, “The funerals for the Guardians are in a week. Assuming that he’s mobile and presentable, Nolan will be speaking. Will you be able to compose yourself without giving away what you know?”

“Yeah,” I said, as the teleportation power I’d slotted in finally finished charging. With a sensation like sliding ass first into a vacuum tube, I teleported out of the Guardians’ HQ back home.

From there, I teleported half a dozen times, to different wastelands, before coming to a stop in...Antarctica, according to my power. Swapping out all of my powers, I rolled my neck before taking a deep breath and started to...vent some frustration.


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