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I had no idea what kind of crazy world I'd ended up in between two steps, but I certainly wasn't complaining about the leggy, fit girl who was down to fuck. Which was when an idea occurred to me.

“Hang on a sec,” I said before closing my eyes and focusing. Reaching down into myself, I focused and formed a duplicate, just as naked and aroused as I was.

When I opened all four of my eyes, I could see Taylor staring, wide-eyed, at the other me. Then, she grinned, and grabbed him, pulling him in for a kiss. I moved forward, and grabbed her hips from behind, rubbing my cock against her ass. She let out a gasp, and the other me took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth.

A second later, she'd lifted both of us off the ground, carrying us out of her workout room and to a proper bed. She set me down, and then turned, forcing my clone onto all fours before she got onto the bed and straddled him. I watched as her huge, throbbing dick rubbed against his ass, and his head tilted back as she leaned over and pressed her lips against his. I was given a front row seat, seeing Taylor's glistening pussy tucked behind her balls, and her asshole winking at me as her cock rubbed against the clone's hole. My hand rubbed against the wet folds, and Taylor let out a moan.

“Oh fuck, please, Jed, I need it,” she begged.

I wasn't about to deny her. Not with that beautiful sight in front of me. I got up behind her, pushing lightly against her back so I could get a better angle. My hand lined my cock up, and with one smooth stroke, buried myself inside her. She screamed, and her cock pushed deep inside the clone. I watched, my dick buried inside her as her thick rod spread him wide, and his moans made their way to my ears.

Taylor's head was tilted back, and her hands were gripping the clone's shoulders. Her cunt clenched around me as her cock was squeezed, and it was all I could do not to blow my load right then and there. Taking a deep breath, I reached forward, grabbing her hips and slowly pulling out of her. She whined, and pushed back against me, trying to get me deeper, but I held back.

Slowly, I pushed my cock back inside her. Her body shuddered, and she bit her lip, trying not to cum. As my cock pushed deep inside her, her own thrust, burying itself completely inside the clone. The sight was almost enough to make me cum. Almost.

Pulling back again, I kept a steady pace, not too slow, not too fast, just the perfect pace. The clone and Taylor matched me, pushing forward as I pushed in, and pulling back as I pulled back. Their moans filled the room, and their bodies shook. It was an incredible sight.

Her cunt was so wet, and so warm, and I had a perfect view as my dick pushed deep inside her, spreading her open, and revealing just how much she was enjoying herself. The clone was having the time of its life, and he was loving every minute of this experience.

For my part, I wasn't going to last much longer. The sounds and sights were driving me crazy. Every thrust sent a shiver of pleasure down my spine, and as her ass clapped against my pelvis, I could feel the tingle in my balls growing, the tightness of the skin. My breathing was ragged, and the clone's head was pressed against the bed, his ass clenching tightly around Taylor's cock.

When her cock throbbed, and her pussy tightened, I knew that they were both on the edge. My pace increased, and so did theirs. The three of us were in a race, and I didn't want to be the one to finish first. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the air, and our moans and groans grew louder and more frequent.

When the clone let out a scream, I knew it was over. He exploded, his load shooting out onto the bed beneath him, and his body spasming. A second later, Taylor and I both let out our own screams. Her cock exploded inside him, filling him with a thick load of her cum, while her pussy spasmed around my dick, and my seed erupted inside her.

We stayed like that for several long minutes, our bodies shuddering, all three of our cocks shooting ropes of cum. As I collapsed onto the bed, the clone faded away almost the moment Taylor pulled out of him, she rolled over and pressed her lips against mine. I returned the kiss, and we lay there, the sweat cooling our skin, the taste of her lingering in my mouth.

When the kiss ended, she asked, "You want to shower together? We have a couple things we need to talk about."

"Sure," I agreed, pulling myself to my feet and following her to the bathroom.

After a brief moment, the water was warm, and Taylor had joined me. I stood in the hot spray, the heat loosening the muscles in my back and shoulders, and I let out a groan. Then, the feeling of Taylor's hands on my shoulders, kneading and pressing, and the feeling of her breasts pressing against my back made the entire situation even better.

As she worked the kinks out of my muscles, I let out a soft sigh. "You're pretty good at this, Taylor."

"I used to do this for...a friend," she said. "It helped her calm down, and relax."

"I can see why," I replied. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Your powers," she said.

"What about them?" I asked, but I had a suspicion as to where this was going.

"This city is a shithole," Taylor said bluntly. "I want to do something about it, but it's obvious that I can't do so alone. My first night out I stumbled across one of the city's Sect Masters known for sex trafficking people. I wanted to do something, but he was too powerful for me. If it hadn't been for the fact that you were there, I would've been captured or killed."

"That doesn't sound good," I said, frowning.

"It's not," Taylor admitted. "This city is in chaos. It's ruled in all but name by the Dragon Flame Sect, the Purity of Iron Sect, and the Merchants of Ecstacy Sect. The Lightwave Sect and the Aegis of Law Sect are the closest things to a legitimate authority, but they're outnumbered nearly ten to one, even without taking into account the various sect members who don't have their Ki unlocked."

"So, what," I began, turning around to face her. I met her big, brown eyes as I continued, "what exactly is it that you're asking for?"

"Lung and his Dragon Flame Sect know about you now," she said, putting a hand on my chest. "I'm still new at this, but even I can tell that you're even newer than me. There's strength in numbers, so why don't we form a partnership?"

I leaned back against the shower wall as I thought about it. On one hand, the idea of working with Taylor was appealing. She was a badass, and from what I could tell, she had a good heart. She'd rescued me, saved me from being a victim, and the idea of doing something good was a nice thought. But, on the other hand, what did I really have to offer?

"You're a cultivator, a warrior," I pointed out. "What do you need me for?"

"Have you already forgotten about your clone?" Taylor asked, rhetorically. "That's ignoring the fact that I saw you flying, and how quickly you healed from Lung's fire."

"How does that help you, though?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not a fighter, and I can't fight worth a damn."

"If you can't fight, then that's just something to learn," Taylor replied, reaching up and cupping my cheek. "My own Ki gifts lie more towards gathering and cultivating a large number of animals to serve in various roles, but I don't have the ability to empower them beyond what they can already do. Against the most powerful members of each of the sects, the best I can be is a scout. But the two of us, working together? I can be your eyes and ears, and handle the unpowered and weak followers while you can take down the heavy hitters. I'm not saying that it'll be simple or easy, but I think you have a lot of potential."

I stared at her, meeting her gaze, and, after a moment, I said, "I get where you're coming from. But I'm sorry, I don't have it in me to care about people outside of my circle. The faceless masses in the crowd, the thousands of people I will never meet or know, I can't fight for them."

"Then what about fighting for me?" she asked. "Because I can't watch as the sects continue to drag my home down."

"Taylor, I-" I started, and then paused. What could I say? That I didn't want to risk my life for something like this? That it wasn't my problem, that I didn't care what happened to this world, because I was a stranger to it.

"Do it for me, Jed," she whispered, and pressed her lips against mine.

It was a passionate kiss, and as I felt her body press against mine, and her hands running along my chest, I felt the last of my resolve crumble.

"Okay," I agreed, and the smile on her face made it worth it.

Taylor, to my pleasant surprise, responded to my agreement by kneeling down onto the floor of the shower in front of me and wrapping one of her hands around my cock, stroking it until it was hard. It didn't take long, with her hands being as skilled as they were. Her lips pressed against the side of my dick, and I let out a groan.

I was still sensitive from earlier, but her hand and mouth were working their magic, and I was soon moaning and gasping as her mouth enveloped my shaft. It wasn't long before I was ready for a second round, and I pulled her up, kissing her fiercely as my hand went down between her legs. My fingers ran along her labia, and her breath caught. My middle finger slipped inside her, and her arms wrapped around me. Pulling it out, I brought my hand up to her mouth, and she took the finger into her mouth, her eyes half-closed, and her cheeks red.

The water was hot, and the steam was rising, but it did nothing to hide her beauty, or the lust and hunger in her eyes. When she finished sucking the digit, she leaned forward, capturing my mouth in another kiss. Her erect cock pressed against my stomach, as my own pressed into hers. Our tongues danced, and I grabbed her ass, giving the firm cheeks a squeeze. She moaned, and the vibration traveled down my throat, sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

Pulling back, I turned her around, and pushed her up against the wall. Her hands planted themselves on the tile, and she leaned forward, her ass pushing out, presenting itself. I gave the supple flesh a light slap, and the way her breath caught and the sight of her cheeks jiggling sent a thrill through me. I lined myself up, and with a single thrust, buried myself inside her.

She let out a moan, and my eyes closed as her warm, wet cunt enveloped my cock. I could feel her walls squeezing me, and it was all I could do to not blow my load right then and there. I reached forward, wrapping my hands around her hips and slowly pulled out, until only the head of my cock was inside her.

"Please," she begged.

I answered by slamming back into her. She let out a cry, and her cunt clenched around me. My thrusts were short and fast, and my hands were tight on her hips, and her body was pressed against the wall. Her cock was hard and dripping pre, and I could see it bouncing every time I slammed my dick inside her.

My balls were tight, and her pussy was gripping me like a vice. With every thrust, my dick was squeezed, and her cunt was spread wide. The feeling of her ass against my pelvis, and her wet, slippery pussy massaging my cock was an intense feeling, and it was all I could do not to blow my load then and there.

But as her pussy spasmed, and the sounds coming out of her mouth grew louder and higher, and the walls of her pussy began to twitch, I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. With one final thrust, and a loud shout, we both came. Her juices splashed against my dick, and mine erupted inside her. My mind went blank, and for a few seconds, the only thing I was aware of was the pleasure, and the feeling of her body.

Slowly, we both came down from our high. My vision cleared, and her pussy stopped twitching. I leaned forward, pressing my lips against the back of her neck. My hands rested on her hips, and her cunt still held me inside her.

"That was great," Taylor breathed, a dreamy expression on her face.

"It was," I agreed.

"But don't think we're done just yet," she said. "I want to see if the real deal is as good as the clone was."

It took me a lot longer than it should have to realize what she was talking about. More specifically, it took her turning around, pushing me against the shower wall, physically picking me up and hooking her arms under my knees. It took me even longer to figure out what she was planning. When her cock was rubbing against my hole, though, and I could see the hungry look in her eyes, it all clicked.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, my voice catching in my throat.

"Only if you want to," Taylor assured me.

I bit my lip, thinking about it. After a few moments, I nodded. "Okay," I agreed.

She responded by slowly pushing inside me. I had never had anything back there; until this point in my life, it had been a one way street, so to speak. This was new, and unfamiliar, and a little painful.

"It hurts," I groaned.

"That's normal," Taylor said, stopping her insertion. "Just try and relax. Take a deep breath."

I followed her advice, taking a deep breath. In and out. As the pain ebbed, I realized that it wasn't entirely unpleasant. The sensation was strange, and it was uncomfortable, but it wasn't unbearable.

"How does it feel?" she asked, a concerned look on her face.

"Not...bad," I managed. "Just a little weird."

"I'm glad," she replied, smiling.

"What...what now?" I asked.

"Well," Taylor began, "you're the virgin here. Just let me know when you're ready."

I nodded, closing my eyes and leaning my head back against the wall. I tried to get used to the feeling of having something in my ass. The way her thick cock stretched me wide, and pushed against my walls, was a very strange sensation. It wasn't a bad sensation, though, and after a couple minutes, the pain had mostly faded.

"Alright," I told her. "I'm ready."

"You're sure?" she asked, and I could hear the eagerness in her voice.

"Yeah," I agreed.

With a smile, she slowly started moving her hips. The feeling of her cock moving inside me was different from when I'd been fucking her. It was a strange feeling, a little painful, and a little uncomfortable, but it wasn't altogether bad. The pain soon faded, replaced by a kind of pressure that felt almost...nice.

When she started moving faster, and her cock was moving in and out of me, I let out a groan. The pressure was increasing, and her thrusts were getting harder. But as the pain faded, and the pleasure increased, a sense of curiosity filled me. I wanted more, and the way her cock was brushing against my prostate was sending tingles through my entire body.

As her cock brushed against that spot, I let out a gasp, my body shuddering, and my eyes rolling back in my head. A surge of pleasure coursed through me, and the feeling of her cock pushing deeper inside me was almost enough to send me over the edge.

"Fuck!" I gasped, my nails digging into her back.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" she asked.

"It feels amazing," I agreed.

My voice was hoarse, and my breathing was heavy. The pressure inside me was building, and the pleasure was rising. Every thrust brought me closer and closer to the edge, and I knew that I couldn't hold out much longer.

Taylor's own thrusts were getting faster, and her cock was moving in and out of me at an increasingly rapid pace. She was moaning and grunting, her breasts were bouncing, and her body was slick with sweat and water. Her eyes were wild and unfocused, and her hair was clinging to her face.

Her cock was throbbing, and her thrusts were getting shorter, and faster. She was pounding into me, her hips slapping against mine, and her cock pounding against my prostate. The pressure was building, and the pleasure was overwhelming. I could feel the orgasm approaching, and it was all I could do to hold on.

And then, with one final thrust, we both came. Her cock pulsed inside me, and her hot cum spilled inside me. The sensation of her filling me was enough to send me over the edge, and my cock exploded, shooting ropes of cum between us. My mind was blank, and all I could feel was the pleasure, and the ecstasy.

Slowly, we both came down. Taylor pulled out, and set me down on the ground. Her cock was softening, and my legs were shaking. We stood there for a few moments, just enjoying the moment.

"Wow," Taylor said, her breath coming out in pants.

"Yeah," I agreed, unable to say much else.

She let out a laugh, and I joined her. Her hands wrapped around me, and she kissed me. I returned the gesture, and soon, we were both laughing and kissing. The water was starting to grow cold, and we were both covered in cum, but neither of us cared.

"So, are you ready to be my partner?" Taylor asked, a mischievous grin on her face. "In all senses of the word?"

"If you're ready to be mine," I shot back, leaning down and kissing her on the nose.


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