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"My uncle’s surname is Branwen," Blondie said slowly, her eyes narrowed. "Why?"

"I recently obtained ownership of a shipping company," I bullshitted. "Part of the duties involved looking through dossiers of potential problem people."

"What’s that got to do with my uncle? He teaches at Signal, hardly the sort to cause problems with a shipping company," she asked, confusion filling her voice.

"Not him," I said, pulling the photo of the leader of the Branwen Bandit Tribe from the dossier and handing it to her. "But a woman who looks like you."

She looked at the photo, before looking back up to me, a swirling cocktail of emotions on her face. The only one I could make out for certain was hope.

"Do you know where she is?" the girl asked, a little too eagerly.

"I can find out," I hedged. "But, if you want my help, it's going to cost you."

"How much?" she asked immediately.

"Nothing you can pay with lien," I told her, leaning back and crossing my arms.

"Then what can I give you?" the girl asked, an innocent smile on her face.

"Your name," I said, and the confusion was back on her face. "Your first name, Blondie."

"Oh! Yang, my name is Yang Xiao Long," the girl said, smiling.

I nodded, "You'll be hearing from me. Until then, keep a low profile, don't get in trouble."

"Yeah, sure," Yang said, still smiling, though now with a little more confidence. "But, uh, what's your name?"

"Coby Rysn," I told her, shaking her offered hand. "First year Beacon student."

"That makes two of us," she said with a grin, her eyes running up and down my form. "You know, you've told me more in ten minutes about my mother than I've ever gotten out of my family. I think that deserves a bit more of a reward than just a name."

"Oh?" I asked, pretending not to notice the way that she was arching her back and pressing her arms against her chest to emphasize them. "Care to elaborate? Perhaps somewhere a bit more...private?"

She grinned, "I like the way you think. Got a place in mind?"

"Just bought a house in Vale where my sister and her boyfriend will be staying while I'm at Beacon," I said, leading Yang out of Junior's club. She hopped onto a yellow motor bike and followed me as I drove back to the house I'd gotten for Coral.

The trip was short, and as I led Yang inside, I saw Levi and Jaune cuddling up on a couch, her tail twitching in her sleep. Snorting in amusement, I led my soon to be booty call into the back of the house, where the master bedroom was. Coral was still up, bustling about the bedroom, dressed with a maternity bra, her missing eyes covered in a blindfold, a pair of black panties, and nothing else. I could feel Yang freeze behind me, and a part of me thought that I should probably have mentioned Coral, before the pregnant woman spoke.

"Coby, you're back. Did you bring someone to share?" she asked.

"Yes, this is Yang," I introduced, turning to the girl.

"Uh," Yang said, obviously thrown off balance.

"I'll give you the short version," I said, wrapping my arm around her and bringing her into the room. "The woman who will be staying here is named Coral. My sister Levi is dating the cabin boy, and Coral is both the mother of my yet to be born child and also the horniest person that I have ever met."

"If a threesome is too much," Coral said, her gentle smile on her face. "I have another room furnished already. But I hope you'll be fine with both of us pleasuring you. Your voice sounds delightful."

"Yeah, yeah sure," Yang said, a little hesitantly. I gave Coral a questioning look and a silent question of, "Are you sure?" and she just smiled at me.

"Well, we're certainly not going to start with either of us fucking her," Coral said, walking up and hugging me, the bulge of her stomach pressing against my abs. "Let's get undressed first."

I kissed Coral, gently, as she began to pull my jacket off my shoulders, and Yang seemed to snap out of whatever funk she'd been in, stepping forward to help her. I returned the favor, stripping her of her leather jacket, before I reached around Coral to undo her bra and toss it aside.

I could hear the faint gasp that came from Yang when Coral's breasts came into view. Coral wasn't a particularly large woman, but her breasts had always been full and firm, and were now swollen and larger from her pregnancy. As the two of us undressed each other, Coral slipped down, removing my pants and underwear, her hand immediately grasping my cock, stroking it slowly.

"Come, sit," Coral said, her soft fingers tugging me towards the bed. Yang followed, a look of fascination on her face, and I sat down on the edge of the bed. "You're a beautiful woman, Yang. Would you like Coby to pleasure your breasts while I go down on you?"

"What?!" Yang squeaked out.

"Coral," I scolded.

"Sorry," she replied, a grin on her face. "But, would you, please? You're beautiful, and your breasts are absolutely lovely. And while you are doing that, I'd like to get my mouth on your pussy. If you're okay with that?"

Yang blinked, but after a moment, she nodded, "Yeah, sure."

Coral grinned and stepped forward, kissing Yang, who let out a moan. While the two of them were making out, I moved up behind Yang and cupped her breasts, rolling her nipples between my fingers. She moaned and pressed her back into my chest, her ass rubbing against my crotch.

"Fuck," I groaned, and I saw Coral give me a quick smirk. "You're going to be the death of me."

"And we've barely begun," Coral replied, getting down on her knees. "I've been thinking about this all day."

"I could tell," I told her.

"Could we maybe not talk about that?" Yang asked.

"Oh, sorry dear," Coral said, "You'll get used to it, eventually."

"Get used to what?" Yang asked, confused, but I didn't get a chance to explain, as Coral buried her head between her legs, her tongue sliding into Yang's pussy.

"Holy fuck!" Yang gasped, her head tilting back. I took the opportunity to kiss her, swallowing the moans she made as I squeezed her breasts, my thumbs tracing circles around her nipples.

I broke the kiss, moving down to Yang's neck and collarbone, as her hands came up to squeeze my own, encouraging me. Her fingers were long and thin, but the callouses on them told a story of the strength she'd built up over the years, and as I sucked on the skin just above her breasts, I wondered if she was a huntress or huntress-in-training.

As Yang's gasps got higher, I could feel her shaking, her legs beginning to twitch, "I'm gonna- I'm gonna-"

"You're going to what, darling?" Coral asked, pulling away, and the blonde's eyes shot open, the look of surprise on her face making me chuckle.

"No no no," she groaned, her hips thrusting towards the older woman. "Don't stop, please don't stop!"

"Of course not," Coral responded, licking her lips. "We're going to bring you over that edge, again and again."

I chuckled, even as I pinched and pulled Yang's nipples, earning a loud gasp from the girl, "And once you're tired and sated, we're going to fuck you until you can't move, and then you'll pass out, exhausted. Then, in the morning, you're going to wake up in our bed, sore, aching, and covered in dried cum."

"And then, I'll cook breakfast for you, and we can chat," Coral finished, diving back into Yang's pussy, her tongue slipping in and out quickly.

"Yes!" Yang moaned, her hands squeezing mine as her hips bucked wildly, and then she was cumming, screaming, "Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!"

She fell back against me, and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. I could feel her heart beating, and the way that she was twitching against me as she came. A small trail of drool slipped out of the corner of her mouth, and I kissed her cheek.

"That was incredible," she whispered, and I smiled.

"We're not done yet, darling," I told her, and she giggled.

"Good," she said.

Coral stood, a smug grin on her face, and kissed Yang. I could see the girl's eyes go wide as she tasted herself, and when she broke the kiss Coral slipped onto the bed. Yang and I joined her, and I could see a slight wince on Yang's face as her eyes went from Coral's face to her stomach.

"If you're concerned," Coral said, reaching out and grabbing the blonde's hand, drawing her in. "Then there's no need to be. The baby's fine. My Aura will keep them safe."

"Aura?" Yang asked, blinking in surprise. "You have a Semblance?"

"I'm afraid not," Coral replied. "But enough about that, let's start on you, dear."

"Huh?" the blonde asked, and I leaned in to kiss her as Coral moved to her breasts, the pregnant woman's mouth sucking and teasing one of the blonde's nipples, her hand cupping and massaging the other breast.

Yang gasped and moaned, and I took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, my tongue slipping into her mouth. She was eager, returning the kiss in kind, and her hand reached down to grasp my cock, stroking it slowly. I broke the kiss with a gasp, and Coral did the same, a wicked smirk on her face.

"I'm going to enjoy this," she said, laying back and spreading her legs, revealing her own, dripping wet pussy.

I kissed Yang and guided her towards Coral, before the blonde paused, a look of confusion on her face. I grinned and moved in behind her, reaching down and spreading her pussy, before plunging into her. She screamed and fell forward, her mouth on Coral's womanhood, and the older woman's legs wrapped around Yang's head.

The two were beautiful together, and my thrusts into the blonde's pussy were matched by the way that, and my thrusts into the blonde's pussy were matched by the way that her tongue moved into and around Coral's, her hips twitching.

"F-fuck," Yang said, her voice muffled by Coral's pussy.

"So good," Coral said, and the way that her legs clenched around the blonde's head told me everything I needed to know.

My hands gripped Yang's hips and I pounded her harder, the slapping of our bodies together filling the room, mixing with the moans, the slick sounds of mouths on pussy, and the squelching sounds of my cock sliding into the blonde. Coral had one hand on her breast, squeezing and groping it, the other tangled in the hair of the woman between her legs.

It wasn't long before Coral came, her legs tightening, and a moan escaped her. Her eyes rolled back, and I saw the blonde's eyes widen, her body shaking slightly. My own end was approaching, and as Yang began to shake harder, her hips twitching, her eyes closed tightly, I could feel myself begin to tense.

"I'm cumming!" Yang screamed, and a moment later, so was I, and the blonde fell to the side, her head falling from between Coral's legs, the pregnant woman panting.

"Damn," Coral said, her smile wide, even as her chest heaved. "That was good."

"Yeah," Yang moaned, her hips and body shaking, even as I could feel a slight tingle of Aura coming from the blonde. She was healing faster than she normally would, and it wouldn't be long before she'd be ready for round two.

"So, did you like it?" I asked, reaching out and cupping her cheek, and the blonde giggled.

"Like it? It was amazing," Yang said. "I don't think I'll be able to walk for a week."

"Just what the doctor ordered," Coral said, rolling onto her side and kissing the blonde.

"But, it's not over, right?" Yang asked, a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

"No," I said, "Not yet."

"Then how do you want me?" the blonde asked.

"Have you ever heard of the anvil position?" Coral asked, and I felt my cock twitch. I knew where Coral was planning on taking it, before she'd started showing, her favorite position was mating press, but that was a bit much to come out and ask.

Yang grinned, more than ready to continue.


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