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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I grinned up at the pregnant teen above me, pushing my hands under Hyacinth’s ass in order to get a better angle as she rode me. She pushed her breasts into my face, and I took them in my mouth, sucking on her nipples and drinking deeply as I fucked her. She leaned forward, burying her face into my neck and her baby bump into my stomach.

Lisa straddled my legs behind her, leaning over the younger pregnant teen’s back and running her hands along her sides. Hyacinth wasn’t producing milk as much as Luna, her body either taking longer to do so or just wouldn’t produce as much in general, but show me a man who didn’t enjoy having a pair of boobs in his face, and I’ll show you a man who is either a eunuch, super gay, or dead.

“That’s it,” Hyacinth purred. “Suck my titties, Daddy. Fuck my pregnant pussy. Fill me up.”

I felt her tighten around my cock as she came, and I jerked, coming as well. I clutched at her tits as my cum shot inside of her. She kept rocking on top of me after that, her tits flopping around as she ground herself against me, milking every last drop from my cock. Her hips were still moving when she collapsed onto the bed beside me, breathing heavily.

I let out a deep breath of my own, as Lisa leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I returned it, feeling Lisa’s body against mine as she slid Hyacinth fully to my side and out from between us. After breaking the kiss, I couldn’t tell you if it was a minute or an hour later, she stared down into my eyes before leaning down to whisper into my ear.

“You know that they are already planning on teaching their daughters about sex, the same way that they were taught, right?” she quietly whispered into my ear. “Just imagine, walking in on them during those lessons, seeing them tangled together, tongues and fingers dancing across skin and exploring their womanhoods. Maybe you’ll be asked to join? To be your daughters’ first, to have their young, nubile, virginal bodies under you as you ease them out of girlhood.”

If having a naked young woman, her stomach firm with my child, draped over me hadn’t been enough to get me hard, those words certainly would have done the job. I sat up, spinning Lisa around as I surged to my knees, her hands reaching out to catch her as she fell forward. I didn’t wait for her to fall completely onto the bed, instead lining my cock up with her wet slit. As horny as I was, I was still gentle as I pushed past her puffy, soaked folds, sinking into her depths.

She gasped, a soft moan slipping from her lips as she arched her back, my legs shifting onto either side of her own as I put my hands onto her hips. I pushed into her, admiring the view of her back, the way her muscles flexed and shifted under her skin. Her pussy squeezed tight around my cock, as Luna slid in front of Lisa.

“Here,” Luna said cheerfully, guiding Lisa’s head down to the younger teen’s pussy, still gently oozing with my earlier load. Lisa leaned in, lapping up my and Luna’s mixed cum as I slid in and out of her.

The feel of Lisa’s tight, wet insides was incredible, her hips rocking back against me as I pushed into her again and again.  I slid my hands down her body until I was holding her by her terrific teenage tits and tried to take my time.  To savor each moment of being one with this beautiful blonde that I love.  Even with my sexual powers, I couldn’t last.  Our emotional connection was too strong.  It wasn't long before I felt myself building up to another orgasm, and as before, I wasn't going to hold back. I thrust into her one last time, my eyes rolling back in my head as I came inside of her.

“Love you,” I moaned as I filled her up.

Luna pulled away from Lisa as I lay down on my side, pulling her onto my chest as we both tried to catch our breaths. I could hear Luna's voice softly whispering something in the background, but I was too lost in the sensation of Lisa's warm, soft body pressed against me to really pay attention.

I’d ask later, and if it was important, they’d tell me. Right now, a nap was sounding pretty good.

[center]<<Matriarch Benezia T’soni>>[/center]

I looked over the gathered group of doctors, nurses, and pediatricians; the best I was able to afford. Considering the wealth and resources at my disposal, it was no exaggeration to say that they were the best in the Republics. While it would be silly and foolish to even consider leaving my role in the Asari Republics for the individual who was Little Wing’s first, and the father of my second child, I’d managed to gather a rather cohesive view of what he and his crew had to deal with.

Turning to face them, I spoke clearly, each word, inflection, and adjustment of my posture carefully picked to convey the message I desired. As the first word left my mouth, the group of medical professionals straightened, “My daughter has completed her tiv’ilya recently with a human freighter captain. During it, she requested a sister, and I granted her request. With the captain that my daughter chose are a number of human women, three of whom are pregnant themselves.

“You have been picked to ensure the health and safety of both my second daughter’s father and those under his command. While intercourse with members of the crew is not required, it will not be punished either. The full details of your assignment are in the data packets you have received, along with the additional benefits and pay bonuses.”

I paused for a moment, just enough to allow them to process what they had been told thus far, before continuing. “Based on what I witnessed while melding with the captain, I fully expect that the eight of you will bear witness to locations and sights that no asari has yet seen. In addition to your medical duties, chronicle and catalog everything you see and experience during your time aboard his ship.”

The melding with the captain showed me that he believed several things that were ridiculous, but at the very least, he and his crew would be exploring. It was that, the fact that he was her second daughter’s father, and their ship’s lack of a dedicated medical staff, meant that regardless of his fanciful delusions, she was obligated to shore up the crew’s weaknesses.

Dr. Mayar T’vaara and Dr. Visesso Kera were two of the best OB/GYNs in my employ, Dr. Hialtia Ateius and Dr. Erany D’coris were the secondary pediatricians I’d seen when raising Little Wing, Dr. Pri’da Iessiro and Dr. Giestsy T’vetis two of the finest surgeons in the Republics (despite Dr. T’vetis still being a maiden), while Dr. Ce’nais Kyvus and Dr. Taire Prajah were rather unusual for asari doctors in that they lacked any particular specialty, instead favoring a broad, general approach.

Between the eight of them, they should more than be able to handle anything that the crew came across. As they examined their briefings and dossiers, I pulled up my omnitool and checked the information I’d been provided. Satisfied, I closed it and left the doctors to their research, sending a message to the captain of my ship.

“Think they’ll have maid outfi-” was the last I heard from the briefing room before the doors closed, mere moments before there was a subtle shift in the floor under my feet, as Captain Miios received the destination I’d sent to her and began the process of heading there.

Upon reaching my quarters, I connected to the extranet and began researching the planet I’d directed Captain Miios to. A human colony, unsurprising, and in the Attican Traverse. Largely settled by humans descended from parts of the human homeworld in the northern hemisphere, particularly the micronations Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, as well as a collection of nations collectively referred to as Norse or Nordic.

Further research showed that, despite the population density, the name of the planet came from a different region of the human homeworld. It was from a region much more akin to asari aesthetics than the majority of what I had seen of human culture. It was a shame that these ‘ancient greeks’ were not the dominant culture of humanity, but all the same.

Leaning back, I considered several other elements that I had seen while melding with the captain. While it was concerning that he was aware of the Prothean Beacon under the Temple of Athame, the potential treason of the Spectre Saren was also of great concern. Loathe as I was to take anyone, let alone a human, at their word, the potential chaos that a rogue Spectre could cause was nearly limitless. More than that, Matriarch Benezia T’soni was no one’s puppet, especially with a daughter growing within her.

Little Wing’s call, telling me that she was ready to complete her tiv’ilya, had been rather fortuitous in its timing. I had been growing concerned about Spectre Saren’s growing behavior and was in the initial stages of making contact with him. The process would continue, but I would no longer be the one to meet with him face to face.

I dismissed the information of the human colony world, instead pulling up my personnel files. Idly I considered calling in the favor that Spectre Tela owed me, for getting her into her current position in the first place, before deciding against it. Rather ironically, Tela Vasir chose to solve her problems more like a krogan than an asari.

Someone would have to...eliminate the threat that Spectre Arterius posed. More than that, someone, or some group, would have to take the blame. It would take a great deal more thought, both on how to accomplish it as well as whom to lay the blame upon.

Thinking more upon it, in their last communication, there had been mention of a new personal flagship. The flagship was almost certainly this ‘Sovereign’ in the captain’s memories. A dreadnaut capable of manipulating minds with unsurpassed subtleness. It would be far too risky, for me or anyone close to me to approach it. Several degrees of separation would be required, assuming that I was unable to orchestrate a successful assassination in time.

Although...a chuckle, light and demure, escaped from my lips as the thought came to me.

“You would have greatly approved, ‘Thyta,” I murmured to myself.

I knew a few batarians who despised turians, were smart enough to get the job done, and stupid enough to take the job in the first place. Saren’s turian physiology would be his downfall, a favor to the Shadow Broker to trace Saren’s food shipments, a few proxy calls, and both Saren and his flagship would be treated to the largest explosive yields ever witnessed in galactic history.

A bit more research, to find the largest explosive yields ever recorded, had me briefly frozen in shock. I had known that humans were a foolish species, but even the krogan hadn’t made nuclear weapons with that high a yield. More than that, the original design had double the yield of the device that had been tested.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to calm and stabilize my heart rate. This would work better. Despite the fact that no species had ever made a nuclear weapon of such power, the technology and mechanical capabilities existed. It was simply a matter of organizing the engineers and technicians to make it.

Saren despised the entire human species, it seemed only fitting that the device that would end his goals and ambitions would draw inspiration from them. The Tsar Bomba was indeed an engine of destruction, but my engine would be used for something far less petty, and I would consider it a failure, if my influence failed to make a device that detonated with a yield below two hundred megatons.


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