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[center]<<Sirius Black>>[/center]

Waking up, sandwiched between two very feminine forms, was easily one of the top three ways to wake up. Thinking about how dear old mother would react, seeing Ysaria and Samesna, only made it even better. As insane as the arrival in this world was, I couldn’t say that I disliked it. That was without the fact that I wasn’t being hunted for a crime I didn’t do.

A hand trailed along my chest, making me turn my head to look at Ysaria, her dark violet skin blending in nicely with the sheets. Another hand, from Samesna, roamed a little bit lower, as the pale blue woman supported herself on her other arm.

“Up for another round?” Samesna asked, making a certain part of my anatomy wake up.

“With you fine ladies?” I asked rhetorically, a roguish grin on my face. “Absolutely.”

“Just don’t go on about that thing you were talking about last night,” Ysaria said as she sat up, the sheet falling down around her waist, leaving her full, perky breasts on full display.

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to think back past the drunken haze that last night had been. There were a bunch of things that I could think of that it might have been, but the most likely one being that time when I got to rambling about the process to become an animagus. Suppressing a shudder at the month of keeping that damn leaf under my tongue, I decided, since we would be leaving in a week or two anyway, to more or less say ‘fuck it’.

It was all but impossible to describe the Animagus Transformation to someone who wasn’t one, the words to properly convey it didn’t exist in any human language I was aware of. But the end result was the same: me, sitting on the bed in Padfoot form with two exotic beauties staring gobsmacked at me.

Both asari stared for a full three minutes, before Samesna hesitantly reached out, running a hand through my chest fur. I let my tail thump against the bed, leaning into her hand, and Ysaria soon joined in on the petting. As I enjoyed the wholesome affections from the two, I almost missed the look shared between the two of them.

They closed their eyes, before muttering in unison, “Embrace Eternity.” When their eyes opened, they were pitch black, making me blink in surprise. I felt...something, but I couldn’t describe it, as Ysaria’s hand went from my neck down to my sheathed dick, I figured that it probably wasn’t important.

I went with the flow as Samesna leaned in, bringing her head down under my belly.

[center]<<Nikhol Diomedes>>[/center]

Lana, Kara, and I watched knowingly as Bear arrived with his lovers from the night before. The delightful contrast between mother and daughter was just as plain to see today as it had been the day before, when Matriarch Benezia arrived on the planet.

“Enjoy your evening, dears?” Lana asked as Bear guided the two asari to our table.

The young one, Liara, flushed, her face turning a delightful shade of purple. Benezia maintained the straight, dignified pose common to all lifelong political figures, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Really politics was such a bore, at least in the Empire you could get away with ignoring political inconveniences with judicious application of Force based lightning.

“We did,” Bear said, answering Lana’s question as he held out chairs for both asari. “I’m pleased to say that Liara was quite happy with how last night went. I’m pretty sure that Benezia enjoyed herself as well.”

“You comported yourself well, for a non-asari,” was all that Benezia said, tapping a few buttons on the holographic pad that the table projected in front of her. There was a chime, before the pad disappeared, and she resumed her dignified poise.

Mentally, I dismissed her. She might have a great deal of political influence and biotic power, but we weren’t going to be in this galaxy long enough for her political pull to matter, and Lana would be able to deal with her should it come to a fight, let alone myself. Instead, I turned my attention to the daughter.

“Liara,” I purred, drawing her attention to me. “I was wondering if you know of any archaeological sites that are not subjected to restricted access? I would be most intrigued to see one belonging to a culture I have not experienced before. One can learn much by viewing new...approaches to the same problems, after all.”

Liara swallowed thickly, staring at me, wide eyed and blushing, “Ah, w-well...I know some...th-there are a f-few…”

She cleared her throat, taking a deep breath, and did an admirable job at composing herself. She was still clearly flustered and her blush hadn’t subsided, but she looked much more put together.

Meeting my gaze, with a hint of underlying beskar in her spine, she forced herself to say, “Unfortunately Prothean dig sites are restricted to security and the archaeologists studying the site.”

“Such a shame,” I said, putting a seductive note into the words, “perhaps we can instead spend some time...researching, together.”

Liara gave an audible swallow as she half asked, half answered, “S-s-sure?”

I smiled, standing up and walking around to her side of the table, before leaning in and cooing where her ear should be, “I look forward to it, Little Bird.”

[center]<<One Hour Later>>[/center]

A sigh, breathy and laced with pleasure, made its way from my lips, as I ran my hand over Liara’s head crest. The young asari was kneeling in front of me, padded and fur lined handcuffs holding her hands behind her back, as her mouth and tongue did their best to drink down my leaking arousal.

Bear had his fun with her last night, now it was my turn, and I was quite eager to see how good she was at pleasing a woman. For now, I let her take her time at eating me out, feeling her long tongue wiggling against my swollen clit as she worked on my inner thighs, licking up the juices that were dripping down between them. Her warm breath tickled my skin as she moved between my legs, slowly lowering herself until her face rested against my mound. She stuck her tongue out, tentatively touching my pussy with her hot wet appendage, before taking a firm grip around my swelling labia.

“Oh,” I gave a quiet moan, making sure to keep my voice down. The young thing was nervous enough, no need to make her think I was trying to get us caught. Some would say that I should have waited for us to reach the hotel room before persuading Liara. I disagreed, vehemently.

Which is why we were here, in an otherwise empty back alley, Liara on her knees before me, her face buried in my mound, eating me out. I used the hand on her head to push her further into me, letting my fingers trace the lines of her crest as I felt her tongue sliding over my sensitive flesh. Despite losing myself in the pleasure, Liara being an amazingly gifted beginner, I retained enough of my faculties to keep on guard for any potential voyeurs.

Liara didn’t seem to mind either, her head moving back and forth as her tongue did a number of amazing things to my pussy. Her eyes closed in blissful rapture as she took as much of my pussy into her mouth as she could, her tongue swirling around my clit. My breathing became heavy, the pleasure building as she sucked more and more of my juices into her mouth, and I could feel myself getting close to cumming already.

My thoughts began to wander, and I decided to change up the tempo a little bit. I grabbed Liara by the shoulders and pulled her off my sex, telling her, “Stop.”

She looked up at me in surprise and a bit of nervousness, asking me, “Am I doing something wrong?”

I shook my head, smiling at her, “No, you are doing quite well for a girl who lost her virginity last night.”

A look of relief washed over her features, and I pulled her to her feet, claiming her lips in a passionate kiss. She responded enthusiastically, her tongue curling around mine as I delved into her mouth, our tongues dancing an age old dance, one I soon dominated. It wasn’t long before we broke apart, Liara gasping for air, flushed and aroused. I released her wrists from the cuffs and stepped back, allowing Liara to bring her hands in front of her, idly rubbing at them. I made a mental note to adjust the tightness of the cuffs next time, even as she looked up at me, her bright blue eyes alight with lustful excitement.

“Are...are we going to your room?” Liara asked me, her eyes darting around nervously as she glanced up and down the alleyway.

“Not quite yet,” I purred, making sure my grip on her shoulders was strong, before spinning us around. Liara let out a quiet huff of air as her back hit the alley wall, her arms held up over her head by my hands. She gasped when I pushed my hand under the hemp of her pants, under her panties, my fingers tracing her wet, sopping, soaked slit.

“Ahhh!” Liara moaned softly as my fingers entered her, pushing past her barrier.

I chuckled, letting go of her wrists so I could softly stroke her cheek, her hands flying down to cover her mouth.

“You like that?” I teased her, giving a nip on her neck. Liara’s blush deepened and she nodded, her eyes going wide in shocked delight.

I pushed two of my fingers into her tight cunt, gliding easily inside her as I watched her body shiver under my touch. I pumped them in and out, enjoying the way she trembled with pleasure. I added a third finger, making her gasp in surprise, then a fourth, watching her face contort as she tried to stifle the sounds she was making. When I pushed in a fifth, I felt her pussy give a little spasm against my hand, and I leaned down to kiss her deeply, tasting her arousal on her lips.

I smiled smugly. Liara seemed to be having trouble holding herself together, which meant I had to make sure she came right away. I started to pull my fingers from her pussy, but she suddenly stiffened up, her legs trembling as she tried to hold onto my forearms.

“Don't stop,” she whispered hoarsely.

I wanted to tease her a little longer, but she was insistent. I decided to oblige her, continuing to pump my fingers in and out of her sweet hole.

“Ohhh…” Liara groaned, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She quickly returned to her submissive role, her head lowering as she stared at the ground. I smirked, leaning in and capturing her mouth in a kiss once again. I was going to enjoy taking the rest of the night to properly...train her.

[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I strongly suspected that Nikhol would be busy the rest of the day (and probably the evening) when she talked Liara away, and Benezia left soon after, with her business on the planet completed she had a great many other projects and demands of her time she needed to get back to. Lana and Kara had some endeavors of their own that they were interested in doing, and I soon found myself being ‘kidnapped’ by another member of the Family.

“Bear, I need your help,” Lisa said, as Cameron piloted the shuttle back to the Yamato. “I want to spend more time with Taylor, to...to...I don’t know how to say it, I just want to be around her more, but I want more than that, and I don’t know what it is that I’m even trying to say!”

I raised an eyebrow, asking, “Is there any particular kind of thing you want to do while spending time with her?”

Lisa’s answer was just enough to spark a suspicion in my mind, which was only reinforced and confirmed by the follow up questions and their answers. Which led to my conclusion as the shuttle landed.

“You want to date Taylor,” I said with a nod.

Lisa made a face, “That’s what you took from all this?”

“Alright, fair enough,” I said, giving a nod. “Court or woo would be much better words for what you’re after.”

Lisa growled at me, making me laugh as I held up my hands in surrender. Still, I pointed out, “You do remember the fact that you were there when she lost her virginity, back when this whole thing started, right? I’m pretty sure you’re approaching this in reverse order.”

“Are you going to help me or not?!” Lisa finally snapped, folding her arms around her waist and glaring to the side. The action drew my eyes to the visible baby bump that she was carrying, and I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my face.

“Of course I’ll help,” I said, doing my best to resist the urge to chuckle. Not at the fact that she was so nervous, but the fact that Lisa was approaching her baby-daddy for help dating another woman. Lisa, of course, noticed anyway. Fortunately, she also saw the source of my amusement, judging from the poorly hidden giggles that burst out of her.

We made our way to the entertainment lounge, looking through the library of music. As we searched, I spoke with Lisa, helping her plan out the date between her and Taylor. I flipped through the music library, seeing one that stood out to me, One Good Woman by Peter Cenetra, and had the computer play it.

I watched Lisa as the song played, her body swaying to the tune, and I smiled. From the looks of it, I think Lisa singing it would go over pretty well. After that, the next step was deciding on the venue, because there was shit on the current planet.

After about an hour of searching, we settled on a place in Alliance space, a garden world that would have an Alliance fleet stationed there pretty soon. We didn’t expect trouble, but I was somewhat curious about what Alliance military life was like, so I’d be able to ask questions.

Plus, any planet named Elysium had to be gorgeous.


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